Cover Page



  1. Acceptance:
    1. about
    2. action steps
    3. power, decreasing
    4. power, increasing
    5. reference page
  2. Accountability
  3. Accounting approach to personal relationships
  4. Achievement-striving:
    1. about
    2. power, decreasing
    3. power, increasing
    4. reference page
  5. Action plan:
    1. about
    2. accountability
    3. example
    4. importance of
  6. Action steps:
    1. acceptance
    2. autonomy
    3. being resolute
    4. crisis-prone behaviors
    5. diligence
    6. experience sharing
    7. humility
    8. independence
    9. modesty behaviors
    10. myopic behavior
    11. narcissistic behaviors
    12. personal commitments
    13. pleasing behaviors
    14. power
    15. pretentiousness
    16. purpose
    17. reliance
    18. self-deception
    19. self-determination
    20. self-discipline
    21. self-efficacy
    22. self-esteem
    23. self-monitoring
    24. spirituality
    25. tolerance
    26. zest
  7. Activities in your Circle
  8. Adolescents:
    1. Circle
    2. developmental tasks
  9. Adults:
    1. arrested inner development
    2. Circle
    3. developmental tasks
    4. “playing small”
  10. Advisers
  11. African Americans
  12. Agrawal, AJ
  13. Alcohol
  14. Alcoholics Anonymous
  15. Aristotle
  16. Arrested inner development
  17. Artist
  18. Ash Wednesday
  19. Assessing your Circle:
    1. about
    2. assessment process
    3. example (power, and purpose, with low independence and humility)
    4. example (independence and power with low humility and purpose)
    5. example (independence and purpose with low humility and power)
    6. example (power and purpose with low independence and humility)
  20. Assessing independence
  21. Attraction, law of
  22. Autonomy:
    1. about
    2. action steps
    3. independence, decreasing
    4. independence, increasing
    5. reference page


  1. Babies:
    1. Circle
    2. developmental tasks
  2. Balancing your Circle. See also Enlarging and balancing your Circle
    1. about
    2. assessing
    3. exercise
    4. great people
    5. importance of
    6. need for
    7. understanding
  3. Belief:
    1. Jesus of Nazareth
    2. PhD story
  4. Better, change for the
  5. “Better than average effect”
  6. Branson, Richard
  7. Brothers, tale of two
  8. Brown, Jason
  9. Bryant, Kobe
  10. Busyness


  1. Caffeine
  2. Caring for others:
    1. about
    2. accounting approach to
    3. selfless approach to
  3. Caring for self
  4. Change:
    1. availability of
    2. for the better
    3. first steps toward
    4. resistance to
  5. Change Formula
  6. Character, importance of
  7. Children:
    1. Circle
    2. developmental tasks
    3. in hot tub
    4. parental responsibility for
    5. playing big
  8. Circle. See also specific topics
    1. about
    2. activities in
    3. brakes and gas pedals
    4. defined
    5. distress in expanding
    6. first steps in expanding
    7. greatness
    8. human development and
    9. importance of something
    10. motivators in
    11. ownership of
    12. values in
    13. vision in expanding
  9. Circle, assessing:
    1. about
    2. assessment process
    3. example (power, humility, and purpose-driven, with low independence)
    4. example (independence and power-driven with low humility and purpose)
    5. example (power and purpose-driven with low independence and humility)
    6. example (high independence and purpose, combined with low humility and power)
  10. Circle, balancing:
    1. about
    2. assessing
    3. exercise
    4. greatness
    5. importance of
    6. need for
    7. understanding
  11. Circle, enlarging and balancing:
    1. brothers, tale of two
    2. caring for others
    3. caring for self
    4. character, importance of
    5. greatness
    6. parenting
    7. pleasure
    8. thriving
    9. work
  12. Civil rights for African Americans
  13. Collier, Robert
  14. Commitments, personal:
    1. about
    2. action steps
    3. independence, decreasing
    4. independence, increasing
    5. reference page
  15. Company success, ownership of
  16. Comparing yourself to others
  17. Covey, Stephen R.
  18. Crisis
  19. Crisis-prone behaviors:
    1. about
    2. action steps
    3. independence, decreasing
    4. independence, increasing
    5. reference page


  1. Death
  2. Debt, paying off
  3. Dethmer, Jim
  4. Developmental tasks:
    1. about
    2. adolescents
    3. adults
    4. babies
    5. children
    6. Circle and
    7. humility
    8. independence
    9. infants
    10. life stages
    11. narcissism
    12. power
    13. purpose
    14. teenagers
  5. Diligence:
    1. about
    2. action steps
    3. purpose, decreasing
    4. purpose, increasing
    5. reference page
  6. Distress
  7. Drama:
    1. about
    2. action steps
    3. independence, decreasing
    4. independence, increasing
    5. reference page
  8. Drug dependency


  1. Echo (mythological figure)
  2. Eeyore (fictional character)
  3. Ego:
    1. about
    2. greatness of
  4. Endurance
  5. Enlarging and balancing your Circle. See also Balancing your Circle
    1. brothers, tale of two
    2. caring for others
    3. caring for self
    4. character, importance of
    5. greatness
    6. parenting
    7. pleasure
    8. thriving
    9. work
  6. Enron
  7. Ethiopia
  8. Evil
  9. Exercises:
    1. balancing your Circle
    2. vision
  10. Experience sharing:
    1. about
    2. action steps
    3. purpose, decreasing
    4. purpose, increasing
    5. reference page


  1. Failure to thrive
  2. Feeding hungry people
  3. First steps
  4. Foolishness
  5. Forgiveness
  6. Frankl, Viktor
  7. Frost, Robert


  1. Gandhi, Mahatma
  2. Giftedness. See Power
  3. Gleicher, David
  4. Goodness
  5. Gravity
  6. Greatness:
    1. about
    2. character, importance of
    3. Circle
    4. Circle, balancing
    5. Circle, enlarging and balancing
    6. happiness in
    7. meaning/purpose and
    8. seeing within yourself
    9. types of
    10. unpretentiousness in
    11. wealth and


  1. Happiness
  2. Heart attack patient
  3. Hot tub story
  4. Hubris:
    1. about
    2. self-perception and
  5. Human development
    1. about
    2. adolescents
    3. adults
    4. arrested
    5. babies
    6. children
    7. Circle and
    8. humility
    9. independence
    10. infants
    11. life stages
    12. narcissism
    13. power
    14. purpose
    15. teenagers
  6. Humility:
    1. action steps
    2. decreasing
    3. defined
    4. as developmental task
    5. factors making up
    6. hubris versus
    7. importance of
    8. increasing
    9. independence without
    10. lack of, 29 making up
    11. modesty and
    12. narcissism and
    13. poem about
    14. power without
    15. purpose without
    16. questions about
    17. reference page
    18. self-esteem and
    19. self-monitoring and
    20. self-perception models
    21. tolerance and
    22. without independence
    23. without power
    24. without purpose
  7. Hungry people, feeding


  1. “Illusory superiority”
  2. Impact on others
  3. Importance of something
  4. Independence:
    1. about
    2. action steps
    3. assessing
    4. autonomy and
    5. benefits of
    6. crisis-prone behaviors and
    7. decreasing
    8. defined
    9. as developmental task
    10. factors influencing
    11. humility without
    12. importance of
    13. increasing
    14. journey to
    15. lack of
    16. personal commitments and
    17. pleasing behaviors and
    18. power without
    19. pretentiousness and
    20. purpose without
    21. reference page
    22. reliance and
    23. without humility
    24. without power
    25. without purpose
  5. India, liberating from British rule
  6. Infants:
    1. Circle
    2. developmental tasks


  1. Jesus of Nazareth:
    1. belief
    2. forgiveness
    3. humility
    4. unpretentiousness
  2. Job, ownership of
  3. Jobs, Steve
  4. Jordan, Michael
  5. Judging others


  1. Kennedy, John F.
  2. King, Martin Luther, Jr.


  1. Latent tendencies
  2. Law of attraction
  3. Lay, Kenneth
  4. Leadership
  5. Life stages
  6. Listening to others
  7. Low self-esteem


  1. Manifest qualities
  2. Marriage, pleasing spouse in
  3. Maturity
  4. Meaning. See also Purpose
  5. Meetings, leaving
  6. Metrics, performance
  7. Modesty:
    1. about
    2. humility, decreasing
    3. humility, increasing
  8. Modesty behaviors
    1. reference page
  9. Motivators
  10. Munoz, Jorge
  11. Myopia:
    1. about
  12. Myopic behavior
    1. purpose, decreasing
    2. purpose, increasing
    3. reference page


  1. Narcissism:
    1. about
    2. developmental tasks
    3. humility, decreasing
    4. humility, increasing
  2. Narcissistic behaviors
    1. reference page
  3. Narcissus (mythological figure)
  4. Nemesis (mythological figure)
  5. Newton, Isaac
  6. “The No Asshole Rule” (Sutton)


  1. Obedience
  2. Olympics
  3. Others:
    1. caring for
    2. comparing yourself to
    3. impact on
    4. judging
    5. listening to
    6. separateness from
  4. Ownership:
    1. of Circle
    2. of job
    3. of success of company


  1. Parents:
    1. enlarging and balancing your Circle
    2. responsibility for children
  2. Paycheck, work as means to
  3. Performance metrics
  4. Personal commitments:
    1. about
    2. action steps
    3. independence, decreasing
    4. independence, increasing
    5. reference page
  5. Personality attributes, latent
  6. Personal relationships:
    1. about
    2. accounting approach to
    3. selfless approach to
  7. PhD story
  8. Placebos
  9. “Playing small”
  10. Pleasing behaviors:
    1. about
    2. action steps
    3. independence, decreasing
    4. independence, increasing
    5. reference page
  11. Pleasure
  12. Poems:
    1. humility
    2. purpose
  13. Power:
    1. about
    2. acceptance and
    3. achievement-striving and
    4. action steps
    5. decreasing
    6. defined
    7. as developmental task
    8. factors comprising
    9. humility without
    10. importance of
    11. increasing
    12. independence without
    13. purpose without
    14. reference page
    15. self-determination and
    16. self-discipline and
    17. self-efficacy and
    18. without humility
    19. without independence
    20. without purpose
    21. zest and
  14. Pretentiousness:
    1. about
    2. action steps
    3. independence, decreasing
    4. independence, increasing
    5. reference page
  15. Pride
  16. Purpose:
    1. about
    2. action steps
    3. decreasing
    4. as developmental task
    5. diligence and
    6. experience sharing and
    7. factors making up
    8. greatness and
    9. humility without
    10. importance of
    11. increasing
    12. independence without
    13. lack of
    14. myopia and
    15. poem about
    16. power without
    17. reference page
    18. resolve and
    19. self-deception and
    20. spirituality and
    21. without humility
    22. without independence
    23. without power


  1. Questions about humility


  1. Reference pages:
    1. acceptance
    2. achievement-striving
    3. autonomy
    4. crisis-prone behaviors
    5. diligence
    6. experience sharing
    7. humility
    8. independence
    9. modesty
    10. myopia
    11. narcissism
    12. personal commitments
    13. pleasing behaviors
    14. power
    15. pretentiousness
    16. purpose
    17. reliance
    18. resolve
    19. self-deception
    20. self-determination
    21. self-discipline
    22. self-efficacy
    23. self-esteem
    24. self-monitoring
    25. spirituality
    26. tolerance
    27. zest
  2. Relationships, personal:
    1. about
    2. accounting approach to
    3. selfless approach to
  3. Reliance:
    1. about
    2. action steps
    3. independence, decreasing
    4. independence, increasing
    5. reference page
  4. Religion. See also Jesus of Nazareth; Spirituality and religiosity
  5. Resistance to change
  6. Resolve:
    1. about
    2. action steps
    3. purpose, decreasing
    4. purpose, increasing
    5. reference page
  7. “The Road Not Taken” (Frost)
  8. Roap map:
    1. about
    2. accountability
    3. example
    4. importance of
  9. Rules, following


  1. Sears
  2. Self-care
  3. Self-deception:
    1. about
    2. action steps
    3. purpose, decreasing
    4. purpose, increasing
    5. reference page
  4. Self-determination:
    1. about
    2. action steps
    3. power, decreasing
    4. power, increasing
    5. reference page
  5. Self-determined prophecy
  6. Self-discipline:
    1. about
    2. action steps
    3. power, decreasing
    4. power, increasing
    5. reference page
  7. Self-efficacy:
    1. about
    2. action steps
    3. power, decreasing
    4. power, increasing
    5. reference page
  8. Self-esteem:
    1. about
    2. action steps
    3. humility, decreasing
    4. humility, increasing
    5. low
    6. reference page
  9. Self-focused values
  10. Selflessness:
    1. greatness of
    2. in personal relationships
  11. Self-monitoring:
    1. about
    2. action steps
    3. humility, decreasing
    4. humility, increasing
    5. reference page
  12. Self-perception models:
    1. hubris
    2. humility
    3. self-esteem, low
  13. Separateness from others
  14. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (Covey)
  15. Shoe polishing story
  16. Small, playing
  17. Spirituality:
    1. about
    2. action steps
    3. purpose, decreasing
    4. purpose, increasing
    5. purpose and
    6. reference page
  18. Spouse, pleasing
  19. Stories, sharing:
    1. about
    2. action steps
    3. purpose, decreasing
    4. purpose, increasing
    5. reference page
  20. Success of company, ownership of
  21. Superiority, illusory
  22. Supportiveness
  23. Sutton, Robert


  1. Taylor, Jane
  2. Teenagers:
    1. Circle
    2. developmental tasks
  3. Thriving
  4. Tiananmen Square
  5. Tigger (fictional character)
  6. Tolerance:
    1. about
    2. action steps
    3. humility, decreasing
    4. humility, increasing
    5. reference page


  1. Vacation
  2. Values:
    1. in your Circle
    2. self-focused
  3. Veterans, disabled
  4. “The Violet” (Taylor)
  5. Vision:
    1. expanding your Circle with
    2. PhD story
    3. road map for attaining


  1. Wealth, nonmaterial
  2. Weight, losing
  3. Wife, pleasing
  4. Williamson, Marianne
  5. Winnie-the-Pooh
  6. Wisdom
  7. Work:
    1. as means to paycheck
    2. ownership of job
    3. ownership of success of company
    4. pleasing boss at


  1. Zest:
    1. about
    2. action steps
    3. power, decreasing
    4. power, increasing
    5. reference page

About the Circle Blueprint System

The Circle Blueprint is a revolutionary life improvement system that is designed to help you on your path to happiness and success. It's made up of three components:

PART 1: THE BOOK. The Circle Blueprint: Decoding the Conscious and Unconscious Factors that Determine Your Success by Jack Skeen, Greg Miller, and Aaron Hill delves into the theory behind the system. It zeroes in on four developmental areas—Independence, Power, Humility, and Purpose—that combine to make you a “whole” and balanced person. Importantly, the authors explain the real meanings of these four words. (You might be surprised to learn their meanings have gotten lost over time.)

The authors paint a vivid picture of what these concepts look like in the life of a person who has mastered them (and conversely what they might look like when you haven't). They give you the language to finally understand on a deep level what's wrong in your life.

PART 2: THE ASSESSMENT. This scientifically validated psychometric self-assessment tool reveals your inherent personality traits as they pertain to the concepts in the book. It tells you exactly where you fall on a “mastery” spectrum in the book's four developmental areas—unearthing exactly where you are limiting your greatness. This is the self‐awareness piece that truly sparks change and pushes you to move toward balance, wholeness, and a life in which you thrive. By the way, your results are 100 percent confidential, so you can feel free to be completely honest when you answer the questions.

PART 3: THE SUPPLEMENTAL WORKBOOKS. These four workbooks are filled with step‐by‐step instruction to help you master the four key developmental areas. This is where you “do the work.” Some people choose to engage a coach during this phase, though it's not required.

Here are seven benefits of the Circle Blueprint System:

It's incredibly comprehensive. It covers a broad spectrum of behaviors and works well for many different personality types. Also, it sparks improvement (often dramatic improvement) in both the personal and professional areas of your life.

It's personalized. Many self‐help books and programs are “one size fits all.” They give generic advice on what to do without first showing you where you are on your journey right now. (This is why most don't work.) Thanks to the thorough and accurate assessment, the Circle Blueprint System is all about YOU and how you view yourself. Then, depending where you fall on the five‐point mastery scale—whose levels range from “hanging on” to “thriving”—you're directed to the appropriate starting point in the appropriate workbook. You start where you are.

It's private. Sometimes people feel uncomfortable revealing personal information about themselves. That's why the system is designed for privacy from beginning to end. Participants are reassured by the knowledge that their assessment results and all subsequent improvement work are completely confidential.

It's flexible. You can read the book first…or jump right into the assessment…or take the assessment in stages as you follow the book. You can focus your efforts on mastering one of the four developmental areas or all of them. You can take advantage of specialized coaching if you like—or you can work on yourself without engaging any outside help. You can go as deeply as you want and move as quickly as you want.

It's cost effective. While it is beneficial for many people, coaching is not required. Once you've purchased the materials you're fully emancipated to work by yourself, at the cadence that appeals to you.

It fosters rapid improvement. Once you become aware of your weaknesses you can improve very, very quickly. It's not unusual for a person to move from “hanging on” to “thriving” in the blink of an eye.

It's a pathway to lasting change. Again, “awareness” is the magic key. Once you know exactly what your problems are—what's holding you back from having the life you want—you almost have to address them. You know ignoring them is only hurting yourself. And once you see and feel the improvements in your life, you'll do anything to keep from going back to where you started.

For more information about the Circle Blueprint System, please visit