Cover: 1, 2 Peter and Jude Through the Centuries, 1 by Rebecca Skaggs

Wiley Blackwell Bible Commentaries

Series Editors: John Sawyer, Christopher Rowland, Judith Kovacs, David M. Gunn

Editorial Board: Ian Boxall, Andrew Mein, Lena‐Sofia Tiemeyer

John Through the Centuries
Mark Edwards

Revelation Through the Centuries
Judith Kovacs and Christopher


Judges Through the Centuries
David M. Gunn

Exodus Through the Centuries
Scott M. Langston

Ecclesiastes Through the Centuries
Eric S. Christianson

Esther Through the Centuries
Jo Carruthers

Psalms Through the Centuries: Volume I
Susan Gillingham

Galatians Through the Centuries
John Riches

Pastoral Epistles Through the

Jay Twomey

1 & 2 Thessalonians Through the Centuries
Anthony C. Thiselton

Six Minor Prophets Through the Centuries
Richard Coggins and Jin H. Han

Lamentations Through the Centuries
Paul M. Joyce and Diana Lipton

James Through the Centuries
David Gowler

The Acts of the Apostles

Through the Centuries
Heidi J. Hornik and Mikeal C. Parsons

Chronicles Through the Centuries
Blaire French

Isaiah Through the Centuries
John F.A. Sawyer

Psalms Through the Centuries: Volume II
Susan Gillingham

Matthew Through the Centuries
Ian Boxall

1, 2 Peter and Jude Through the Centuries
Rebecca Skaggs

1, 2 Peter and JudeThrough the Centuries

Rebecca Skaggs

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As with any major project this book could not have been written without the support and encouragement of many colleagues, friends, and family. First, I would like to thank Chris Rowland and Judith Kovaks for the opportunity to participate in the Wiley Blackwell project by contributing the volume on 1, 2 Peter and Jude. Chris, I thank you especially for your kind and patient guidance through the entire writing process – noting where something could go further or sometimes even in a more productive direction. Your insights have been invaluable as I sometime struggled through difficult topics. Thank you to the editing staff, particularly Mohan Jayachandran for your guidance through the rigors of the editing process with its technological challenges and confusions. Your patience is indeed a gift – thanks for sharing it with me. Juliet Booker, your kind words of encouragement came always at exactly the right time … thank you! Shyamala Venkateswaran you worked so kindly with me through the final processes of proofreading, queries, final formats, etc. Your patience has been invaluable; bless you for keeping me informed as to possible delays, deadlines, etc.

Thank you to Patten University (where I taught for almost 40 years), for their financial support at the beginning of this project; in spite of experiencing their own crisis, they kept me on the payroll for several years, which allowed me to focus on this research. My church community also provided encouragement and moral support with their prayers and encouraging words.

Thank you also to the Library staff at the Graduate Theological Union Library in Berkeley, Ca., particularly Naw San Dee: you always responded to my queries about remote sources with patience and efficiency … I wouldn’t have made it without your support.

There is no way to convey the deep gratitude to all of my dear friends and colleagues who encouraged me with everything from dynamic discussions and debates to personally supportive meals and outings. I want to particularly thank my colleague and friend, Dr. Hannah Harrington, for her support and encouragement through this project.

All of this began with my mother, who instilled in me the delight in studying scripture, and my twin sister who shared my life and academic journey. She was a living example of Peter’s words about grace in suffering as she battled cancer during the time when I first began working on 1 Peter. Both have gone on but they left a lasting effect on my life and work.

I want to express special gratitude to my friend and colleague Father Thomas Doyle (Metanoia Ministries, El Cerrito, Ca.) who regularly took time from his own ministry to “chew on” theories, the early church fathers, and various theological positions. He did some valuable editing on 1 Peter until his health precluded further work. I will always cherish not only what I learned from him about editing, but what I learned about friendship and the joys of collaboration. I also want to thank my husband’s nephew Tyson Frederick, a technological “whiz” who patiently introduced me to the technology I needed to prepare my manuscript and to obtain things such as high resolution images for the art I wanted to include. Tyson, you saved me countless hours, thank you! Thank you also, Charmaine (my lovely niece) who took time from her busy life to answer my desperate calls for help with some computer glitch. Thomas Moncher, I do not know what I would have done without your help on various computer issues – you make all of it seem so simple. I also want to express thanks to Victor Rojas, a former student and now owner of his own computer business … you rescued me from two major computer catastrophes … words cannot express my gratitude.

I also want to express thanks to my husband, John Skaggs, a wonderful artist and my best friend who gladly explored with me the art in my project, providing insightful information particularly on art history and art as exegesis. Chapters 3, 6, and 7 are the results of your expertise and our collaboration (see his website at Thanks too for sharing those long hours on our vacation which finalized my manuscript and created your chart that adds so much to my project.

Finally, to all of my students through the last almost 40 years, thank you for all the joy you brought as I watched you grow in your study of the New Testament, its language, history, and some use of critical methodology. Many of you have gone on in Academia and/or ministry – God bless you. I truly cherish the memories we share. To you I dedicate this volume.


Anchor Bible Commentary
Ancient Christian Commentary on Scripture: James, 1‐2 Peter, 1‐3 John, Jude
Ancient Christian Writers
The Amplified Bible
Ante‐Nicene Fathers. 10 vols.
Tertullian, Apologetic and Practical Treatises.
St. Athanasius. The Resurrection Letters.
American Standard Version
Christian Classics Ethereal Library: Church fathers, commentaries, sermons, and hymns
Catena in Epistolas Catholicas
Common English Version
Commentaries of Isho’dad of Merv
Cisterian Studies
Classics of Western Spirituality: A Library of the Great Spiritual Masters
English Revised Version
Expanded Bible
Fathers of the Church: A New Translation, 1947
Forschungen zur Geschichte des Neutestamentlichen Kanons und der altkirklichen Literature
Ecclesiastical History, Eusebius
Homilies on the Gospels, Bede the Venerable
Internet Classics Archive:
New Century Version of the Bible
The Library of Christian Classics. 26 vols
Loeb Classical Library.
Logos Virtual Library
New American Standard Bible
New Living Testament
On First Principles Origen
Patristic Citations
Patrologiae Graeca. 166 vols. J.P. Migne, ed. Paris: Migne, 1857–1886
Patrologiae Latina 221 vols. J.P Migne, ed. Paris, Migne, 1844–64
PL Supp.
Patrologiae Latinae Supplementum. A. Hamman, ed. Paris: Migne, 1958–
Revised Standard Version
Society for the Promotion of Knowledge
Summa Theologica, Thomas Aquinas
ST FP Q [1] A [1]
Summa Theologica, First Part, Question 1, Answer 1
Summa Theologica, First Part of the Second Part
Summa Theologica, Second Part of the Second Part
Summa Theologica, Third Part
XP [sup. TP]
Supplement to Summa Theologica, Third Part
Theological Dictionary of the New Testament, 10 vols. G. Kittle, et al., eds. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, 1964
Bede the Venerable. On the Tabernacle. Trans. A.G. Holden. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 1994
J.E. Rotelle, ed. Works of St. Augustine: A Translation for the Twenty‐First Century. Hyde Park, NY: New York City Press, 1995
Wissenshaftliche Untersuchungen zum Neuen Testament