

The Six Practices of High-Impact Nonprofits

Revised and Updated Edition

Leslie R. Crutchfield and Heather McLeod Grant

Foreword by J. Gregory Dees

A project of the Center for the Advancement of Social Entrepreneurship at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business


For Somerset

For Caleigh and Quinn

Foreword to the Revised and Updated Edition

Back in 2004, when Leslie Crutchfield and Heather McLeod Grant first teamed up to conduct the research for what became Forces for Good, I was excited about the project. I saw the potential for creating a popular research-based book that could help reframe the discussion of scale in the nonprofit sector, moving it away from organizational growth and replication toward a focus on broader strategies for magnifying impact on the world—which should be the goal of any nonprofit. This has been a major theme of my academic research over the past twenty years, as I’ve taught social entrepreneurship on the faculties of Duke’s, Stanford’s, and Harvard’s schools of business. And it is now a major focus of the Center for the Advancement of Social Entrepreneurship (CASE) here at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business, where I currently teach.

By sponsoring Leslie and Heather’s project and advising them on the original research, CASE had a chance to further an important agenda. The focus for any nonprofit organization that cares about improving social conditions must be on cost-effective ways to magnify its impact on the world. Sure, we need more people and more money to do this work. But more important, we need greater impact per person, per dollar—and we need resources to be directed to their highest and best use. That lesson is even more evident in today’s turbulent environment. So the opportunity to partner on the original research for this book was one that CASE could not pass up. The end result surpassed our initial expectations. Forces for Good has become an instant classic, receiving great reviews and awards. It has made major strides in reorienting the discussion of scaling toward impact, just as we had hoped. And the book has sold very well, and continues to do so.

So you might wonder: Why bother with a revised and updated edition? The authors’ answer was compelling, but it also made me nervous: they wanted to revisit the original twelve organizations to see how they were doing five years later. The first edition of this book was published in late 2007, just before one of the worst economic downturns in U.S. history, and we’re not out of the recession yet. Was now the right time to revisit these nonprofits? In tough times like these, even the best organizations can struggle.

After all, I was at McKinsey & Company in the early 1980s when two partners, Tom Peters and Bob Waterman, published the management best seller In Search of Excellence, which also became an instant classic. And I recall the awkwardness when Business Week published a cover story a few years later titled “Oops,” which showed that many of the “excellent” companies featured in the book were struggling, and no longer appeared so great.1 As I recall, there were good explanations, but to many, these just sounded defensive.

Nonetheless, even with that memory lingering in my mind, I knew that any new edition of Forces for Good would have to consider how the original twelve high-impact groups fared during the downturn. If they struggled, there would be lessons. If they thrived, again there would be lessons. Fortunately, it was the latter, as you will see in Chapter Ten. They remained strong forces for good, despite the difficult financial times. This suggests, among other things, that nonprofits which do not focus just on growth to increase their impact can be more effective in down times. It is somewhat paradoxical that an organization might actually grow more when growth per se is not the goal. The high-impact strategies of these organizations—the six practices—have served them well, even in difficult times, as Leslie and Heather highlight in Chapter Eleven.

The other reason Leslie and Heather wanted to update the first edition made more immediate sense to me. They wanted to help leaders see more clearly how to apply the six practices to their organizations, especially local and regional nonprofits that may not have the means—or the desire—to scale up. In particular, Leslie and Heather wanted to illustrate how these practices can be applied to smaller organizations that might not identify with the large national or global nonprofits profiled in the original edition. This alone seemed like a good reason to pursue additional research. And the new edition does an excellent job of illustrating this, as you will see in Chapter Twelve.

If you want to know how to apply the six practices locally or in a smaller nonprofit, then this revised and updated edition will be very helpful to you. If you want to learn more about how the twelve high-impact nonprofits featured in the first edition have fared through the Great Recession, and how they have deepened their impact, then the new material in this book will surprise and intrigue you. Even if you’ve already read the original version of Forces for Good, you will still want to read these updates. And if you have not read the original, you have in your hands a richer, deeper, and even more practical version of the book—one that will help you immensely in your work.

As much as the findings in Forces for Good have helped move the social sector conversation away from scale and toward impact, we still have much to learn about how to accelerate social change and more effectively solve the complex problems facing our world. Research continues in that arena among other academics and practitioners, including our work at CASE.2 Meanwhile, my own focus has shifted to what leaders in society (business, government, philanthropy, and so on) can do to create an external environment that allows us to yield the greatest impact from the work being done by social entrepreneurs all over the world. This includes creating a supportive policy environment, appropriate funding structures, reasonable performance measures, and more. For without the right ecosystem and infrastructure, many “forces for good” meet too much resistance. That’s why I am currently working on a new book to promote the idea of a society that maximizes the benefits of social entrepreneurship. God willing, that book will be out in 2012.

On a personal level, writing this Foreword gave me the opportunity to reflect back on the many adventures I’ve had working with Heather and Leslie over the past twenty years. I first met them when they had just graduated from Harvard and were launching Who Cares magazine—a publication about social entrepreneurs and young activists seeking positive social change. We have remained friends and colleagues ever since. Both went off to earn MBAs after their experiences at Who Cares. Heather became a student of mine at Stanford, where I was teaching at the time. Leslie went to Harvard, a few years after I had left. After business school, Leslie went to work at Ashoka, a great place to learn more about social entrepreneurship; Heather went to McKinsey & Company, a fabulous environment for honing research and analytic skills. Each developed a set of complementary strengths. So it was a real pleasure to collaborate again on the research that led to Forces for Good, and to see this revised and updated edition come to fruition. In both the original content and the new chapters, you will find great lessons that can help you become a high-impact nonprofit.

November 2, 2011

J. Gregory Dees

Center for the Advancement of Social Entrepreneurship

Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business


Part One

Introduction to the Revised and Updated Edition

What makes great nonprofits great?

That was driving question we attempted to answer as we wrote the original edition of Forces for Good: The Six Practices of High-Impact Nonprofits. Since then, the entire world has changed.

When we set out to study the twelve high-impact nonprofits featured in the first edition, it was the mid-2000s. The U.S. economy had recovered from the dot-com bust of 2001 and was humming along, fueled by consumer demand, housing price inflation, and rampant technological and social innovation. At that exuberant moment in time, the social sector was obsessed with growth, scale, and organizational effectiveness. As they ramped up their private foundations and shifted their energy to the business of catalyzing social change, new “philanthrocapitalists,” such as Bill Gates, Jeff Skoll, Pierre Omidyar, and Steve Case, were channeling funding to enterprising nonprofits.1 And more individual donors than ever were giving at record levels, fueling rapid growth in the number of nonprofits.

In short, it was a boom time for the nonprofit world. Until, suddenly, it wasn’t.

About a year after Forces for Good was released in fall 2007, the global economy ground to a halt. Lehman Brothers collapsed in September 2008; the housing bubble burst; financial markets melted down; unemployment spiked; and the U.S. economy fell into recession. Billions of dollars were ploughed into the financial sector, but nonprofits were left unmoored. In the social sector, the collapse not only affected individual people and organizations but also impacted us collectively as well. The fear is that this might be the “new normal.”

Many individuals—including the wealthy and the simply generous—have cut back on their philanthropy. Overall U.S. giving declined in 2008 for the first time in more than two decades; toward the end of 2011, a majority of U.S. nonprofits had reported decreased or flat levels of charitable gifts, and researchers were predicting mixed fundraising prospects for most nonprofits in 2012, given the unpredictable economy and rising demand for critical nonprofit programs and services.2 As foundation endowments have dropped, some funders have refocused on pressing social needs, leaving “nice to haves,” such as arts groups, to fend for themselves. Many businesses have cut back on their charitable giving, despite record corporate profits for some. Everywhere, local, state, and federal governments today are struggling to balance budgets and reduce deficits by any means necessary—and social spending is usually first on the chopping block. In short, it has been a perfect storm for nonprofits these past five years: greater needs, fewer resources. Talk about having to do more with less.

So as we approached the fifth anniversary of the first edition of Forces for Good, we were acutely aware that the last few years have been challenging for the nonprofit sector. It was against this backdrop that we decided to revisit our initial work and update it to reflect a new, more austere reality—and once again see what we might learn from some of the best nonprofits about how to survive, and even thrive, in difficult times.

Can We Thrive in Tumultuous Times?

This sense of crisis prompted us to write an update to Forces for Good. We were deeply curious to learn how these enormous economic, social, and political changes were playing out in the social sector: How were they impacting the original twelve organizations we studied? How had these trends affected smaller nonprofits struggling to do more with less in local communities? And closer to home and the point of this book, Do the six practices we uncovered still hold up in a dramatically different context?

Nothing we found caused us to reject the six practices as described in the first edition. In fact, as we have toured the country these past few years speaking to nonprofits and philanthropic groups, leading workshops, and advising organizations in the sector, our belief in the fundamental effectiveness of the six practices for scaling social impact has been reinforced. Everywhere we’ve been, we’ve seen examples of nonprofits large and small deploying some or all of the practices to increase their impact. Most important, our findings were reinforced by feedback from our readers, who told us they’d found a new language and framework to describe what some of them had been doing all along.

When we embarked on our initial research for Forces for Good, we did so with the investigative lens of organizational effectiveness and nonprofit management. We were writing in the genre of business management books like Good to Great and Built to Last, and we therefore anticipated uncovering internal management practices that caused these twelve nonprofits to be great. The counterintuitive insight we uncovered and presented in the first edition was that building a good organization was necessary, but not sufficient. In fact, the twelve high-impact nonprofits we studied were all managed quite differently and had varying cultures, wide-ranging budgets and brands, extremely diverse boards, and very few patterns around their internal operations.

What was the same across them all—and what ultimately led us to uncover the six practices—was that they focused very clearly on the outside world, on engaging all the sectors, and on influencing others to become advocates for their cause. As we expressed it then, they spent as much time focused externally on changing systems—by influencing government policies, shaping markets, building fields of practice, and nurturing social and organizational networks—as they did on their own operations. They cared less about management practices per se than they did about their ability to influence others and to build entire movements to create more lasting change.

It was a fresh way of looking at the work of nonprofits—and this framework seemed to resonate in the field. Over the past five years, we’ve observed a change in the language and mind-set of many of the nonprofits we’ve met—not just because of our work, but because others have begun to write and talk about these ideas as well. There has been a shift from the previous two decades, which were more focused on the role of individuals (social entrepreneurs) and organizations; now the focus is on larger networks, ecosystems, and collective impact. We didn’t invent the six practices—after all, advocacy, corporate partnerships, movement building, grassroots organizing, and innovation are all concepts that have been around for years—but they had perhaps not been getting as much attention. What we did was shine a spotlight on these practices and put them in context, with clear examples of how they were being used by twelve nonprofits as different pathways for scaling impact.

Many readers intuitively understood that the six practices weren’t actually about nonprofit management as much as a different approach to increasing an organization’s impact on the world, using the power of influence and movement building. They welcomed a framework that would help them shift from an organizational mind-set to a relational mind-set; from a more industrial-era model of production, where the nonprofit produces goods and services for customers, to a network model, where the nonprofit’s raison d’être is to catalyze social change by inspiring action in others. Although this model is most relevant for social change organizations that aspire to lasting impact, rather than pure charities such as schools, hospitals, or churches, it speaks to many nonprofits in our sector.

The difference is subtle, but important. And it has real implications for how we define success in the social sector: Is success about building an efficient and effective organization to meet immediate short-term needs—or it is about achieving the mission and sustaining significant impact over the long term? Most nonprofits say it is about the latter, but many of them primarily act in pursuit of the former. Ultimately it’s “both-and”: it is important to have effective and efficient nonprofits, not as ends in themselves, but as means to achieving social impact; and it’s important to meet short-term needs, even as we aspire to longer-term social change. And that view is becoming more widespread in our sector. It’s as if the best thinking about social movements and advocacy from the 1960s and 1970s is being combined with what we’ve learned in the 1980s and 1990s about building strong organizations—and now taken to a new level with the addition of systems thinking, online tools, and new understanding about networks and collective action.

Nonprofit leaders increasingly realize that their real power lies in the ability to build platforms for connections; to share ideas and information; to influence others to spread innovative models; to connect the dots across issues, industries, and sectors even as they provide services for their clients and help meet immediate needs. This is the power of what the Monitor Institute (where Heather now works) refers to as working with and through networks—or networked approaches to social change. To achieve the highest levels of impact, the best nonprofits and funders realize they can’t act unilaterally, but instead must collaborate and leverage the power of individual and organizational networks. They can enhance relationships with their nonprofit peers as well as with other actors—engaging private and governmental entities, and mobilizing individual citizens—so that they can align action to solve at the scale of the problem.

To put it another way, success is found when nonprofits strive to create collective impact rather than work in isolation focused only on shoring up their own organizations—a concept that Leslie and her FSG colleagues John Kania and Mark Kramer wrote about in their book, Do More Than Give: The Six Practices of Donors Who Change the World (which builds on the best practices articulated in Forces for Good and draws on Kania and Kramer’s Stanford Social Innovation Review article).3 Collective impact requires organizations to adopt a systemic approach to social change, one in which nonprofits, governments, businesses, and the public come together around a common agenda and use shared metrics to track progress. The focus of collective impact is on the relationships between the organizations and their progress toward shared objectives. The point is that organizations aiming to solve some of the complex problems facing our world shouldn’t dwell only on scaling up or spreading any single social innovation; the best organizations are networked nonprofits that drive collective impact and thus are able to achieve greater results than any one player could achieve alone.

Indeed, in our more recent work as advisers and consultants in the social sector, both of us have focused on this theme, exploring what it means for nonprofit and philanthropic leaders to collaborate more effectively to achieve results. What does it take to fundamentally change systems? What does it mean to focus on scaling impact rather than just on scaling a program or an organization? And perhaps most important, how can smaller, local nonprofits maximize their effectiveness in this networked world, given that they receive the lion’s share of resources and collectively touch more lives than any single national nonprofit?

After all, according to a study by the Urban Institute, more than 80 percent of all American charities operate on less than $1 million annually.4 For every one of the large nonprofits featured in our initial research, there are literally hundreds of thousands of organizations that are serving local communities and aspiring to have outsized impact with fewer resources. Although our initial research looked at how nonprofits can scale their social impact, by the time we studied the twelve high-impact groups, most were between twenty and thirty years old and operating on very substantial budgets, averaging around $40 million. (One of our selection criteria was that they had to have national or international scale of impact.) This was a far cry from the reality facing many local organizations trying to have deep impact in one place. In sum, as we prepared to write this revised and updated edition, what we wanted to know was, How are the six practices applied in a different economic context, and how are they being applied by smaller nonprofits?

We followed two parallel tracks to answer these questions. First, we contacted each of the original twelve high-impact nonprofits, interviewed all but one of their CEOs, and spoke with other senior leaders in select cases, to understand what had changed, how these groups had adapted to the new economic reality, and what, if anything, they were doing differently in applying the six practices. Second, we searched for leading examples of local or smaller nonprofits that were using one or more of the practices to deepen their community impact, and we studied them as well. What we found might surprise you—as it did us.

What’s New in This Edition

This edition includes three completely new chapters based on new research, and a diagnostic tool to help leaders of organizations of all types, sizes, and ages understand their starting point and strengthen their application of the six practices. In addition, we have restructured the book to clarify the purposes of the different parts.

Part One includes this new Introduction, which reflects the more recent context for our work—a time of economic austerity. It also includes the original Introduction from 2007, which has been updated for accuracy, but still reflects the context at the time of our initial research—a period of economic growth and expansion for nonprofits and philanthropy.

Part Two describes our original findings in detail, exploring each of the six practices of high-impact nonprofits. (These chapters reflect our initial research, which concluded in 2006.) It also includes the two original chapters focused on how to implement and sustain the six practices.

Part Three includes several completely new chapters, in which we present our most recent research to show how the six practices have been employed by the original twelve high-impact nonprofits to both widen and deepen impact in the social sector; we also examine how local and smaller organizations use the six practices to achieve greater impact in one geographical region or issue area. Part Four includes all our appendixes and research data—details about our methodology for the original research as well as this updated edition—and original “front matter” to the first edition; it also includes our author bios and acknowledgments. If you’re already familiar with Forces for Good, you may want to turn immediately to Part Three after reading this new Introduction.

Chapter Ten tackles our first new research question: How did our original twelve high-impact nonprofits survive the Great Recession? The most striking and surprising trend we uncovered when we reached out to these twelve groups was that most of them had grown in the past five years, even as they continued to scale their impact. The news was heartening. It affirmed that these were truly extraordinary organizations, not just groups that got lucky during a boom time. In this chapter, you’ll learn just how these nonprofits managed to thrive during a downturn, and additional lessons you can apply to your organization.

Chapter Eleven revisits the original twelve nonprofits through the lens of the six practices we uncovered in the first edition. How have these groups continued to apply the six practices as levers for increasing impact—and what else have they learned along the way? Are all the practices relevant during a downturn, or are some more important than others? We share new stories and examples of how the original twelve nonprofits have continued to apply the six practices with remarkable success.

Then in Chapter Twelve we reveal what we learned from our recent research on local and smaller nonprofits. After all, the nonprofits we examined for the first edition were national in scale and scope, but they represent a very small percentage of the whole sector. Our big finding was that local and smaller groups can use some or all of the practices to great effect, and we share their lessons here.

In Chapter Thirteen, we offer a simple diagnostic tool to help nonprofits of all sizes and stripes understand their current organizational capabilities and how they can begin to apply the six practices. This tool was developed in collaboration with leaders of nonprofits large and small, as we prepared materials for workshops and conferences.

In Part Four, Appendixes A through D give more detail on our research methods and sources for the first edition. Appendix E provides updated profiles of the original twelve nonprofits, reflecting current data as a supplement to the moment-in-time data presented in the original chapters on the six practices. Appendix F describes our research methodology and sources for the new material. We’ve also moved the original Preface from the first edition back here (Appendix G); it felt more specific to the moment in time when we first wrote this book.

We Can’t Afford to Wait

Ultimately, we hope this new edition will help nonprofits cross the chasm between the current scale of our solutions and the increasing complexity of social and environmental problems. At times it feels as though these problems are growing faster than our ability to solve them—and, in fact, sometimes they are. Issues of global population explosion, extreme poverty, climate change, failing or nonexistent health care, pandemics, archaic K–12 education, volatile economies that create greater rich-poor divides—all are increasingly interconnected, complex, and systemic. And we are realizing that attempting to solve these problems through the efforts of any single organization or social entrepreneur acting alone is a fool’s errand. Although we need innovative models, entrepreneurial individuals, and courageous leadership—and although we rely on strong and healthy organizations to provide critical services—we also need these isolated actors to work in more aligned ways and influence larger systems in order to make lasting collective impact.5

So what are you waiting for? Once again, we hope this book will serve both as a rallying cry and as a map into this unknown territory. Whether you’re picking it up for the first time and just discovering the six practices, or revisiting them through new stories; or whether you’re working globally, locally, or somewhere in between—we hope you find something in here to inspire you to become a greater force for good.
