Cover Page

Essential Respiratory Medicine

Shanthi Paramothayan

Consultant Respiratory Physician

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This textbook is dedicated to the memory of my aunt and teacher
Miss Sushila Balamani Navaratnasingam

About the author


This textbook is written by Dr. Shanthi Paramothayan, a Consultant Respiratory Physician with 17 years of clinical experience in the NHS. As an Honorary Senior Lecturer for 15 years, the author has significant experience in teaching, assessing and examining undergraduates, foundation doctors, core medical trainees and respiratory registrars. She is a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, Fellow of the American College of Chest Physicians, and a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. She has been a member of the Education and Training Committee of the British Thoracic Society, a member of the Question Writing Committee for the specialist respiratory examinations, a member of the MRCP 1 Board and a PACES examiner for the Royal College of Physicians. She has been a Foundation Training Programme Director, Director of Medical Education, Associate Medical Director for Education and Associate Foundation Quality Dean, Health Education South London.


I would like to thank the following people for their invaluable help with the writing of this textbook. Consultant Radiologists, Alaa WitWit, Konstantinos Stefanidis, Chandani Thorning, and Valmai Cook were crucial as they sourced many of the radiology images for the book. Alaa WitWit and Konstantinos Stefanidis also read and checked the accuracy of the radiology section of Chapter 4. The Librarians, Potenza Atiogbe, Marisa Martinez Ortiz, and Yin Ping Leung checked the references to ensure that they were all correct and in the right style. They also provided me with encouragement and support.

I am grateful to Tina Matthews, Rukma Doshi and Michael Lapsley, Consultant Histopathologists, and to David Cook, Biomedical Scientist, for providing the histopathology images. Saeed Usman, Consultant Ophthalmologist, provided the image of anterior uveitis.

I would like to thank John Clark, Consultant Microbiologist, for reading and recommending changes and additions to Chapter 8.

I would like to thank Carol Tan, Consultant Thoracic Surgeon, Jaishree Bhosle, Consultant Medical Oncologist, and Fiona MacDonald, Consultant Clinical Oncologist, for reviewing the relevant parts of Chapter 9 and recommending appropriate changes and additions.

I am grateful to Ginny Quirke, Siva Ratnatheepan, Vicky Taylor, and Rajiv Madula for reading chapters and making suggestions and corrections.

Ian Ellerington, Yvonne Welbeck‐Pitfield and David Farrow from the Medical Illustration Department at Epsom and St. Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust were responsible for the clinical photographs and the videos for the supplementary material. My special thanks to Sophie Mitchinson, James Hambley, Rajiv Madula, Helen Parnell, Katherine Bintley, Patricia Lowe, Ella Sultan, Jennifer Swaby, Lucy Stratford, and Amy Grierson for willingly appearing in the photographs and videos of the supplementary material.

My thanks to Ahalya Sahadevan, Rajapillai Ahilan, Arjunan Ahilan, and Sanjeevan Ahilan for their support with IT, medical drawings, and comments on Chapter 1.

About the companion website

This book is accompanied by a companion website:


The website includes:

  • – Image bank
  • – Videos of patient examination
  • – Example respiratory sounds
  • – Multiple‐choice questions

Scan this QR code to visit the companion website:

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Introduction to respiratory medicine

The respiratory system is essential for gas exchange in a multicellular organism. The lungs are also important as a defence against infectious microorganisms. Worldwide, diseases of the respiratory system cause significant morbidity and mortality; this includes infectious diseases, malignancies, allergic diseases, autoimmune disorders, and occupational diseases. Diseases of other parts of the body, for example, rheumatological and renal conditions, often affect the lungs.

Respiratory diseases can present acutely with severe, life‐threatening breathlessness, for example, when someone develops a pulmonary embolus or a pneumothorax, or more insidiously with a steady decline in lung function over time, as occurs in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or parenchymal lung diseases. In the United Kingdom (UK), respiratory diseases account for one‐third of acute admissions to hospitals and for more than a quarter of all deaths in hospitals. Respiratory tract infections are the commonest conditions seen in General Practice.

In the last half a century there has been a decline in the prevalence of certain diseases, such as pneumoconioses, and other occupational lung diseases because of the recognition of the harm caused by exposure to certain agents at work. The introduction of masks, better ventilation, and other safety measures at work, together with appropriate legislation, has been the key to this success.

In the next few decades it is likely that asbestos‐associated diseases (asbestosis and mesothelioma) will reduce in incidence and prevalence in the UK because of the prohibition of the use of asbestos. Asbestos, however, is still used in several developing countries. The recognition that air pollution is responsible for respiratory diseases will, hopefully, lead to cleaner air, especially in urban areas.

However, there has been an increase in the prevalence of allergic asthma, and there are various hypotheses to explain this increase. Mycobacterium tuberculosis has still not been eradicated, resulting in millions of deaths across the globe. Tuberculosis, also called ‘phthism’, ‘consumption’, or the ‘white plague’, was found in the spines of Egyptian mummies dating back to 3200–2400 BCE and is associated with poverty and deprivation.

Respiratory diseases are managed jointly by respiratory physicians, specialist nurses, physiotherapists, and occupational therapists in a multi‐disciplinary way. Other specialists, including radiologists, pathologists, oncologists, thoracic surgeons, palliative care physicians, intensivists, and physiologists (for example, lung function technicians) are also essential in the management of patients with respiratory diseases. Patients who are acutely ill are managed in hospital, often on specialist respiratory wards, sometimes in single rooms if infectious, and in the Intensive Care Unit if respiratory support is required.

There has been increasing understanding of the physiology of the respiratory system and the pathophysiology of respiratory diseases in the last few centuries. Table 1.1 summarises some of the key developments in respiratory medicine.

Table 1.1 Brief history of respiratory medicine.

Year Development Scientist
Greece, 460–370 BCE Beginning of modern medicine Hippocrates
Greece, 304–250 BCE Some understanding of the physiology of the lung Erisistratus
Greece, 129–165 BCE Anatomy of trachea, larynx, and lungs understood
Believed air had substance vital for life
Egypt, 1210–1288 Some understanding of pulmonary circulation Ibne Nafis
Italy, 1500 Understood anatomy and physiology of lungs
Determined sub‐atmospheric pressures inflated lungs
Leonardo da Vinci
Belgium, 1543 Tracheostomy used for ventilation Andreas Vesalius
UK, 1700 Constructed first air pump for physiological research Robert Hooke
France, 1778 Discovered role of oxygen Antoine Lavoisier
France, 1816 Invention of stethoscope René Laennec
Scotland, 1832 Invention of negative pressure tank‐type ventilator John Dalziel
Germany, 1882 Tuberculosis bacterium discovered Robert Koch
Germany, 1895 First chest X‐ray Wilhelm Rötgen
UK, 1928 First non‐invasive ventilation Drinker‐Shaw
USA, 1963 First human lung transplant James Hardy
UK, 1972 First computed tomography scan Godfrey Hounsfield

About the book

Respiratory diseases are common, and this textbook offers a practical guide to those who care for patients with respiratory diseases. This textbook is aimed at medical students studying for their MBBS examination and postgraduate doctors of all grades, especially those studying for postgraduate examinations, including the MRCP examination. This book will also be useful for non‐respiratory doctors, specialist nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, pharmacists, respiratory physiologists, and physicians associates.

This text covers the entire respiratory curriculum and contains information that is useful and relevant to everyday clinical practice, with a focus on clinical presentation and management. Essential basic anatomy, physiology, pharmacology, and pathology are introduced to help understand the clinical presentation. A structured approach is taken to explain how to construct a sensible differential diagnosis of common respiratory conditions. There is a clear explanation of the common diagnostic tests required to make a diagnosis, including the interpretation of lung function tests. The mechanism of action of drugs commonly prescribed to treat respiratory diseases is discussed, with a description of their common side effects and interaction with other medications. The evidence‐based management of common conditions is discussed with reference to the current British Thoracic Society (BTS) and National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines. Common pitfalls in diagnosis and management are highlighted.

The book contains several boxes, tables, and algorithms set out in a clear, and concise way. It also contains several good quality colour photographs, and radiological and histological images to support the information in the text.

There are multiple choice questions which can be used by the reader to check their understanding, with a clear explanation of the correct answer. There is also a list of references for suggested further reading.

Supplementary material includes videos demonstrating how to take a history and conduct a clinical examination ( There are also videos showing how to carry out common tests, such as peak flow, spirometry, the skin prick test, the Mantoux test, the shuttle test, and how to fit a patient for a sleep study.