Cover Page

Digital Media and Society Series

Cryptocurrencies and Blockchains




This book is truly a collaborative, global effort. While writing it I travelled nearly constantly and met dozens of people who informed my thinking. My greatest intellectual debt goes to Bill Maurer at the University of California, Irvine, who has long supported and encouraged me. Parts of this book were written during a Fellowship at the lovely Leuphana University of Lüneburg, which was both enjoyable and productive thanks to Armin Beverungen, Paula Bialski, Lisa Conrad, and Jorge Oceja. I am also indebted to my European and American colleagues, whom I have had had many valuable conversations with—Mark Coeckelbergh, Wessel Reijers, Gianluca Miscione, Rachel O’Dwyer, Taylor Nelms, Lana Swartz, David Golumbia, and Finn Brunton. My editors at Polity Press, Mary Savigar and Ellen MacDonald-Kramer, moved mountains to bring this book to press so quickly. Similarly, the anonymous reviewers provided expedient, thorough, and insightful feedback. Special thanks to Megan Finn and Katie Shilton for providing me with the institutional support and opportunity to complete this book.

Writing would have been impossible without my friends and family and their unwavering support. Rory, woof. This book is dedicated to Alana Cattapan, my “producer” and wife who made untold sacrifices—putting up with academic wanderlust, often finding me far from home. On more than one occasion I was warned, “If you mention Bitcoin one more time, I’m hanging up on you”—a refrain undoubtedly heard by many others involved in this field, and yet the phone was never put down and encouragement and care were always forthcoming. Thank you. I do not invest in cryptocurrencies. I do, however, buy small amounts of cryptocurrencies for experimentation. I am also an occasional advisor, participant, and employee of cryptocurrency and blockchain companies and projects. My up-to-date financial investment and conflict of interest disclosure is available at