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Polity’s Why It Matters series

In these short and lively books, world-leading thinkers make the case for the importance of their subjects and aim to inspire a new generation of students.

Lynn Hunt, History
Tim Ingold, Anthropology
Neville Morley, Classics
Alexander B. Murphy, Geography
Geoffrey K. Pullum, Linguistics


Why It Matters

Alexander B. Murphy

R. Taggart Murphy
my brother, life-long supporter, and friend,
who has always encouraged me to think more deeply
about the world around us


The ideas set forth in this book first took root when I chaired a US National Research Council study outlining strategic directions for the geographical sciences. I am grateful to the other participants in that study for the many ideas and insights that made their way into the study report and into this book. A residency fellowship several years ago at the Rockefeller Foundation’s Bellagio Center gave me the opportunity to develop my thinking about geography’s significance, and a return engagement in the summer of 2017 gave me the time to put together a first draft of this manuscript. On both occasions I benefited from the ideas and insights of my fellow Bellagio residents. It is no exaggeration to say that support from the Rockefeller Foundation was crucial to the completion of the project.

I am also grateful to many geography colleagues and students at the University of Oregon and beyond who shared ideas and suggestions. I am particularly indebted to Patrick Bartlein, Eve Vogel, Mark Fonstad, Jerilynn “M” Jackson, Daniel Gavin, Leslie McLees, Anna Moore, Craig Colton, Diana Liverman, Carlos Nobre, and David Kaplan. Dean Olson served as my research assistant as I finished up the manuscript; his input and help with research and figures were invaluable. I also thank my sister, Caroline Murphy, and my brother (to whom the book is dedicated) for insightful feedback on portions of the book.

The manuscript benefited greatly from the comments of two anonymous reviewers and from the helpful input of my editor, Pascal Porcheron. Finally, Susan Gary has been at my side throughout my work on this book and so much else through the years. My debt to her is beyond words.