Cover Page

The Laws Protecting Animals and Ecosystems


Paul A. Rees






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Only to the white man was nature a ‘wilderness’ and only to him was the land ‘infested’ with ‘wild’ animals and ‘savage’ people. To us it was tame.

Chief Luther Standing Bear of the Oglala band of the Sioux






Elliot Henry Clark

About the Author

Dr Paul Rees studied for a BSc (Hons) in environmental biology at the University of Liverpool and an LLM in environmental law at the University of Central Lancashire (Lancashire Law School) and was awarded a PhD from the University of Bradford for his work on the ecology and management of feral cats. He has been teaching biology for almost 40 years and has also taught wildlife law for the last 15 years at the University of Salford. Dr Rees has a particular interest in the regulation of zoos and the role of the law in wildlife reintroduction projects. His other teaching and research interests include the ecology, behaviour and zoo biology of large mammals.

What Is This Book For?

This is a small book about a very large subject. It is not primarily aimed at lawyers but intended as a guide for students studying wildlife conservation, animal welfare and other animal-related courses where an understanding of how the law works is required. It should also be useful to practitioners in a range of fields who need to know what kinds of laws exist, how the law works and where to find the law. It is not intended as a definitive guide but as a starting point that assumes little or no knowledge of the law.

The book is not intended as a legal source book because such works become out of date before they are published, such is the speed with which the law changes. Some of the laws discussed were, at the time of writing, current, while others were not. Some laws have been included specifically because of their historical interest.