Cover Page

“ Read this book cover to cover ... and loved it! A great read about people keeping it real, telling it how it is, with down to earth tips on leadership, communicating with impact and building and keeping trust. It starts with being true to yourself — and sharing, showing and keeping it real with others. Thanks Gabrielle for the stories, the reminders and the advice! Needed today more than ever.”

Christine Corbett, former acting CEO and Chief Customer Officer of Australia Post

“ Authenticity is a word that gets thrown around a lot. Gabrielle is the first leadership expert I've met who lives it. Real messages, delivered with truth in a way that anyone can access.”

Matt Church, Author, Speaker and Founder Thought Leaders

“ I have often reflected on the many presentations I have sat through and when I have been on the edge of my seat or when I have been trying desperately to stay awake. And what was the difference? Well it was rarely the content but nearly always the way it was delivered. Real Communication is one of those ‘must read' books for anyone who is serious about leadership as it is packed with practical tips and real-life examples of how to lead and communicate in a more effective and authentic way.”

Jamie McPhee, CEO ME Bank

“ Real Communication: How to be you and lead true is in equal parts entertaining as it is instructional. It is teeming with tips, tools and lively anecdotes from the battle of Actium to the battle for same sex marriage, highlighting the importance of jargon free communication and authentic self.

In a world of fake media riddled with message obfuscation, Ral, with the wisdom of an expert who has helped leaders become outstanding communicators, tells it like it is and makes simple the art of Real Communication.

I highly recommend Real Communication both for the tools, tips and practical insights it provides as well as for the simple yet profound reminder that if you bring self-awareness and authenticity into each interaction, you end up doing a service not only for yourself but also for those you interact with. Here's to Real Communication and bring on the f-bomb!”

Dorothy Hisgrove, Partner and Chief People Officer PwC

“ The irrepressible and talented Gabrielle Dolan has done it again. Real Communication is full of wonderful stories and useful tips, all in the service of enabling people wherever they sit to be more effective in getting their message heard and absorbed, and in exercising leadership on behalf of whatever they care deeply about.”

Marty Linsky, Faculty Harvard Kennedy School

“ The field of leadership has evolved a great deal since the turn of the century. People are now wanting to lead in a way that is more authentic and bring their entire selves to work. With pressing concerns for diversity and inclusion, Real Communication: How to Be You and Lead True provides essential insights for twenty first century leaders. It's a refreshing – and necessary – view of where leadership is headed.”

Frederique Covington, Senior Vice President Marketing Asia Pacific, VISA

“ In our fast changing world, our customers and employees' expectations have evolved faster than ever before. Jargon, command and control leadership just doesn't work anymore, especially for the younger generations. People are looking for and will respond to genuine and authentic leadership they can trust.

This book will make you completely rethink how you lead, communicate and behave to be a more inclusive leader and possibly reassess your own values to be successful in the future, professionally and personally.”

Michael Ebeid AM, Group Executive, Enterprise at Telstra

“ Having the courage to be you when communicating takes lots of skill and practice and Gabrielle's insights and simple clear approach allows the reader to go on their own learning journey.

As someone who genuinely cares for people, it is so important to put your audience at the centre of your communication style, approach and delivery and Gabrielle shows you how to do this in a very transparent and genuine way.

Most organisations talk about the need to grow and innovate and to do this leaders need to create an environment of trust, inclusion and engagement. At the heart of this is the ability to communicate in a simple, compelling and genuine way free of jargon and acronyms and with the right emotion to connect with the people of the organisation to deliver their best every single day. Gabrielle's book is your own co-pilot, as it is full of ideas to support you on your journey.”

Kate Mason, Group Director, People & Culture, Coca-Cola Amatil


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The real Ral

I am one of eight children. My littlest sister could never pronounce ‘Gabrielle', so she called me ‘Ral' instead and the name has since stuck.

It was probably being one of so many that first helped me realise the power of storytelling. It was a great way to gain some attention from my parents.

During my 20s, storytelling's power was reinforced while sitting in pubs with my mates. We would spend the night sharing stories, fuelled by alcohol and '80s music — which was (and still is) a magical combination.

This obsession with storytelling (not '80s music … okay, maybe a little) continued into adult life and my career in a senior leadership role at National Australia Bank. It was here that I realised stories could be used for good, and for business — and, more importantly, for the good of the business!

Since that time, I have made it my mission to teach others how to share stories in business to communicate more effectively and authentically. I've worked with thousands of high-profile leaders and companies from around the world to help them get real with their communications. These companies have included Amazon, Shell, Caltex, Ericsson, Accenture, EY, VISA, Uber and International Committee Red Cross (to name-drop a few).

I might have failed my final year of English, but I didn't let that hold me back. This is my fifth book and my old English teacher Mrs Bennetts would be proud and no doubt extremely surprised of this effort. My other books include Stories for Work: The Essential Guide to Business Storytelling (Wiley, 2017), Ignite: Real Leadership, Real Talk, Real Results (Wiley, 2015) Storytelling for Job Interviews (self-published, 2016), and Hooked: How Leaders Connect, Engage and Inspire with Storytelling (Wiley, 2013).

I hold a master's degree in management and leadership from Swinburne University, and an associate diploma in education and training from the University of Melbourne. I'm also a graduate of the Harvard Kennedy School of Executive Education in both the Art and Practice of Leadership Development, and Women and Power: Leadership in a New World — and I have the T-Shirt and coffee mug to prove it.

My obsession for bringing authenticity to the way business people communicate led me to found Jargon Free Fridays in 2016 ( This is a fun way to raise awareness about the consequence of jargon and acronyms.

I live in Melbourne with my husband, Steve, two teenage daughters, Alex and Jess, and Digger the dog — though often I'm found in the veggie patch on my holiday property at Bermagui in New South Wales.

I think (no, I know) the world would be a better place if there was more manure in vegetable gardens and less in business. Don't you agree?



Really big thanks

For some reason this book felt like the hardest book I have ever written ... maybe it's just the recency of pain. Like when you finish a long run or give birth. But I am so proud of the end result of this book and I would not have been able to achieve this without the help from the following people.

Firstly, the always brilliant (and sometimes brutal) Kelly Irving who is an amazing editor. This is the third book Kelly has edited for me and her feedback and suggestions are always insightful. Like a personal trainer, her tough love and guidance always takes my writing to a higher level.

I would also like to thank the team at Wiley for their ongoing support in me. Special shout out to Lucy Raymond, Ingrid Bond and Charlotte Duff for their guidance and suggestions. It's always a pleasure to work with them.

Massive gratitude to Kieran Flanagan who was the inspiration for the cover design and for Matt Church, Janine Garner and Dan Gregory who gave me the courage to go with a photo of me on the cover. I seriously had to get out of my own way there.

Speaking of which, Oli Sansom is a magical photographer who is not only a pleasure to work with but beautifully captured the look and feel I was after. He made me scrub up OK.

Another really big thanks to my Executive Manager and friend Elise Turner who basically kept the show running while I buried myself away writing for days and weeks on end. Every time I went looking for a distraction, which was fairly often, she reverted to her school teacher days and I was told to keep writing.

Special thanks to my family, Steve, Alex and Jess who give me not only the space to write but often some pretty good material to write about. And if I don't mention Digger the dog I get in trouble, so thanks to Digger for keeping me company in the office, even though he seriously stunk at times.

This book would not be possible without all the people that kindly gave me their time and stories to feature in this book ... and quite a few others I interviewed that due to a change of direction in some parts, didn't end up in the book. I thank you for allowing me to share your stories, insights and opinions.

Finally, thanks to you, the reader. It is only through people like you that have the courage to be you and lead true that we will have genuine and real communication.



This is just what the world needs, isn't it? Another bloody book on communication and leadership.

Well, I might not be the best salesperson in the world, but let me explain why I wrote this book and why you need to read it.

I have worked in business for over 35 years (which does make me feel a tad old …). For a big chunk of that time, I have helped leaders communicate more effectively and be the absolute best that they can be: authentic, insightful, impactful, influential … just plain real.

I know from personal experience how hard it is to work for, and work with, leaders who talk rubbish and never do what they say they do. (I don't think I am on my own here.) We are crying out for leaders who are authentic and speak in a way that is real.

This kind of authentic leadership and real communication is needed now, more than ever.

Why? Times have changed, and continue to change at a rapid rate (it's not slowing down!). With this change comes a whole new set of phrases, acronyms and jargon that is confusing and, at times, overwhelming. We are also more cynical of the world at large and, hence, more demanding of what we expect from the companies and leaders we work for.

So in part I of this book, we will explore the decline of trust in today's world and our confusion about knowing what or whom to trust. We'll also look at the evolving expectations of employees and customers, and why they are crying out for us to communicate to them in a more transparent and genuine way. And we'll examine the increasing amount of corporate jargon that we use and how that can be disengaging and isolating. Finally, we will look at our addiction to acronyms and how that can lead to inefficient communication and, in many cases, miscommunication.

In part II, you'll discover some practical ways to ensure you communicate concisely by putting your audience first. We will look at the need to include emotion and stories in your communication if you want to form a genuine connection with employees and customers. You'll also learn how to prepare your content so it's more engaging and visual, helping you deliver messages with impact — no matter if you're writing an email, talking one-to-one, holding a team meeting, pitching to a client or speaking on stage to a large audience.

Then in part III, we'll dive into what it really means to be an authentic leader. Through case studies and stories, you will experience what it looks like to have the clarity to use real words, and the courage to deal with what is real and admit when you have stuffed up. We will look in depth at leaders who have congruence in their values and actions, and who show what is real to them and the people they lead.

Throughout the book I've included real-life examples, stories and case studies from my clients as well as high-profile companies. And at the end of all chapters in parts II and III, I've included ‘Get REAL now' pointers and tips to help you apply the information provided to your communication and leadership. These examples and pointers will help you to see what real leadership looks like in practice and, ultimately, how you can get real with your employees, customers and colleagues.

We are all crying out for real communication and authentic leadership.

This book will show you why and how.

Why you need to get REAL now

It is more important than ever that we communicate in a way that is genuine, authentic and real. This is because of four worldwide trends that are influencing how effective we are when we communicate to others.

The four trends are:

We'll explore each of these trends in detail in part I.