Cover Page

“I love this book for three reasons. First, I see it as a practical guide to selling with video. If you want to be emotionally effective, embrace video in your process. Second, it's fun to read. It made me realize that customers are tired of dealing with faceless salespeople; they love authenticity and the trust it builds. Third, this book made me realize that sales automation pushes salespeople to act like human doings while video empowers them to think, act, and sell like human beings. An eye-opening read!”

—Gerhard Gschwandtner, founder and CEO of Selling Power, Inc.

“When we need to turn leads into appointments, appointments into sales, or sales into referrals, we use personal videos. Nothing else gets a faster or better response. This book gives you the blueprint for adding videos to your business, the right way.”

—Chris Smith, cofounder of Curaytor and best-selling author of The Conversion Code

Rehumanize Your Business is a smart and thorough guide to using personal videos to enrich your digital communication. It doesn't just tell you why, but how.”

—Professor Andrew Brodsky, PhD, McCombs School of Business at The University of Texas at Austin

“Who knew video would be one of the most inspiring and innovative ways to build trust, rapport, and relationships? Throughout my career, nothing has been more important to my own success and the success of my peers and mentors than relationships, and when you can't be there in person, video on your webcam or smartphone establishes that much-needed personal touch. Ethan Beute and Steve Pacinelli capture this very well in Rehumanize Your Business. It's on my bookshelf and should also be on everyone's reading list.”

—Asher Mathew, vice president of Business Development for LeanData, Inc

“Ethan is one of the most genuine, thoughtful, and brilliant humans I've ever met. When I found out he was writing this book with his colleague Steve, I thought to myself: there's nobody better suited to talk about restoring humanity in business. Every interaction I've had with him, I've walked away feeling known, appreciated, and a whole lot smarter. It's rare to find someone so intelligent and strategic who also cares so deeply about fostering rich and meaningful relationships … but that's exactly what you get. I'm convinced that this book will not only make you more effective in business, but it will open your eyes to a more authentic approach to living life.”

—James Carbary, founder of Sweet Fish Media and cohost of The B2B Growth Podcast

rehumanize YOUR BUSINESS

How Personal Videos Accelerate Sales and Improve Customer Experience











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To our families, to our team members, and to everyone who values relationships over transactions.


One of the themes throughout this book is that our personal and professional successes result not just from our own efforts but through others' efforts, too. Our true wins come with, through, and for other people. We'd like to acknowledge Conor McCluskey, Darin Dawson, and the entire BombBomb team—every person in every seat in every department. This book would not be possible without you. We thank all of the personal video pioneers who allowed us to share their stories in this book and all of you whose stories we'll have to tell in blog posts, on webinars, and from stages. Thanks to every one of our customers and our critics; you inspire us to work harder and be better every day. And thanks to Richard Narramore at Wiley to whom the concept felt a little early but still had the vision to bring this to market.

FROM STEVE: Thank you, Gretchen. You made me the person I am today through the kindest heart I've ever known. Thank you, Grant and Owen, for showing me what it's like to overcome any obstacle. Sophia, thank you, for completing our little, big family and for bringing so much joy and laughter. Dad, Mom, Jennifer, Aimee, and the rest of my family and friends, thank you for providing all the love, warmth, and support a person could need. And finally, Ethan, you are a true role model in business and in life. I strive to be more like you. Thank you.

FROM ETHAN: Thank you, Megan and Owen, for your constant encouragement, patience, support, and inspiration through every endeavor. Thanks to Steve for adding so much value and fun to this project, my work, and my life. Thanks to Chris Smith, Thor Iverson, Dan Steinman, and Kurt Bartolich for sharing insights into your writing and publishing processes. Thanks to all the great teachers, leaders, and mentors who've broadened my perspective and provided challenge. Love to my mom, whom we lost this year, and to my family, who learned so much from her about relationships and connection.


“Portrait of the author, Ethan Beute, who has collected and told personal video success stories in hundreds of blog posts, in dozens of webinars, podcasts, and stage presentations.”



Ethan has collected and told personal video success stories in hundreds of blog posts, in dozens of webinars, podcasts, and stage presentations, and in countless conversations. He spent a dozen years leading marketing teams inside local television stations in Chicago, Grand Rapids, and Colorado Springs. His undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of Michigan and UCCS in communication, psychology, and marketing were conferred with highest distinction. Ethan is Vice President of Marketing at BombBomb, and currently resides in Colorado Springs with his wife and son.

Portrait of the co-author, Stephen Pacinelli, who was a customer and advocate of personal video for its benefits to his sales team.   STEPHEN PACINELLI

Before becoming CMO at BombBomb, Steve was a customer and advocate of personal video for its benefits to his sales team. As a Sales Manager, Vice President of Events, and National Speaker for, Steve was a featured speaker who's delivered presentations to more than 1,000 audiences. A passionate storyteller by nature and the most extroverted introvert you'll ever meet, Steve resides in Downingtown, Pennsylvania, with his wife, twin boys, and daughter.


Do you ever misread emails or text messages? Or have your emails or text messages ever been misunderstood?

Are you tired of cold calling and sending cold emails? Or of feeling like you're interrupting or bothering people?

Have you ever felt embarrassed by your spelling, grammar, or punctuation? Or has autocorrection ever caused you trouble?

Yes. Yep. Affirmative.

Would you save time by doing more talking and less writing?

If you got face to face with more people, would you create and close more opportunities?

Yup. Absolutely.

And yet every day you continue to entrust some of your most important and therefore most valuable messages to faceless digital communication. The same black text on the same white screen that doesn't build trust, doesn't differentiate you, and doesn't communicate as well as if you just looked someone in the eye and said the exact same message.

The pendulum's swung too far away from the personal touch and human connection that drive your success and satisfaction. It's time to rehumanize your business. No matter the product, service, company, brand, or idea you represent, when people say “yes,” they're saying yes to you. To who you are. With the strategies and tactics you'll learn in this book, you can get to “yes” faster by being more personal and human.

What does it mean to rehumanize your business? It means being more, well, human. Restoring a face-to-face element that's gone missing. Being more intentional and personal in your approach. Building better business relationships. Recognizing that you're truly winning when you win with, through, and for other people. Treating people the way you prefer to be treated. “Targeting” and “hunting” less and connecting and serving more.

What's one of the best ways to do this? By adding personal videos to your emails, text messages, and social messaging. Not videos for marketing, but rather videos for relationships. Not videos that are scripted, produced, and edited, but rather videos that are conversational, authentic, and imperfect. Videos that save time, improve results, and increase satisfaction—your own and that of your customers, future customers, and everyone else with a stake in your success. This is your new and old way to sell and serve—using today's technology to make sales and service truly personal again.

Building trust, rapport, and relationships are best done in person, but time and distance have increasingly driven us to faceless, digital messages. To make matters worse, most of us aren't very good writers; our messages are often misunderstood or require longer exchanges to arrive at mutual understanding. Video puts you back into your communication in a way that accelerates sales and improves customer experience. It restores that missing face-to-face element. But now you can get face to face at scale. All through quick, simple video messages with the webcam or smartphone camera you've always got with you.

If you're in leadership or management, inside or outside sales, account-based marketing, recruiting or talent development, or customer support or success, you'll be more successful when you rehumanize your processes by mixing in video messages. If you're in software, consulting, education, real estate, mortgage, insurance, financial planning, automotive, nonprofit, public speaking, entrepreneurship, or almost any other role or industry, this applies to you. Anyone working in a professional capacity benefits from better relationships. And video does this better than any other medium except being there in person.

Because you're reading this intro, you may already be sending video or at least you may have given it a look or tried it out. With more than a decade of experience and unique expertise, Steve and I offer practical and proven strategies, tips, and insights to help you implement video day to day. If you've not given it a look or tried it out, you likely know someone who is “doing video.” Have you ever heard someone say that?

  • “I don't do video. But Mary does video.”
  • “Yeah, Mary does do video. I tried video. Do you do video?”
  • “No, I don't do video, either.”

Replace “video” with “phone calls” or “email” or “meetings.” For example …

  • “I don't do phone calls. But Mary does phone calls.”
  • “Yeah, Mary does do phone calls. I tried phone calls. Do you do phone calls?”
  • “No, I don't do phone calls, either.”

Sounds silly, right? Well, that's where we're headed. Because “doing video” no longer requires scripts, lights, editing, or budgets. “Doing video” means occasionally recording a webcam or smartphone video in place of a typed-out message, a phone call, or even a meeting. In the pages ahead, you're going to learn why, how, and when to make video part of your business communication mix.

My coauthor Steve got going with this video philosophy as he searched for a better way to sell software. He deployed personal video email to the members of his outside sales team as a way to generate more revenue both on and off the road. With video in place of text, they built value before getting to price, shortened the sales cycle, and closed multiple $24,000 annual contracts with people they'd never met in person and never even talked with over the phone. He transitioned from a BombBomb video email user to our Chief Marketing Officer a few years later and more than four years ago.

My engagement started with part-time projects—creating a homepage video, writing an email nurture campaign, recording videos for those emails, and other deliverables for a couple of friends, Conor McCluskey and Darin Dawson. After founding the company a few years earlier, they were preparing to bring to market a video email service. Bored after more than a decade of traditional and digital marketing for local television stations, I was doing project work on the side with several other companies, too. But I exclusively locked onto this idea and locked in with this team for its forward-looking nature and rehumanizing potential.

Most new technology is understood in terms of its predecessor and video email is no exception. I viewed our initial product offering as an email marketing platform with video uploading and hosting built right in. And, as a product, that's what it was at the time—and I fully expected MailChimp or even Google to devour the available market for it by rolling out a similar feature set. Through constant and direct customer contact (something I rarely had in my broadcast television career), it became clear that we weren't just a “video email marketing” service. This mental shift or change in understanding is most clear in the increasing gap between “marketing through video” and “relationships through video.”

In this book, you'll get language, understanding, and practical applications of this rapidly emerging trend of rehumanizing communication, accelerating sales, and improving customer experience with video. It's about realigning some of your day-to-day efforts with millennia of human brain training that dictates how we communicate and connect with each other. It's about evolving tactics and improving results. It's about how and why a salesperson sent his 12,000th video—and the likelihood he's the first person to create that volume of video to build relationships and increase sales. It's about being there in person when you can't be there in person.

Over the past decade, we've watched our own community grow from about 100 active, paying customers to well over 40,000. They live all around the world and work in all kinds of industries. We've learned and taught from their success stories and examples in hundreds of blog posts, webinars, podcasts, stage presentations, and, of course, videos. We've seen other companies come “down market” from prescribing scripted, lighted, produced, and edited videos to recommending our “video voicemail” style videos. We've read about multibillion-dollar companies like Coca-Cola and Levi Strauss & Co. intentionally reducing the quality of their photos and videos to make them appear more trustworthy to consumers, a phenomenon we'd described years earlier as the “Shiny/Authenticity Inversion.” With a growing range of companies, communities, and individuals getting involved, this movement is just getting started.

In Part One, you'll learn what personal video is, why it's rehumanizing compared to the status quo, and why you should participate. In Part Two, you'll see who's using personal video and when you might use it, too. Part Three is the how—recording and sending, cameras and equipment, psychological barriers, and more. Part Four delivers advanced strategies and a look to the future of this growing movement. Throughout, you'll get practical tips to replace some of your typed-out text with a more personal and human touch.

And, no, the irony is not lost on us that this is all being shared by way of simple black text on a plain white page.

Why It's Time to Rehumanize Your Business