Organosilicon Chemistry: Novel Approaches and Reactions, by Tamejiro Hiyama

Organosilicon Chemistry

Novel Approaches and Reactions

Edited by

Tamejiro Hiyama
Martin Oestreich

Wiley Logo


When I was a student, sixty years ago, there was essentially no silicon chemistry in our course. We were perhaps lucky to hear about silicone in the first year, but only because our lecturer was F. S. Kipping's son, Barry. Had we had any industrial chemistry, we might have learned of the 'direct' synthesis of dichlorodimethylsilane, and been introduced to catalytic hydrosilylation. At some stage someone must have mentioned tetramethylsilane. Today it would be a deficient undergraduate course that didn't mention these topics and some at least of the many more aspects of organosilicon chemistry that have sprung up in the meantime. This book is a testament to how different the subject is today.

October 2018

Ian Fleming

University of Cambridge