Cover Page

“Over my 50‐year career as a transformational change facilitator, I've witnessed the acceleration of the speed and complexity of organizational adaptation. This book is the best consolidation and codification of best practices for [a different approach to strategic planning and implementation] that I've seen. [The authors] make the Strategic Doing methodology clear and provide a manageable roadmap that makes the methodology easy to apply…just in time to address the largest speed and complexity challenges mankind has known.”

Bob Sadler, CEO of Sadler Consulting, executive coach and authority on change leadership and executive presence

“Don't even bother reading all those other books on leadership and strategy. I know because I've written a number of them. Strategic Doing is THE source to understand how leadership and strategy are changing in this age of speed and complexity. What makes this book more important are the ten practical skills that you and your colleagues can learn to become masterful at leading in a disruptive age.”

Jay Conger, chaired professor of Leadership Studies at Claremont McKenna College and author of The High Potentials Advantage

“Over the past 30 years, I have been traveling the world for 60 Minutes. One trend is clear. The challenges we face are growing in complexity. The best way to address these challenges is through human ingenuity unleashed through collaboration. This book illuminates that path. Recommended.”

Bob Anderson, producer, 60 Minutes (CBS)

“After 12 years in public office, working on the complex, systemic, and interwoven challenges of poverty, crime, health disparity, and economic development, I can say that our nation desperately needs the guidance provided by Strategic Doing. At a time of global change and national strife, the lessons in this book not only provide a path for multiorganizational success, they represent a practical, nonpartisan formula to preserve our American democracy.”

Lawrence Morrissey, mayor, Rockford, Illinois 2005–2017

“Ed Morrison has mastered the art of making progress happen in a complex, change‐resistant world. Now he and his colleagues have assembled decades of hard‐won lessons into an easy‐to‐assimilate book – which is great news for every enemy of chaos, confusion, and inertia.”

John D. Donahue, faculty chair of Harvard's Masters in Public Policy program and author of Collaborative Governance

“If you want to do something to make your community better but worry, ‘I'll need a grant' or ‘I'll need a powerful board of advisors,' stop worrying and start doing! Strategic Doing requires no money, no powerful CEOs, and no one's permission. It's a simple‐to‐understand process that any group can use to take the resources they have and launch innovative and impactful projects. I use it with my clients and am consistently blown away by what people like you and me can do with Strategic Doing.”

Rebecca Ryan, futurist, economist, and author of Regeneration: A Manifesto for America's Next Leaders

“When our foundation was looking for a tool to offer to the rural communities we serve, Strategic Doing emerged as the right vehicle. The agility of the process enables a group of 5 or a group of 50 to bring forth an idea, divide the workload, determine the feasibility, and when appropriate, foster the implementation. Our communities have been encouraged by increased participation in civic activity from a broad spectrum of ages.”

Betsy Wearing, coordinator of Communications, Programs, and New Initiatives, Dane G. Hansen Foundation

“An important evolution is taking place among US land‐grant universities.…The learning, discovery, and engagement taking place on our campuses today is now pointing us to new approaches to the economic challenges facing society. This valuable book builds on that tradition through the new discipline of Strategic Doing to achieve higher and more productive levels of collaboration.…Anyone interested in solving such problems more effectively, faster, and more collaboratively will find this book a welcome treasure.”

Martin Jischke, former president, Purdue University

“This is a book about Strategic Doing. It not only consolidates years of real experience but is also written in a style that is fully consistent with the title: action focused.…Because of the integration of the broad base of experience with the science of ecology, cybernetics, and complexity, this book shows a depth beyond expectation, considering how hands‐on and practical this proven approach is.”

Peter Robertson, executive lecturer and research fellow, Nyenrode Business University (The Netherlands)

“Applying deep underpinnings in social science research, Lean/Agile experimentation, and refinement through rigorous practice, the Strategic Doing founders have created a framework to define and execute strategy for our time.…This book is for anyone or any organization that wants to tackle a ‘big hairy audacious problem’ with effective, complex collaboration. “

Patricia Sheehan, Agile Transformation lead and coach, AstraZeneca Agile Centre of Excellence

“Strategic Doing is the most impressive and effective way to get things done in our community. It allows everyone an opportunity for input and provides clarity of vision, mission, purpose, and tasks upon which we have all agreed. If we continue to work together, there is no limit to our achievements.”

Macke Mauldin, president, Bank Independent

“As someone who leads a complex organization, I am always looking for new approaches to how I work. Learning to be proactive and truly collaborative is what the Strategic Doing method has taught me. Strategic Doing is not just for the workplace but can easily be applied to all areas of life that involve people coming together for a common goal. These are simple and well‐supported skills that anyone can employ in their work and life to make a tangible difference.”

Stephen Jennings, senior vice president, Rady Children's Hospital; executive director, Rady Children's Hospital Foundation

“The challenges we face today – in our communities, in the economy, and in society as a whole – are far too complex to be ameliorated by the same simple approaches to planning and implementation that we've used in the past. This book provides a road map to the future of strategy, and to a better world.”

Jim Woodell, former vice president for Economic Development and Community Engagement, Association of Public and Land‐Grant Universities; convener, Collaborative for Insight and Impact

The convergence of the physical and digital worlds, especially in manufacturing, presents unprecedented opportunity for the creation of transformational value. With all the chess pieces on the table, there are a seemingly unlimited number of opportunities.…[L]eaders need the skills and insights presented in this book. Strategic Doing should be required reading for every leader charting a pathway forward.

Don Cooper, vice president, PTC/Global Rockwell Alliance

“Strategic Doing is a straightforward vehicle to get to a decision and action, very quickly, with busy people. In an era where diversity and collaboration are critical to success, it can be done quickly and efficiently.…It is time tested, and I recommend this book with enthusiasm!”

Charles Van Rysselberge, president (retired), Oklahoma City Chamber of Commerce, Charleston (South Carolina) Chamber of Commerce

“Speed and agility are hallmarks of successful companies. In the world of software engineering, agile methodology and design thinking have become ubiquitous tactical systems for getting to better results in less time when faced with complex challenges. Yet, a gap remains between this agile methodology at the tactical level and the way leaders often think in setting direction for their organizations. This book addresses that gap and should be required reading for every organizational leader.”

Kenneth Johnson, CEO, Blue Sentry Group

“For those involved in strategic planning and management across corporate, government, universities, and community organizations, Strategic Doing provides three key advantages. It addresses the fundamental flaws that have emerged in the application of traditional strategy and planning within a whole new environment. Secondly, it provides a simple, logical, low cost, and low risk way of getting the right things to happen quickly and – thirdly – it works!”

Emeritus Professor Michael Hefferan, University of the Sunshine Coast (Queensland, Australia)

“After 30‐plus years as a leader in the hospitality industry, I've realized collaboration is a much‐needed skill that is often challenging to implement in a fast‐paced service environment. As the founder of a company with completely remote‐based employees, clients all over the world, and multiple projects happening on a daily basis, learning the art of collaboration is something that is crucial to our success – yet something not taught in most workplaces or universities. [T]his book is a must read for anyone who wants to succeed in business, or, for that matter, in life today!”

Caryl Helsel, founder and CEO, Dragonfly Strategists

“Today's communities, geopolitical regions, economies, and societies face many highly complex challenges. Effective solutions to these challenges require that the leaders of organizations charged with addressing them – be they educational, governmental, nongovernmental, or private – must work across traditional organizational, cultural, and geopolitical boundaries. Strategic Doing, with its ten skills to developing effective networks, is a much‐needed ‘perspective changer’ on strategy and leadership.”

Vic Lechtenberg, former provost, Purdue University

It doesn't matter the context in which you are operating, whether you find yourself in a corporate, government, or nonprofit space – if you're bringing twentieth century solutions to twenty‐first century problems, you will not have the agility to effect meaningful change. Strategic Doing is a twenty‐first century solution. This book provides the reader with a set of practices for tapping into the resources of loosely connected networks and helping your organization move forward quickly.…Change is the new constant. This book will help you successfully embrace that change.

Will Samson, Organizational Change Management, General Dynamics Information Technology

“Everyone agrees that complex problems require complex solutions.…How ironic is it that the answer to this collaboration‐complexity nexus is something very simple: the ten skills of Strategic Doing. Strategic Doing takes an asset‐based approach. However, the identification of assets is a hollow victory if those assets are not mobilized. It provides the skills to catalyze this mobilization, leading to two important outcomes: problems are solved and the human capital of the participants is simultaneously enhanced. Can there be a better win‐win scenario?”

Sam Cordes, professor emeritus and cofounder, Purdue Center for Regional Development

“As many warn that our technology might serve to isolate us, the authors offer real, all‐hands‐on‐deck hope: a daring and wonderful proposition for us to work and think together – and accomplish things others might once have deemed formidable in the extreme.…I like to tell kids they can build a better future, and paint a portrait of what that could look like, but they are actually charting the course, a way to get there. For all of us, I hope the world listens and does likewise.”

Noah Knox Marshall, author, Dax Zander: Sea Patrol

“Dealing with intractable challenges in your family, organization, or community? Look no further. This book, replete with clear guidance and real‐life examples, shows you how to work with others to implement practical solutions that transform big wishes into reality.”

Eleanor Bloxham, founder and CEO, The Value Alliance and Corporate Governance Alliance

“[Our] manufacturing ecosystem is much stronger and much more collaborative as a result of the skills taught in Strategic Doing. Montana's successful entrepreneurs depend on agile strategies where all manufacturers collaborate for mutual benefit. It is great that these skills are being brought together in this important book.”

Paddy Fleming, director, Montana Manufacturing Extension Center, part of the National Institute of Standards and Technology's Manufacturing Extension Partnership (NIST MEP)

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This book is dedicated to the remarkable Strategic Doing community that now stretches across the globe. You inspire us.


I've been waiting for this book all my life. Strategic Doing answers so many questions I have on how cultural organizations can band together to be part of the solution in addressing society's most complex issues.

I was a witness to and participant in this approach when I met Ed Morrison in Youngstown, Ohio, working with a group of socially committed citizens, each determined to work to reinvigorate a once‐thriving community. In one short hour he had each of us identify and unlock our assets, come up with a plausible group plan, and determine a course of action moving forward, agreeing to meet again 30 days from that moment.

Now we have the book that details 50 years (between its five coauthors) of work, showing how Strategic Doing has been catalytic in revitalizing communities, cities, industries, and sectors all across the country.

Strategic Doing is precisely what we need at this moment. In a fast‐changing world, filled with disruption, with institutions not equipped to absorb or deal with the pace of change, here is a way of thinking and acting – an agile strategy that makes collaboration take place at the necessary speed for social good.

Yo‐Yo Ma

December 31, 2018

Arlington, Massachusetts