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Sociology of Health and Illness Monograph Series

Edited by Professor Ian Rees Jones
Cardiff University
38 Park Place
CF10 3BB
Wales, UK

Current titles

Materialities of Care: Encountering Health and Illness Through Artefacts and Architecture (2018)
edited by Christina Buse, Daryl Martin and Sarah Nettleton

Ageing, Dementia and the Social Mind (2017)
edited by Paul Higgs and Chris Gilleard

The Sociology of Healthcare Safety and Quality (2016)
edited by Davina Allen, Jeffrey Braithwaite, Jane Sandall and Justin Waring

Children, Health and Well-being: Policy Debates and Lived Experience (2015)
edited by Geraldine Brady, Pam Lowe and Sonja Olin Lauritzen

From Health Behaviours to Health Practices: Critical Perspectives (2014)
edited by Simon Cohn

Pandemics and Emerging Infectious Diseases: The Sociological Agenda (2013)
edited by Robert Dingwall, Lily M Hoffman and Karen Staniland

The Sociology of Medical Screening: Critical Perspectives, New Directions (2012)
edited by Natalie Armstrong and Helen Eborall

Body Work in Health and Social Care: Critical Themes, New Agendas (2011)
edited by Julia Twigg, Carol Wolkowitz, Rachel Lara Cohen and Sarah Nettleton

Technogenarians: Studying Health and Illness Through an Ageing, Science, and Technology Lens (2010)
edited by Kelly Joyce and Meika Loe

Communication in Healthcare Settings: Policy, Participation and New Technologies (2009)
edited by Alison Pilnick, Jon Hindmarsh and Virginia Teas Gill

Pharmaceuticals and Society: Critical Discourses and Debates (2009)
edited by Simon J. Williams, Jonathan Gabe and Peter Davis

Ethnicity, Health and Health Care: Understanding Diversity, Tackling Disadvantage (2008)
edited by Waqar I. U. Ahmad and Hannah Bradby

The View From Here: Bioethics and the Social Sciences (2007)
edited by Raymond de Vries, Leigh Turner, Kristina Orfali and Charles Bosk

The Social Organisation of Healthcare Work (2006)
edited by Davina Allen and Alison Pilnick

Social Movements in Health (2005)
edited by Phil Brown and Stephen Zavestoski

Health and the Media (2004)
edited by Clive Seale

Partners in Health, Partners in Crime: Exploring the Boundaries of Criminology and Sociology of Health and Illness (2003)
edited by Stefan Timmermans and Jonathan Gabe

Rationing: Constructed Realities and Professional Practices (2002)
edited by David Hughes and Donald Light

Rethinking the Sociology of Mental Health (2000)
edited by Joan Busfield

Sociological Perspectives on the New Genetics (1999)
edited by Peter Conrad and Jonathan Gabe

The Sociology of Health Inequalities (1998)
edited by Mel Bartley, David Blane and George Davey Smith

The Sociology of Medical Science (1997)
edited by Mary Ann Elston

Health and the Sociology of Emotion (1996)
edited by Veronica James and Jonathan Gabe

Medicine, Health and Risk (1995)
edited by Jonathan Gabe

Materialities of Care

Encountering Health and Illness Through Artefacts and Architecture

Edited by

Christina Buse, Daryl Martin and Sarah Nettleton

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Notes on contributors

Christina Buse Department of Sociology, University of York, UK

Daryl Martin Department of Sociology, University of York, UK

Sarah Nettleton Department of Sociology, University of York, UK

Julie Brownlie School of Social and Political Science, University of Edinburgh, UK

Helen Spandler School of Social Work, University of Central Lancashire, UK

Kate Weiner Department of Sociological Studies, University of Sheffield, UK

Catherine Will Department of Sociology, University of Sussex, UK

Gemma Mangione Teachers College, Columbia University, USA

Christian Heath School of Management and Business, King's College London, UK

Paul Luff School of Management and Business, King's College London, UK

Marcus Sanchez-Svensson InUse Ab, Malmo, Sweden

Maxim Nicholls Anaesthesia, critical care and acute pain management, Wye Valley NHS Trust, Hereford, UK

Susan E. Bell Department of Sociology, Drexel University, USA

Paul Jones Department of Sociology, Social Policy and Criminology, University of Liverpool, UK

Julia Twigg Social Policy, Sociology and Social Research, University of Kent, Canterbury, UK

Julie Ellis Department of Sociological Studies, University of Sheffield, UK

Melanie Lovatt Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Stirling, Stirling, UK

Joanna Latimer SATSU, Department of Sociology, University of York, York, UK