Cover Page

Testing Statistical Assumptions in Research

J. P. Verma

Lakshmibai National Institute of Physical Education
Gwalior, India

Abdel-Salam G. Abdel-Salam

Qatar University
Doha, Qatar

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The book titled Testing Statistical Assumptions in Research is a collaborative work of J. P. Verma and Abdel‐Salam G. Abdel‐Salam. While conducting research workshops and dealing with research scholars, we felt that most of the scholars do not bother much about the assumptions involved in using different statistical techniques in their research. Due to this reason, the results of the study become less reliable, and in certain cases, if the assumptions are severely violated, the results get completely reversed. In other words, in detecting the effect in hypothesis testing experiment, although the effect exists, it is not visible due to the extreme violation of assumptions. Since lots of resources and time are involved in conducting any survey or empirical research, one must test the related assumptions of statistical tests used in his or her analysis for making his or her findings more reliable.

The bringing out of this text has two specific purposes: first, we wish to educate the researchers about assumptions that are required to be fulfilled in different commonly used statistical tests and show the procedure of testing them using IBM SPSS®1 Statistics software (SPSS) via illustrations. Second, we endeavor to motivate them to check assumptions by showing them the adverse effects of severely violating assumptions using specific examples. We have also suggested the remedial measures in using different statistical tests if assumptions are violated.

This book is meant for research scholars of different disciplines. Since most of the graduate students also write dissertations, this text is equally useful for them as well.

The book contains six chapters. Chapter 1 discusses the importance of assumptions in analyzing research data. The concept of hypothesis testing and statistical errors has been discussed in detail. We have also discussed the concept of power, sample size, and effect size and relationship among themselves in order to provide the foundation of hypothesis to the readers.

In Chapter 2, we have introduced SPSS functionality to the readers. We have also shown how to segregate data, draw random samples, file split, and create variables automatically. These operations are extremely useful for the researchers in analyzing the survey data. Further, acquaintance with SPSS in this chapter shall facilitate the readers to understand the procedure involved in testing assumptions in different chapters.

In Chapter 3, we have discussed different assumptions required in survey studies. We have deliberated upon the importance of designing surveys in reporting the efficient findings.

Chapter 4 gives various parametric tests and the related assumptions. We have shown the procedures for testing these assumptions using the SPSS software. In order to motivate the readers to use assumptions, we have shown many situations where violation of assumptions affects the findings. In this chapter, we have discussed assumptions in all those statistical tests that are commonly used by researchers such as z, t, and F tests, ANOVA, correlation, and regression analysis.

In Chapter 5, we have discussed assumptions required for different nonparametric tests such as Chi‐square, Mann‐Whitney, Kruskal‐Wallis, and Wilcoxon Signed‐Rank test. We have shown the procedures of testing these assumptions as well.

Finally, in Chapter 6, assumptions in nonparametric correlations such as bi‐serial correlation, tetrachoric correlation, and phi coefficient have been discussed. These types of analyses are often used by researchers in survey studies.

Hope this book will serve the purpose for which it has been written. The readers are requested to send their feedback about the book or about the problems that they encounter to the authors for further improvement in the text. You may contact the authors at their emails: Prof. J. P. Verma (email:, web: and Dr. Abdel‐Salam G. Abdel‐Salam (email: or, web: for any help in relation to the text.

J. P. Verma

Abdel‐Salam G. Abdel‐Salam



We would like to thank our workshop participants, research scholars, and graduate students who have constantly posed innumerable problems during academic discussions, which have encouraged us to prepare this text. We extend our thanks to all those who directly or indirectly helped us in completing this text.

J. P. Verma

Abdel‐Salam G. Abdel‐Salam

About the Companion Website

This book is accompanied by a companion website:


The website includes the following:

  • Chapter presentation in PPT format
  • SPSS data file for each illustration where the data have been used.