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Ernst O. Göbel and Uwe Siegner

Quantum Metrology: Foundation of Units and Measurements



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Measurements with ever-increasing precision and reliability are the fundamental basis of science and indispensable for progress in science, economy, and society. To ensure worldwide comparability of measurements, the Meter Convention was signed by 17 states in 1875 and its organs, the General Conference on Weights and Measures (Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures, CGPM), the International Committee for Weights and Measures (Comité International des Poids et Mesures, CIPM), and the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (Bureau International des Poids et Mesures, BIPM), were established.

As of today, the Meter Convention counts 96 member states or associated states, includes 95 National Metrology Institutes and 150 Designated Institutes along with four international organizations, and, thus, represents not less than 97.6% of the total world economic power. Therefore, the International System of Units (Système International d'Unités), the SI, put in place by the 11th CGPM in 1960 as the basis for any measurement of any relevant quantity, provides a worldwide harmonized measurement and quality infrastructure enabling and fostering international trade around the globe.

The SI and its defined units, however, are not static but evolve as measurements are becoming more and more demanding and as science and technology proceeds. The remarkable progress in science, in particular in the area of laser physics, quantum optics, solid-state physics, and nanotechnology, has now paved the way for an upcoming fundamental revision of the SI. In the future, all SI units will be based on seven “defining constants,” among them are fundamental constants of nature like Planck's constant, the speed of light, or the charge of the electron, and, thus, will be independent of space and time with a relative accuracy below 10−16 according to state-of-the-art experiments.

The present book explains and illustrates the physics and technology behind these new SI definitions and their realization as well as their impact on measurements based on quantum physics phenomena. The book thus is essential, timely, and indeed urgently needed to communicate the envisaged revision of the SI and its consequences to the broad scientific community and other interested readership, including lecturers and teachers.

The authors are well qualified for this undertaking. Both have a long experience in metrology: Ernst Göbel has been the president of the PTB, the National Metrology Institute of Germany, for more than 16 years. He had been a member of the CIPM for more than 15 years and its president from 2004 to 2010. Uwe Siegner joined the PTB in 1999, working on metrological applications of femtosecond laser technology and on electrical quantum metrology. He is the head of the electricity division of the PTB since 2009. Both authors are experienced university lecturers, and in fact, the book is based on lectures given at the Technical University of Braunschweig.

I have studied the book with great interest and pleasure, and I wish the same to a broad readership.


November 2014

Prof. Dr. Joachim Ullrich,
President of PTB,
Vice President of CIPM,
President of the Consultative Committee for Units (CCU)


The concept of some indivisible discrete single particles that are the basic building blocks of all matter goes back to philosophers many centuries BC. In particular, the Greek philosopher Demokrit and his students specified the idea of atoms (from the Greek àtomos) as the base elements of all matter.

These concepts found support in natural science beginning in the eighteenth century. This was particularly driven by chemistry (e.g., A. Lavoisier, J. Dalton, and D. Mendeleev), kinetic gas theory (e.g., J. Loschmidt and A. Avogadro), and statistical physics (e.g., J. Stefan, L. Boltzmann, and A. Einstein).

The discovery of the electron by J.J. Thomson (1897) and the results of the scattering experiments by J. Rutherford and his coworkers (1909) opened a new era in physics, based on their conclusions that atoms are not indivisible but instead composite species. In the atomic model developed by N. Bohr in 1913, the atom consists of electrons carrying a negative elementary charge (−e) and a tiny nucleus which carries almost all the mass of an atom composed of positively charged (+e) protons and electrically neutral neutrons. In Bohr's model, the electrons in an atom can only occupy discrete energy levels, consistent with the experimental findings of atom spectroscopy.

In the standard model of modern particle physics, electrons are in fact elementary particles belonging to the group of leptons. Protons and neutrons are composite particles composed of fractionally charged elementary particles, named quarks, which are bound together by the strong force.

In the last 50 years or so, scientists have learned to handle single quantum objects, for example, atoms, ions, electrons, and Cooper pairs, not least due to the tremendous progress in laser physics and nanotechnology. This progress has also laid the base for what we call “quantum metrology.” The paradigm of quantum metrology is to base measurements on the counting of discrete quanta (e.g., charge or magnetic flux quanta). In contrast, in classical metrology, the values of continuous variables are determined. Proceeding from classical to quantum metrology, the measurement of real numbers is replaced by counting of integers.

The progress in quantum metrology has also stimulated the discussion about a revision of the present International System of Units (Système International d'Unités), the SI. In particular, quantum metrology allows for a new definition of the base units of the SI in terms of constants of nature. This envisaged new definition of the SI as well as future possible revisions have actually set the frame of the present book.

The discrete nature of a physical system is sometimes obvious, for example, when considering microwave or optical transitions between discrete energy states in atoms or ions. The discrete quantum character of solid-state systems is less obvious because their single-particle energy spectra are quasicontinuous energy bands. Discrete quantum entities can then result from collective effects called macroscopic quantum effects.

The paradigm of quantum metrology becomes particularly obvious when the proposed new definition of the electrical units (ampere, volt, and ohm) is considered. We therefore give a more comprehensive description of the underlying solid-state physics and the relevant macroscopic quantum effects. For example, we partly summarize the textbook knowledge and deduce results starting from general principles in Chapter 4 where we introduce superconductivity, the Josephson effect, and quantum interference phenomena in superconductors.

This book addresses advanced students, research workers, scientists, practitioners, and professionals in the field of modern metrology as well as a general readership interested in the foundations of the forthcoming new SI definition. However, we consider this book as an overview which shall not cover all subjects in the same detail as it covers the electrical units. For further reading, we shall refer to the respective literature.

This book would not have been possible without the support of many colleagues and friends. We would like to especially mention Stephen Cundiff (JILA, now University of Michigan) and Wolfgang Elsäßer (University of Darmstadt) as well as our PTB colleagues Franz Ahlers, Peter Becker, Ralf Behr, Joachim Fischer, Frank Hohls, Oliver Kieler, Johannes Kohlmann, Stefan Kück, Ekkehard Peik, Klaus Pierz, Hansjörg Scherer, Piet Schmidt, Sibylle Sievers, Lutz Trahms, and Robert Wynands. We are also grateful for the technical support provided by Alberto Parra del Riego and Jens Simon. We further acknowledge the support of the present and former Wiley-VCH staff members, in particular Valerie Moliere, Anja Tschörtner, Heike Nöthe, and Andreas Sendtko.


April 2015

Ernst Göbel and Uwe Siegner

List of Abbreviations

2DEGtwo-dimensional electron gas
AGTacoustic gas thermometer/thermometry
AISTNational Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (National Metrology Institute of Japan)
APDavalanche photo diode
BIPMInternational Bureau for Weights and Measures (Bureau International des Poids et Mesures)
CBTCoulomb blockade thermometer/thermometry
CCCcryogenic current comparator
CCLConsultative Committee for Length
CCMConsultative Committee for Mass
CCTConsultative Committee for Temperature
CCUConsultative Committee for Units
CERNEuropean Organization for Nuclear Science
CGPMGeneral Conference on Weights and Measures (Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures)
CIPMInternational Committee for Weights and Measures (Comité International des Poids et Mesures)
CODATAInternational Council for Science: Committee on Data for Science and Technology
CVGTconstant volume gas thermometer/thermometry
DBTDoppler broadening thermometer/thermometry
DCGTdielectric constant gas thermometer/thermometry
EEPEinstein's equivalence principle
FQHEfractional quantum Hall effect
GUMGuide to the Expression of Uncertainty in Measurements
HEMThigh electron mobility transistor
IDMSisotope dilution mass spectroscopy
INRIMNational Institute of Metrology of Italy (Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologia)
ISOInternational Organization for Standards
ITSInternational temperature scale
JNTJohnson noise thermometer/thermometry
KRISSKorea Research Institute of Standards and Science
LEDlight-emitting diode
LNEFrench Metrology Institute (Laboratoire national de métrologie et d'essais
MBEmolecular beam epitaxy
METASFederal Institute of Metrology, Switzerland
MOCVDmetalorganic chemical vapor deposition
MODFETmodulation-doped field-effect transistor
MOSFETmetal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistor
MOTmagneto-optical trap
MOVPEmetalorganic vapor phase epitaxy
MSLMeasurement Standards Laboratory of New Zealand
NIMNational Institute of Metrology (National Metrology Institute of China)
NININnormal metal/insulator/normal metal/insulator/normal metal
NISTNational Institute of Standards and Technology (National Metrology Institute of the United States)
NMRnuclear magnetic resonance
NPLNational Physical Laboratory (National Metrology Institute of the United Kingdom)
NRCNational Research Council, Canada
PMTphotomultiplier tube
PTBPhysikalisch–Technische Bundesanstalt (National Metrology Institute of Germany)
QEDquantum electrodynamics
QHEquantum Hall effect
QMTquantum metrology triangle
QVNSquantized voltage noise source
RCSJresistively–capacitively shunted junction
RHEEDreflection high-energy electron diffraction
RIGTrefractive index gas thermometer/thermometry
RTradiation thermometry
SEMscanning electron microscope/microscopy
SETsingle-electron transport
SIInternational System of Units (Système International d'Unités)
SINISsuperconductor/insulator/normal metal/insulator/superconductor
SNSsuperconductor/normal metal/superconductor
SPADsingle-photon avalanche diode
SQUIDsuperconducting quantum interference device
TEStransition-edge sensor
TEMtransmission electron microscope/microscopy
TPWtriple point of water
UTCcoordinated universal time
XRCDX-ray crystal density
YBCOyttrium barium copper oxide


Metrology is the science of measurement including all theoretical and experimental aspects, in particular the experimental and theoretical investigation of the uncertainty of measurement results. According to Nobel Prize winner J. Hall, “metrology truly is the mother of science” [1].

Metrology, actually, is almost as old as mankind. As men began to exchange goods, they had to agree on commonly accepted standards as a base for their trade. And indeed, many of the ancient cultures like China, India, Egypt, Greece, and the Roman Empire had a highly developed measurement infrastructure. Examples are the Nippur cubit from the third millennium BCE found in the ruins of a temple in Mesopotamian and now exhibited in the archeology museum in Istanbul and the famous Egyptian royal cubit as the base length unit for the construction of the pyramids. Yet, the culture of metrology got lost during the Middle Ages when many different standards were in use. In Germany, for instance, at the end of the eighteenth century, 50 different standards for mass and more than 30 standards for length were used in different parts of the country. This of course had been a barrier to trade and favored abuse and fraud. It was then during the French revolution that the French Académie des Sciences took the initiative to define standards independent of the measures taken from the limbs of royal representatives. Instead, their intent was to base the standards on stable quantities of nature available for everyone at all times. Consequently, in 1799, the standard for length was defined as one 10 million part of the quadrant of the earth, and a platinum bar was fabricated to represent this standard (Mètre des Archives). Subsequently, the kilogram, the standard of mass, was defined as the mass of one cubic decimeter of pure water at the temperature of its highest density at 3.98 °C. This can be seen as the birth of the metric system which, however, at that time was not generally accepted through Europe or even in France. It was only with the signature of the Meter Convention in 1875 by 17 signatory countries that the metric system based on the meter and the kilogram found wider acceptance [2]. At the time of this writing, the Meter Convention has been signed by 55 states with another 41 states being associated with the General Conference on Weights and Measures (Conférence Générale des Poids et Mesures, CGPM). At the General Conferences, following the first one in 1889, the system of units was continuously extended. Finally, at the 11th CGPM in 1960, the present SI (Système International d'Unités) (see Section 2.2) with the kilogram, second, meter, ampere, kelvin, and candela as base units was defined. The mole, unit of amount of substance, was added at the 14th CGPM in 1971. Within the SI, the definition of some of the units has been adopted according to progress in science and technology; for example, the meter was defined in 1960 on the basis of the wavelength of a specific emission line of the noble gas krypton. But then, in 1983, it was replaced by the distance light travels in a given time and by assigning a fixed value to the speed of light in vacuum. Likewise, the second, originally defined as the ephemeris second, was changed by the 13th CGPM and defined via an electronic transition in the Cs isotope 133. Thus, today, the meter and the second are defined by constants of nature. At present, efforts to newly define the system of all units shall be based on constants of nature [3–7]. In fact, in this context, single quanta physics has a decisive role as will be outlined in this book.

We shall begin with introducing some basic principles of metrology in Chapter 2. We start in Section 2.1 by repeating some basic facts related to measurement and will discuss in particular the limitations for measurement uncertainty. The SI, in its present form, is summarized in Section 2.2 together with the proposed new definitions.

Chapter 3 is entitled laser cooling, atom clocks, and the second. Here, we describe the realization of the present definition of the second based on the hyperfine transition in the ground state of 133Cs employing laser-cooled atoms. We further describe recent developments of the so-called optical clocks, which have the potential for higher accuracy and stability than the present microwave clocks and will definitely lead to a revised definition of the second in the foreseeable future.

Chapter 4 is devoted to superconductivity and its utilization in metrology. Because of its prominent role for electrical metrology, we give an introduction to superconductivity, the Josephson effect, magnetic flux quantization, and quantum interference. By means of the Josephson effect, the volt (the unit for the electrical potential difference) is traced back to the Planck constant and the electron charge as realized in today's most precise voltage standards. Magnetic flux quantization and quantum interference allow the realization of quantum magnetometers (superconducting quantum interference devices) with unprecedented resolution and precision.

The underlying solid-state physics and the metrological application of the quantum Hall effect are discussed in Chapter 5. In Chapter 6, we describe the physics of single-electron transport devices and their potential for realizing the unit of electrical current, the ampere. The ampere is then traced back to the charge of the electron and frequency. Finally, the so-called metrological triangle experiment will be described.

Chapter 7 is then devoted to the envisaged new definition of the kilogram based on the Planck constant. In particular, we will present the watt balance and the silicon single crystal experiment for a precise determination of the Planck constant and the realization of the newly defined kilogram.

The envisaged new definition of the kelvin and various experiments to determine precisely the value of the Boltzmann constant are discussed in Chapter 8.

In Chapter 9, finally, we take an even further look into the future of the SI when we discuss the prospect of single-photon emitters for a possible new definition of radiometric and photometric quantities, for example, for (spectral) irradiance and luminous intensity.


  1. 1. Hall, J. (2011) Learning from the time and length redefinition, and the metre demotion. Philos. Trans. R. Soc. A, 369, 4090–4108.
  2. 2. for a review on the development of modern metrology see e.g.: Quinn, T. and Kovalevsky, J. (2005) The development of modern metrology and its role today. Philos. R. Soc. Trans. A, 363, 2307–2327.
  3. 3. Discussion Meeting issue “The new SI based on fundamental constants”, organized by Quinn, T. (2011) Philos. Trans. R. Soc. A, 369, 3903–4142.
  4. 4. Mills, I.M., Mohr, P.J., Quinn, T.J., Taylor, B.N., and Williams, E.R. (2006) Redefinition of the kilogram, ampere, kelvin and mole: a proposed approach to implementing CIPM recommendation 1 (CI-2005). Metrologia, 43, 227–246.
  5. 5. Flowers, J. and Petley, B. (2004) in Astrophysics, Clocks and Fundamental Constants (eds S.G. Karshenboim and E. Peik), Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 75–93.
  6. 6. Okun, L.B. (2004) in Astrophysics, Clocks and Fundamental Constants (eds S.G. Karshenboim and E. Peik), Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 57–74.
  7. 7. Leblond, J.-M. (1979) in Problems in the Foundations of Physics; Proceedings of the International School of Physics “Enrico Fermi” Course LXXXII (ed. G. Lévy Toraldo di Francia), North Holland, Amsterdam, p. 237.