Cover Page

Peter Würfel and Uli Würfel

Physics of Solar Cells

From Basic Principles to Advanced Concepts


3rd Edition




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List of Symbols

h, ћ = h/(2π) Planck's constant eVs
ћω photon energy eV
a(ћω) absorptance
r(ћω) reflectance
t(ћω) transmittance
ε(ћω) = a(ћω) emittance
α(ћω) absorption coefficient cm−1
k Boltzmann's constant eV K−1
σ Stefan–Boltzmann constant W m−2K−4
T temperature K
nj concentration of particle type j cm−3
e electron
h hole
γ photon
Γ phonon
ne, nh concentration of electrons, holes cm−3
ni intrinsic concentration of electrons and holes cm−3
NC, NV effective density of states in conduction band, valence band cm−3
εe, εh energy of an electron, hole eV
εC energy of an electron at the conduction band minimum eV
εV energy of an electron at the valence band maximum eV
μj chemical potential of particle type j eV
ηj electrochemical potential of particle type j eV
χe electron affinity eV
ϕ electrical potential V
e elementary charge As
ε0 dielectric permittivity of free space As (V m)−1
ε relative dielectric permittivity
V voltage = [ηe(x1) − ηe(x2)]/e V
εFC Fermi energy for electron distribution in conduction band eV
εFV Fermi energy for electron distribution in valence band eV
wuerfel8573f01-math-0001 effective mass of electrons, holes g
be, bh mobility of electrons, holes cm2 (Vs)−1
De, Dh diffusion coefficient of electrons, holes cm2 s−1
τe, τh recombination life time of electrons, holes s
Re, Rh recombination rate of electrons, holes cm−3s−1
Ge, Gh generation rate of electrons, holes cm−3s−1
σe, σh cross-section for the capture of an electron, hole by an impurity cm2
jj current density of particles of type j (cm2s)−1
jQ charge current density A cm−2


Mankind needs energy for a living. Besides the energy in our food necessary to sustain our body and its functions (100 W), 30 times more energy is used on average to make our life more comfortable. Electrical energy is one of the most useful forms of energy, since it can be used for almost everything. All life on earth is based on solar energy following the invention of photosynthesis by the algae. Producing electrical energy through photovoltaic energy conversion by solar cells is the human counterpart. For the first time in history, mankind is able to produce a high quality energy form from solar energy directly, without the need of the plants. Since any sustainable, i.e. long term energy supply must be based on solar energy, photovoltaic energy conversion will become indispensable in the future.

This book provides a fundamental understanding of the functioning of solar cells. The discussion of the principles is as general as possible to provide the basis for present technology and future developments as well. Energy conversion in solar cells is shown to consist of two steps. The first is the absorption of solar radiation and the production of chemical energy. This process takes place in every semiconductor. The second step is the transformation into electrical energy by generating current and voltage. This requires structures and forces to drive the electrons and holes, produced by the incident light, through the solar cell as an electric current. These forces and the structures which enable a directional charge transport are derived in detail. In the process it is shown that the electric field present in a pn junction in the dark, usually considered a prerequisite for the operation of a solar cell, is in fact more an accompanying phenomenon of a structure required for other reasons and not an essential property of a solar cell. The structure of a solar cell is much better represented by a semiconducting absorber in which the conversion of solar heat into chemical energy takes place and by two semi-permeable membranes which at one terminal transmit electrons and block holes and at the second terminal transmit holes and block electrons. The book attempts to develop the physical principles underlying the function of a solar cell as understandably and at the same time as completely as possible. With very few exceptions, all physical relationships are derived and explained in examples. This will provide the nonphysicists particularly with the background for a thorough understanding.

Emphasis is placed on a thermodynamic approach that is largely independent of existing solar cell structures. This allows a general determination of the efficiency limits for the conversion of solar heat radiation into electrical energy and also demonstrates the potential and the limits for improvement for present-day solar cells. We follow a route first taken by W. Shockley and H. J. Queisser.1

In some respects this book is more rigorous than is customary in semiconductor device physics and in solar cell physics in particular. The most obvious is that identical physical quantities will be represented by identical symbols. Current densities will be represented by j and the quantity that is transported by the current is defined by its index, as in jQ for the density of a charge current or je for the density of a current of electrons. In adhering to this principle, all particle concentrations are given the symbol n, with ne representing the concentration of electrons, nh the concentration of holes and nγ the concentration of photons. I hope that those who are used to n and p for electron and hole concentrations do not find it too difficult to adapt to a more logical notation.

The driving force for a transition from exhausting energy reserves, as we presently do, to using renewable energies, is not the exhaustion of the reserves themselves, although oil and gas reserves will not last for more than one hundred years. The exhaustion does not bother most of us, since it will occur well beyond our own lifetime. We would certainly care a lot more, if we were to live for 500 years and would have to face the consequences of our present energy use ourselves. The driving force for the transition to renewable energies is rather the harmful effect which the byproducts of using fossil and nuclear energy have on our environment. Since this is the most effective incentive for using solar energy, we start by discussing the consequences of our present energy economy and its effect on the climate. The potential of a solar energy economy to eliminate these problems fully justifies the most intensive efforts to develop and improve the photovoltaic technology for which this book tries to provide the foundation.

Peter Würfel and Uli Würfel