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Anatomy & Physiology Workbook For Dummies®

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Whether your aim is to become a physical therapist or a pharmacist, a doctor or an acupuncturist, a nutritionist or a personal trainer, a registered nurse or a paramedic, a parent or simply a healthy human being — your efforts have to be based on a good understanding of anatomy and physiology. But knowing that the knee bone connects to the thigh bone (or does it?) is just the tip of the iceberg. In Anatomy & Physiology Workbook For Dummies, 3rd Edition, you discover intricacies that will leave you agog with wonder. The human body is a miraculous biological machine capable of growing, interacting with the world, and even reproducing despite any number of environmental odds stacked against it. Understanding how the body’s interlaced systems accomplish these feats requires a close look at everything from chemistry to structural mechanics.

Early anatomists relied on dissections to study the human body, which is why the Greek word anatomia means “to cut up or dissect.” Anatomical references have been found in Egypt dating back to 1600 BC, but it was the Greeks — Hippocrates, in particular — who first dissected bodies for medical study around 420 BC. That’s why more than two millennia later we still use words based on Greek and Latin roots to identify anatomical structures.

That’s also part of the reason so much of the study of anatomy and physiology feels like learning a foreign language. Truth be told, you are working with a foreign language, but it’s the language of you and the one body you’re ever going to have.

About This Book

This workbook isn’t meant to replace a textbook, and it’s certainly not meant to replace going to an actual anatomy and physiology class. It is designed as a supplement to your ongoing education and as a study aid in prepping for exams. That’s why we give you insight into what your instructor most likely will emphasize as you move from one body system or structure to the next.

Your coursework might cover things in a different order than we’ve chosen for this book. We encourage you to take full advantage of the table of contents and the index to find the material addressed in your class. Whatever you do, certainly don’t feel obligated to go through this workbook in any particular order. However, please do answer the practice questions and check the answers at the end of each chapter because, in addition to answers, we clarify why the right answer is the right answer and why the other answers are incorrect; we also provide you with memory tools and other tips whenever possible.

Within this book, you may note that some web addresses break across two lines of text. If you’re reading this book in print and want to visit one of these web pages, simply key in the web address exactly as it’s noted in the text, pretending as though the line break doesn’t exist. If you’re reading this as an e-book, you’ve got it easy — just click the web address to be taken directly to the web page.

Foolish Assumptions

In writing Anatomy & Physiology Workbook For Dummies, 3rd Edition, we had to make some assumptions about you, the reader. If any of the following apply, this book’s for you:

  • You’re an advanced high school student or college student trying to puzzle out anatomy and physiology for the first time.
  • You’re a student at any level who’s returning to the topic after some time away, and you need some refreshing.
  • You’re facing an anatomy and physiology exam and want a good study tool to ensure that you have a firm grasp of the topic.

Because this is a workbook, we had to limit our exposition of each and every topic so that we could include lots of practice questions to keep you guessing. (Believe us, we could go on forever about this anatomy and physiology stuff!) In leaving out some of the explanation of the topics covered in this book, we assume that you’re not just looking to dabble in anatomy and physiology and therefore have access to at least one textbook on the subject.

Icons Used in This Book

Throughout this book, you’ll find symbols in the margins that highlight critical ideas and information. Here’s what they mean:

tip The Tip icon gives you juicy tidbits about how best to remember tricky terms or concepts in anatomy and physiology. It also highlights helpful strategies for fast translation and understanding.

remember The Remember icon highlights key material that you should pay extra attention to in order to keep everything straight.

warning This icon — otherwise known as the Warning icon — points out areas and topics where common pitfalls can lead you astray.

example The Example icon marks questions for you to try your hand at. We give you the answer straightaway to get your juices flowing and your brain warmed up for more practice questions.

Beyond the Book

In addition to the material in the print or e-book you’re reading right now, this product also comes with some access-anywhere goodies on the web. While it’s important to study each anatomical system in detail, it’s also helpful to know how to decipher unfamiliar anatomical terms the first time you see them. Check out the free Cheat Sheet by going to and typing for “Anatomy & Physiology Workbook For Dummies cheat sheet” in the Search box.

You also get access to our online database of questions with even more practice for you. It contains an interactive quiz for each chapter, allowing you to hone your new knowledge even more!

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Where to Go from Here

If you purchased this book and you’re already partway through an anatomy and physiology class, check the table of contents and zoom ahead to whichever segment your instructor is covering currently. When you have a few spare minutes, review the chapters that address topics your class already has covered. It’s an excellent way to prep for a midterm or final exam.

If you haven’t yet started an anatomy and physiology class, you have the freedom to start wherever you like (although we suggest that you begin with Chapter 1) and proceed onward and upward through the glorious machine that is the human body!

Part 1

The Building Blocks of the Body


Learn the language of anatomy and physiology.

Explore the basic building blocks and functions that make the parts of the body what they are. Dig into atoms, elements, chemical reactions, and metabolism.

Crack open the cell to see what’s happening at life’s most fundamental level. Find out about the cell membrane, the nucleus, organelles, proteins, and the cell life cycle.

Plunge into cell division, which has several phases: interphase, prophase, metaphase, anaphase, telophase, and cytokinesis.

Use histology to build all of the body’s tissues — epithelial, connective, muscular, and nervous — from the inside out.

Chapter 1

The Language of Anatomy & Physiology


check Learning to speak the language

check Casing the cavities

check Orienting yourself to the body

Human anatomy is the study of our bodies’ structures while physiology is how they work. It makes sense, then, to learn the two in tandem. But before we can dive in to the body systems and their intricate structures, you must first learn to speak the language of the science.

Organization of the Body

As you know, the body is organized into systems, grouping together the organs that work together to achieve a common goal. To house all these organs, our body must create spaces to hold them. The body has two cavities that achieve this: the dorsal cavity, which holds the brain and spinal cord and the ventral cavity that holds everything else. The dorsal cavity splits into the spinal cavity, which holds the spinal cord, and the cranial cavity that houses the brain. The ventral cavity is split into the thoracic cavity and the abdominopelvic cavity by a large band of muscle called the diaphragm. Within the thoracic cavity are the right and left pleural cavities, which hold each lung, and the mediastinum. Within the mediastinum is the pericardial cavity which contains the heart. The abdominopelvic cavity divides into the abdominal cavity (with the stomach, liver, and intestines) and the pelvic cavity (with the bladder and reproductive organs), though there’s no distinct barrier between the two.

In order to create these cavities within our bodies, we have membranes to border the space. The visceral membrane lies atop of the organs, making direct contact with them. For example, the outermost layer of the heart is called the visceral pericardium and on the lungs it’s the visceral pleura. The parietal membrane lies on the other side of the spaces or lining the cavity itself. So the lining of the abdominopelvic cavity is known as the parietal peritoneum (note that it’s not the parietal abdominopelvic that just sounds weird).

The other parts of the body are divided into axial and appendicular areas. The axial portions are the parts of your body that form your axis — the head, chest, and abdomen. The appendicular portions form your appendages — your arms and legs. For consistency when referencing them, there are proper terms for all of the body’s areas. The terminology used in identifying many of the regions is found in Table 1-1. You’ll notice these terms popping up all over this book.

Table 1-1 The Body’s Regions

Proper Term


Proper Term







inner elbow


groin/inner thigh




lower back


upper arm






















sole/bottom of foot




back of knee















That’s a lot of new terms for the first chapter! Let’s see how well they’re sticking.

example Q. Which of the following organs would you find in the mediastinum?

I. lungs

II. heart

III. liver

  1. I only
  2. II only
  3. III only
  4. I & II
  5. I, II, & III

A. The correct answer is only the heart. The mediastinum is defined as the area between the lungs and the liver is in the abdominopelvic cavity.

1-10 Label the body cavities illustrated in Figure 1-1.


Illustration by Kathryn Born, MA

FIGURE 1-1: Body cavities.

  1. Abdominal
  2. Abdominopelvic
  3. Cranial
  4. Dorsal
  5. Pelvic
  6. Pericardial
  7. Pleural
  8. Spinal
  9. Thoracic
  10. Ventral

11-16 Match the description to identify the membranes that create the body’s cavities.

a. parietal pericardium

b. parietal peritoneum

c. parietal pleura

d. visceral pericardium

e. visceral peritoneum

f. visceral pleura

  1. _____ The outermost layer encasing the heart
  2. _____ The membrane that lies on the surface of the liver
  3. _____ The surface of the heart
  4. _____ The lining of the thoracic cavity
  5. _____ The membrane making direct contact with the lungs
  6. _____ The layer that lines the abdominopelvic cavity

17 True or False: The cephalic region is considered part of the appendicular body.

18 Which body part would be affected if you injured your tarsal region?

  1. knee
  2. wrist
  3. ankle
  4. shoulder
  5. hip

19 If you suffered a laceration (cut) to your chin, the injury would be located in the ____ region.

  1. cubital
  2. cervical
  3. buccal
  4. mental
  5. frontal

20 Identify the correct pairing of terms:

  1. popliteal – inner elbow
  2. lumbar – back of the neck
  3. antecubital – upper arm
  4. coxal - shoulder
  5. sural – back of lower leg

Getting into Position

In anatomy and physiology, we often identify the body’s features in reference to other body parts. Because of this, we need a standardized point of reference, which is known as anatomical position.

remember Anatomical position is the body facing forward, feet pointed straight ahead, arms resting on the sides, with the palms turned outward. Unless you are told otherwise, this is the body’s position whenever specific body parts are described in reference to other locations.

Because we can only see the external surface of the body, sections must be made in order for us to see what’s inside. It’s important to take note of what type of section was made to provide the view you see in a picture or diagram. There are three planes (directions) in which sections can be made:

  • frontal: separating the front from the back
  • sagittal: dividing right and left sides
  • transverse: creating top and bottom pieces

We also use directional terms to describe the location of structures. It helps to learn them as their opposing pairs to minimize confusion. The most commonly used terms are:

  • anterior/posterior: in front of/behind
  • superior/inferior: above/below
  • medial/lateral: closer to/further from the midline (also used with rotation)
  • superficial/deep: closer to/further from the body surface
  • proximal/distal: closer to/further from attachment point (used for appendages)

warning Right and left are also used quite often but be careful! They refer to the patient’s right and left, not yours.

You got it? Let’s find out.

21-23 Identify the planes of body sections in Figure 1-2.


Illustration by Kathryn Born, MA

FIGURE 1-2: The body’s planes.

  1. Sagittal
  2. Transverse
  3. Frontal

24-28 Fill in the blanks.

  1. The neck is __________ to the hips.
  2. The lungs are __________ to the rib cage.
  3. The nose is __________ to the ears.
  4. The wrist is __________ to the shoulder.
  5. The buttocks are __________ to the navel (belly button).

Answers to Questions on Terminology

The following are answers to the practice questions presented in this chapter.

1-10 Figure 1-1 should be labeled as follows:

1. j. ventral, 2. d. dorsal, 3. i. thoracic, 4. b. abdominopelvic, 5. c. cranial, 6. h. spinal, 7. g. pleural, 8. f. pericardial, 9. a. abdominal, 10. e. pelvic

11 The outermost layer encasing the heart: a. parietal pericardium

12 The membrane that lies on the surface of the liver: e. visceral peritoneum

13 The surface of the heart: d. visceral pericardium

14 The lining of the thoracic cavity: c. parietal pleura

15 The membrane making direct contact with the lungs: f. visceral pleura

16 The layer that lines the abdominopelvic cavity: b. parietal peritoneum

tip Don’t memorize all nine terms (cavities included), memorize the naming system. The space is always the cavity and the visceral layer is always making direct contact with an organ. The pattern holds true everywhere (except for surrounding the brain and spinal cord; they’re special).

17 The cephalic region is considered part of the appendicular body. False. The cephalic region is the head and though it does stick off the trunk, it’s axial. Only the arms and legs are appendicular.

18 Which body part would be affected if you injured your tarsal region? c. ankle

19 If you suffered a laceration (cut) to your chin, the injury would be located in the d. mental region.

20 Identify the correct pairing of terms: e. sural – back of lower leg

21-23 Figure 1-2 should be labeled as follows: 21. b. transverse, 22. a. sagittal, 23. c. frontal

24 The neck is superior to the hips.

25 The lungs are deep to the ribcage.

26 The nose is medial to the ears.

27 The wrist is distal to the shoulder.

28 The buttocks are posterior to the navel (belly button).