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Denis J. Evans, Debra J. Searles, and Stephen R. Williams


Fundamentals of Classical Statistical Thermodynamics

Dissipation, Relaxation and Fluctuation Theorems




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List of Symbols

Microscopic Dynamics
N Number of particles in the system.
fbetw-math-0001 Cartesian dimensions of the system – usually three.
D Accessible phase space domain
fbetw-math-0002 fbetw-math-0003-dimensional vector, representing the particle positions.
fbetw-math-0004 fbetw-math-0005-dimensional vector, representing the particle momenta.
fbetw-math-0006 fbetw-math-0007-dimensional phase space vector, representing all q's and p's.
fbetw-math-0008 Very small volume element of phase space centered on fbetw-math-0009.
fbetw-math-0010 Probability of observing sets of trajectories inside fbetw-math-0011 at time t.
fbetw-math-0012 Infinitesimal phase space volume centered on fbetw-math-0013.
fbetw-math-0014 Probability that the time-integrated dissipation function is plus/minus over the time interval (0,t).
fbetw-math-0015 Time reversal map fbetw-math-0016.
fbetw-math-0017 Kawasaki or K-map of phase space vector for planar Couette flow, fbetw-math-0018, where fbetw-math-0019 is the xy component of the strain rate tensor.
fbetw-math-0020 f-Liouvillean.
fbetw-math-0021 f-propagator.
fbetw-math-0022 p-Liouvillean.
fbetw-math-0023 p-propagator.
fbetw-math-0024 p-propagator.
fbetw-math-0025 Peculiar kinetic energy.
fbetw-math-0026 Interparticle potential energy.
fbetw-math-0027 Pair potential of particle i with particle j.
fbetw-math-0028 Position vector from particle i to particle j.
fbetw-math-0029 Distance between particles i and j.
fbetw-math-0030 Force on particle i due to particle j
fbetw-math-0031 fbetw-math-0032.
fbetw-math-0033 Internal energy, fbetw-math-0034.
fbetw-math-0035 Hamiltonian at phase vector fbetw-math-0036.
fbetw-math-0037 Deviation function – even in the momenta.
fbetw-math-0038 Extended Hamiltonian for Nosé–Hoover dynamics.
fbetw-math-0039 Peculiar kinetic energy of thermostatted particles fbetw-math-0040, where fbetw-math-0041 is the kinetic temperate of the thermostat. If the system is isokinetic, fbetw-math-0042 – see thermodynamic variables below.
fbetw-math-0043 Number of thermostatted particles.
fbetw-math-0044 Gaussian or Nosé–Hoover thermostat or ergostat multiplier.
fbetw-math-0045 Time constant.
fbetw-math-0046 Rate of transfer of heat to the thermostat/system of interest.
fbetw-math-0047 Phase space expansion factor.
fbetw-math-0048 Switch function.
fbetw-math-0049 Dissipative flux.
fbetw-math-0050 Dissipative external field.
m Particle mass.
fbetw-math-0051 Stability matrix.
fbetw-math-0052 Time-ordered exponential operator, latest times to left.
fbetw-math-0053 Tangent vector propagator fbetw-math-0054.
fbetw-math-0055 fbetw-math-0056 Lyapunov exponent.
fbetw-math-0057 Largest/smallest Lyapunov exponent for steady or equilibrium state.
Statistical Mechanics
fbetw-math-0058 Time average of some phase variable, fbetw-math-0059.
fbetw-math-0060 Ensemble average of A at time t, on a time-evolved path.
fbetw-math-0061 Time-dependent phase space distribution function.
fbetw-math-0062 Equilibrium microcanonical ensemble average.
fbetw-math-0063 Equilibrium canonical ensemble average,
fbetw-math-0064 Equilibrium canonical distribution.
fbetw-math-0065 Equilibrium microcanonical distribution.
fbetw-math-0066 Phase space expansion factor.
fbetw-math-0067 The instantaneous dissipation function, at time t1 on a phase space trajectory that started at phase fbetw-math-0068 and defined with respect to the distribution function at time t2. fbetw-math-0069,
fbetw-math-0070 fbetw-math-0071.
fbetw-math-0072 Three-dimensional position vector.
fbetw-math-0073 Three-dimensional local fluid streaming velocity, at Cartesian position r and time t.
fbetw-math-0074 Fine-grained Gibbs entropy, fbetw-math-0075.
Z Partition function – normalization for the equilibrium phase space distribution.
fbetw-math-0076 Canonical partition function.
fbetw-math-0077 Microcanonical partition function.
Mechanical Variables
Q Heat of thermostat.
V Volume of system of interest.
U Internal energy, fbetw-math-0078 of the system of interest.
W Work performed on system of interest.
Y Purely dissipative generalized dimensionless work.
X Generalized dimensionless work.
Thermodynamic Variables
T Equilibrium temperature the system will relax to if it is so allowed.
fbetw-math-0079 Boltzmann factor (reciprocal temperature) fbetw-math-0080.
fbetw-math-0081 Irreversible calorimetric entropy, defined by fbetw-math-0082, where fbetw-math-0083 is the instantaneous equilibrium temperature the system would relax to if it was so allowed. In Section 5.7, we show that the Gibbs entropy and the irreversible calorimetric entropy are equal, up to an additive constant.
fbetw-math-0084 The calorimetric entropy defined in classical thermodynamics as fbetw-math-0085, where T is equilibrium temperature of the system. This entropy is a state function.
A Helmholtz free energy; fbetw-math-0086.
Ane Nonequilibrium Helmholtz free energy; fbetw-math-0087. This is not a state function.
fbetw-math-0088 Total entropy production – only defined in the weak field limit close to equilibrium.
fbetw-math-0089 Zero-frequency elastic shear modulus.
fbetw-math-0090 Infinite-frequency shear modulus.
fbetw-math-0091 Strain (note: fbetw-math-0092 is sometimes used to fix the system's total momentum).
fbetw-math-0093 Small strain.
fbetw-math-0094 Strain rate.
fbetw-math-0095 xy element of the pressure tensor.
fbetw-math-0096 xy element of the ensemble averaged stress tensor.
fbetw-math-0097 Limiting zero-frequency shear viscosity of a solid.
fbetw-math-0098 Zero-frequency shear viscosity of a fluid.
fbetw-math-0099 Maxwell relaxation time.
fbetw-math-0100 Dissipative flux.
fbetw-math-0101 Wavector dependent transverse momentum density.
fbetw-math-0102 Maxwell model memory function for shear viscosity.
fbetw-math-0103 Zero-frequency shear viscosity of a Maxwell fluid.
fbetw-math-0104 Heaviside step function at t = 0.
fbetw-math-0105 For all.
fbetw-math-0106! For almost all. The exceptions have zero measure.
fbetw-math-0107 Arbitrary scaling parameter.
fbetw-math-0108 Laplace transform of fbetw-math-0109.
fbetw-math-0110 Anti-Laplace transform of fbetw-math-0111.
fbetw-math-0112 Cyclic integral of a periodic function.
fbetw-math-0113 Quasi-static integral from a to b.
fbetw-math-0114 Kaplan–Yorke dimension of a nonequilibrium steady state.

Note: Upper case subscripts/superscripts indicate people. Lower case is used in most other cases. Subscripts are preferred to superscripts so as to not confuse powers with superscripts. Italics are used for algebraic initials. Nonitalics for word initials. (e.g., T-mixing not T-mixing because T stands for Transient, N-particle not N-particle.)


DJE, DJS, and SRW would like to thank the Australian Research Council for the long-term support of the research projects that ultimately led to the writing of this book. DJE would also like to acknowledge the assistance of his many fourth-year honors, science, and mathematics students who over the last decade took his course: “The Mathematical Foundations of Statistical Thermodynamics.” The authors also wish to thank their former PhD students for their contributions to some of the material described in this book: especially, Dr Charlotte Petersen, Dr Owen Jepps, Dr James Reid, and Dr David Carberry. The first experimental verification of a fluctuation theorem was carried out in Professor Edith Sevick's laboratory at ANU with excellent technical support provided by Dr Genmaio Wang. The authors would also like to thank Professor Lamberto Rondoni who helped them understand some of the elements of ergodic theory.