Cover Page

Series Editor

Henri Maȋtre

Topographical Tools for Filtering and Segmentation 2

Flooding and Marker-based Segmentation on Node- or Edge-weighted Graphs

Fernand Meyer



Volume 1

Mathematical notions

ρ (E): the family of subsets of a set ε
image the upper bounds of the set A
image the lower bounds of the set A
A: the supremum of A = the lowest upper bound of A = the smallest element of image
A: the infimum of A = the greatest lower bound of A = the greatest element of image
Idv,Idw: the identity operator respectively in V and W
image: the complementation operator respectively in V and W
Inv(ψ): the family of invariants of the operator ψ, i.e. the elements a such that ψ(a) = a
Fun(image): the family of functions from the domain D into the completely ordered set T
image the infimum of a family of functions
image the supremum of a family of functions

Weighted graphs


image a graph containing a set N of nodes and a set ε of edges
p, q, r…: nodes of the graph, elements of N
epq or (p − q) an edge connecting p and q belonging to ε
image a directed graph containing a set N of nodes and a set image of arcs
(p → q): an arrow or arc from p to q belonging to image
image: a bidirectional arrow: an arc from p to q and an arc from q to p


For a graph G:
image the family of edges linking two nodes of A ⊂ N
GA = [A, EA]: a subgraph spanned by εA
For a directed graph image image
image a subgraph spanned by image

Partial graphs

For a graph G: For imageimage and imageimage, a partial graph associated to a subset image of edges.
For a digraph image: For a digraph imageimage or (q → p) or image and imageimage a partial digraph associated with a subset image of arcs.


For a graph G:
For a digraph image:
an undirected path from p to q
an undirected path of origin p number of edges of the path πpq.concatenation of the two paths image and image
a directed path from p to q
a bidirectional path between p and q
a directed path starting at p number of edges of the path image concatenation of two directed paths image and image

Cocycles and neighborhoods

For a graph G:
image−→ the cocycle of a set Y
the cocycle of the node p
For a digraph image
the cocycle of a set Y
the cocycle of the node p

Weight distributions on the nodes or edges of a graph

Fn = Fun(N,T): the functions defined on the nodes N for a value of T .
Fe = Fun(E,T): the functions defined on the edges ε for a value of T .
ηpq = the value taken by the function η ∈ Fe on the edge epq of the graph G or on the arc image in image
νp = the value taken by the function ν Fn on the node p in image
G(ν, η): a node- and edge-weighted graph
G(ν, nil): a node-weighted graph, with unweighted edges
G(nil, η): an edge-weighted graph, with unweighted nodes
G(nil, nil): an unweighted graph

Erosions and dilations between node and edge weights

image the weight taken by the edge eij after the erosion εen
image the weight taken by the edge eij after the dilation δen
image the weight taken by the node i afte the erosion εne
image the weight taken by the node i afte the dilation δne

Composition of operators

Using composition, we obtain the following operators: Fn → Fn
– an erosion from node to node: εN = εneεen
– a dilation from node to node: δN = δneδen
– an opening from node to node: γn = δneεen
– a closing from node to node: φn = εneδenFe → Fe
– an erosion from edge to edge: εE = εenεn
– a dilation from edge to edge: δE = δenδne
– an opening from edge to edge: γe = δenεne
– a closing from edge to edge: φe = εenδne

Gradient operators

Subtracting an erosion from a dilation produces various gradient operators:

Fn → Fe: δen − εen
Fn → Fn: δN − εN
Fe → Fn: δne − εne
Fe → Fe: δE − εE

Binary and equivalence relations

Creations of node flat zones on
equivalence relation = transitive closure of the binary relation p q the equivalence classes are the node flat zones
Creations of edge flat zones on G(nil, η):image equivalence relation = transitive closure of the binary relation epq εqr
image the equivalence classes are the edgeflat zones
Creations of even zones on G(nil, η):
image epq is a flowing edge for p and q
image equivalence relation = transitive closure of the binary relation
image the equivalence classes are the even zones

Flowing graphs

image a flowing graph obtained by cutting the non-flowing edges of G(nil, η)
image a flowing graph obtained by adding a self-loop connecting each isolated regional minimum with itself

The topography of digraphs

image and image have the same flowing edges and flowing paths.

image the associated flow digraphan equivalence relation image
smooth zones: the equivalence classes of image
dead-end: a smooth zone without outgoing arc
image a bidirectional path exists between p and q
flatzones: the equivalence classes of image
black hole: the equivalence classes ofa flatzone without outgoing arc
image characterizes gravitational graphs 1 step upstream propagation of labels
image k step upstream propagation of labels
image upstream propagation of labels unti stability
image 1 step downstream propagation of labels
image k step downstream propagation of labels
image downstream propagation of labels untill stability p u and image

Measuring the steepness of flowing paths

image the lexicographic order relation of length k
image exists such that image
image the lexicographic order relation of length ∞
image (π12, …πkkk..): the series of weights of the nodes of a flowing path π
image the weights of the k first nodes of the flowing path π
image the infinite list of node weights
image the lexicographic weight of the flowing path π
image the weights of the nodes k +1 to ∞
image concatenation of lists of weights o lists of nodes
image =image example of concatenation
θ(p): steepness measure of the node p
θ(p): the lexicographic weight of an ∞− steep path starting at p
image the k first nodes of ∞− steep path starting at p
k − steep: a flowing path π starting at p is k imagesteep if
∞− steep: a flowing path π starting at p is ∞−imagesteep if
k − steep: a graph is ksteep if all its flowing paths are k steep
∞− steep: a graph is ∞ − steep if all its flowing paths are ∞− steep

Pruning a flow digraph

image scissor operator
directed erosion image
image pruning of intensity n +2 decomposition of a pruning as the composition of two prunings
image the operator assigning the weight o to the black holes
image pruning propagating the value o starting from the black holes: image
image the union of the directed paths tha have their origin within the set X and reduced to their first n nodes
image the union of the directed paths tha have their origin within the set X and ending in a black hole

Constructing an ∞− steep digraph by flooding

image a digraph constructed by the core expanding algorithm
image the weight νp followed by an infinite list of 0
image the infinite list of imageimage
image first-in first-out queue to contain nodes verifying image
Λ: the minimum lexicographic weighimageof the nodes that has neighbors image
lexdist: the lexicographic distance

Creating steep watershed partitions

image first-in first-out queue to contain nodes verifying θ1 = λi
image first-in first-out queue to contain θ1 = λi
image hierarchical queue = collection of prioritized first-in first-out queues
image a digraph for which the nodes hold the weight ν and the label imageimage

An historical intermezzo

image the geodesic distance between two pixels x and y in a domain Z
skiz(X, Z): the skeleton by zone of influence o the family X = (Xi)i∈I of sets within the domain Z
Q: the first-in first-out queue
(εN ν)p: the weight of the lowest neighboring node of p

Encoding the digraph associated with an image

image the operator inverting the arcs in a digraph
image an arc exists from p to q but no arc in the other direction
S = {p | p, q ∈ N : (p → q) andimage overlapping seeds=nodes with a given label, the origin of an arc towards a node with another label
image the interleaving pruning and upstream propagation of labels

Volume 2

Modeling flooding

image the function τ is an n-flooding of the graph G[ν, nil]
image the function τ is an e-flooding of the graph G[nil, η]

Lakes and regional minima

Λλ(nil, η): a partial subgraph of G[nil, η] defined as follows:

  • – a node p belongs to Λλ(nil, η) if τp = λ;
  • – an edge epq belongs to Λλ(nil, η) iff τp = τq = λ and image

Creations of node flat zones on G(ν, nil):

image equivalence relation = transitive closure of the binary relation p q
image the equivalence classes are the node flat zones, an edge epq belongs to Λλ(ν, nil) iff τp = τq = λ

Among all flooding, choosing one

image the ceiling function defined on the nodes of a node- or edge-weighted graph
image the highest flooding of G[ν, nil]imageunder the ceiling function
image the operator assigning to the function ω the dominated flooding τω of G
image the pulse function at node p, equa to ωp at node p and equal to∞ on all other nodes
τleft: in an ordered exploration of the nodes in a graph, all nodes me before a node p
τright: in an ordered exploration of the nodes in a graph, all nodes met afte a node

Flooding and flooding distances

χ(p, q): the flooding distance between two nodes p and q
image the highest edge weight on the path πpq, called the section or sup section of the path in G(nil, η)
the family of paths linking p and qthe flooding distance in G(nil, η)
image the highest weight of the nodes belonging to πpq in G(ν, nil)
image the flooding distance in the graph G(ν, nil)

Augmented graph in G(nil, η)

Ω: the dummy node added to an edge weighted graph linked with al nodes of a subset A in G(nil, η)
GΩ = Ω−{eΩp | pA and ηΩp = ωp}− G: the structure of the augmented graph in G(nil, η)
χ(Ω,p): the shortest flooding distance of Ω to p in the graph GΩ
χ(Ω, Ω) = −
the minimum spanning tree of GΩ

Augmented graph in G(nil, η)

image the twin node of p, created if the ceiling function ω verifies that ωp <, and linked with the node p by an unweighted edge image
image a set of twin nodes of the set A of nodes with a finite ceiling value
image the ground level of the twin node image
the structure of the augmented graph

Shortest path algorithms

S: the set of nodes whose shortes distance to Ω has been computed
image estimation is the length of theimageshortest path whose nodes are all included in S, with the exception of the node p
image a funnel structure
image the subset of nodes of ∂S with minimum weight

Graph flooding via dendrograms

Dendrogram structure

χ: a subset of P(ε)
supp(χ): the union of all sets belonging to χ
Sum(χ) = {A ∈ χ | ∀B ∈ χ :A ≺ B ⇒ A = B}: summits
Leav(χ) = {A ∈ χ | ∀B ∈ χ :B ≺ A ⇒ A = B}: leaves
Nod(χ) = χ − Leav(χ): nodes
ancestor(A) = Pred(A) ={B ∈ χ | A ≺ B}: the ancestor or predecessor
father(A) = ImPred(A) = {B ∈ χ | {U | U ∈ χ ,A ≺ U and U ≺ B} = (A, B)}: father
descendant(A) = Succ(A) = {B ∈ χ | B ≺ A}: descendants
son(A) = ImSucc(A) ={B ∈ χ | {U | U ∈ χ ,B ≺ U and U ≺ A} = (A, B)}: sons
cousin(A) = {B ∈ χ | B = son[ancestor(A)]; B = ancestor(A)}: cousins
st: the stratification index

Ultrametric distances

χ: partial ultrametric distance
Ball(p, ρ) = {q ∈ E | χ(p, q) ≤ ρ}:◦ a closed ball of center p and radiu ρ
◦Ball(p, ρ) = {q ∈ E | χ(p, q) < ρ}: an open ball of center p and radiu ρ
ρB: the radius of B
θB: the diameter of B, i.e. the weight o the largest internal edge, connecting two nodes of B
ζB: the weight of the edge with lowes weight in the cocycle of B, i.e. the edges with an extremity in B and the other outside
imagea node of the dendrogram, i.e. a closed ball centered at a leave p
imagesuccessor of image): the lowest value of the ceiling function ω inside the closed ball p

Minimum spanning forests and watershed partitions

T (nil, η): a minimum spanning tree of the graph G(nil, η)
Ts and Tt: subtrees created by cutting the edge epq in T
F = Φ(G, M): a minimum spanning forest, with trees rooted in the family M o markers (mi)
image the retraction of the graph G around the minimum spanning forest F
image a minimum spanning tree of image
image a hierarchical queue structure, with Φi being a FIFO queue with priority i

Marker-based segmentation

image a flood-pruned graph obtained by suppressing the edges epq verifying τω(p)τω(q) < ηpq
image a digraph of image