Hands On With Google? Data Studio by Lee Hurst

Hands On With Google® Data Studio

A Data Citizen’s Survival Guide



Lee Hurst








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To my parents, for pursuing their interests with passion.

About the Author

Digital capture depicting Lee Hurst.

Lee Hurst is a developer and occasional consultant. For the last 14 years, he has worked for Garlock Sealing Technologies, where he builds eCommerce applications, develops their global websites, and provides marketing analytics and strategy support.

Lee began working with Google Data Studio soon after its initial release in 2016. In addition to providing support through articles on his website, helpfullee.com, he is the creator and maintainer of the Google Data Studio Resources finder, a widely used free resource. He participates in conferences and groups, speaking on related topics, and is the organizer of the Rochester Digital Marketing meetup.

Lee has been involved with web development since the mid‐1990s, when he began consulting and created the Susan B. Anthony House website in 1996. He specialized in neural networks and genetic algorithms as he worked his way through the computer science master's degree program at the Rochester Institute of Technology. He left the program to join IBM as a web applications developer in 1999.

Lee obtained a bachelor's degree in philosophy from the State University of New York (SUNY) Geneseo, and he worked a variety of jobs before finally giving in to his inner geek and pursuing further education and a career in IT. He lives with his girlfriend and two dogs in Rochester, New York, where he has provided a free community Tai Chi session every Wednesday for the last 7 years.

About the Technical Editor

Paul Roland is an online marketing expert with over 20 years of experience in providing services for both business‐to‐business (B2B) and business‐to‐consumer (B2C) companies. While at Compaq Computer Corporation during the 1990s, Paul was responsible for their server division online presence and pioneered many aspects of their web publishing process and online marketing strategy. Paul has also held marketing director roles for several marketing agencies and other energy‐related corporations. These positions enabled Paul to gain deep expertise in search engine marketing solutions. Paul currently provides search engine marketing consulting services to several agencies in the Houston, Texas, area. Working with many clients that require advanced reporting led Paul to embrace Google Data Studio and actively use it over the past few years.


First, I would like to acknowledge the outstanding project team at Wiley. This book would not have happened without Devon Lewis, who contacted me on LinkedIn, suggested that I might write a book about the subject, and helped get the project approved. Gary Schwartz, my development editor, showed great patience and understanding as I went through the learning process. Along with the rest of the team, I would like to thank Barath Kumar Rajasekaran for his production work and Pete Gaughan for project management.

Next, a big shout‐out to all the folks on Twitter from around the world who shared their knowledge and helped build a community. I greatly appreciate your camaraderie and support.

I also want to thank the Google Data Studio and Google Analytics teams. They have been remarkably accessible and supportive over the years. It's comforting to know that even at a giant company like Google, there are people who have a passion for their work and listen to their users.

A special thanks to my friend Allyn Evans, for not only her encouragement but also her help in arranging for the Soul Synergy Center to let me to use their real‐world data for some of the examples in this book.

Finally, to Rebecca, for her boundless understanding, support, patience, advice, and love. Thank you.


I'll confess that when I was initially approached to write a book about Google Data Studio, I was hesitant. At the time, I was building a reputation, and some authority, on the subject. I particularly enjoyed blogging, giving presentations, and collaborating with newfound colleagues. It was exciting to explore the bounds of what was possible with each new release. But write a book on the subject? That was another matter, for sure.

I thought it might be a fool's errand to try to capture all the capabilities of such a quickly evolving platform in book form. After reading and reviewing hundreds of resources about Google Data Studio over the past few years, I had seen many “ultimate” guides published on the web, only to be outdated soon after their release. I seriously considered turning down the opportunity.

What changed my mind was a reflection on why I enjoyed working with Data Studio in the first place. It was the feeling of empowerment. I had found Data Studio to be like the Swiss Army knife of data visualization tools: although it certainly is not the best tool for every job, you can do quite a lot with it, and it is easily accessible.

Developing the ability to make sense of the tremendous amounts of data generated in our society is a challenge as well as an opportunity. Both individuals and large corporations can benefit from increased access to data if the tools to work with it are accessible and approachable. I believe that Data Studio meets these requirements and can help in the democratization of these skills.

The development of data literacy, and increasing your ability to communicate insights through visualization, is not just a set of skills to be used in a business context. Although it is becoming increasingly important for businesses to develop these skills, you can go beyond the business context and use these capabilities for your community and your personal interests.

Data Studio continues to evolve sophisticated features, but the fundamental capabilities have remained available and accessible to users at all levels. My approach to writing this book was not to provide an exhaustive detailing of features or to dive into the latest or most exotic implementations, as fun as that might be. The challenge in writing this book was to provide the reader with access to the fundamentals and guide them through the development process with examples that are relevant to their interests. The goal is to provide a foundation for those who want to explore or develop data skills.

During the writing of this book, which took several months, there were more than 20 Data Studio updates and releases. Despite all those changes, there have been only a few cosmetic updates to the examples provided. My hope, and so far, my experience, is that this book will be of value for some time to come. It is designed as a survival guide: a resource to get you started and see you safely through the challenges of working in areas that might be unfamiliar.

Beyond this book, you should find resources available to empower you to pursue your own interests even further and take advantage of new features as they become available.

Who Should Read This Book

This book is primarily designed with novices in mind. It is heavily weighted in favor of those who may be unfamiliar with the many different systems and services available. A wide range of applications are covered in this book, and chances are good that you will have an interest in several of the topics. This book should help

  • Beginners looking for an accessible way to get started building skills in data visualization and analysis
  • Those interested in gaining experience with data visualization tools
  • Organizations looking for better ways to communicate their community involvement
  • Small business owners looking to gain insight and monitor their websites and business listings
  • Freelancers or small agencies looking to add better reporting capabilities for their clients
  • People involved in organizations that can benefit from better reporting and communication capabilities
  • People who have an interest in building their data skills and literacy for career enhancement
  • Those who need to gain experience using Data Studio specifically due to business adoption
  • Individuals interested in using their own data for personal growth
  • People interested in analyzing and reporting on public data

What You Will Learn

This book provides a practical guide to many of the steps in the data life cycle. You'll learn how to find data, connect to data services, retrieve data, and study the basics of data preparation. We'll cover the basics of report design as well as using reports for analysis and insight discovery. And, of course, you'll learn all about using Data Studio as a tool for data visualization, analysis, and communication.

Throughout most of this book, we'll use a basic cooking analogy to guide you through the steps of creating reports and applications. We'll usually start with the finished product so that you can see the main components used in each example, and we'll then proceed to re‐create the example.

For each example, I'll walk you through all the steps and not just how to create the report itself. It's important to know how and where to shop for data, how to prepare the data when necessary, and how to use the finished product.

Data Studio is a tool that can help you find your own insights from data in addition to being a medium for visual data communication. The more you work with data, the more you will build greater intuition as to where to look for insights. At the same time, your skills in analysis will grow. Again, there is no substitute for practice and experience.

It is my hope that as you work with your own data and learn to use the tools discussed in this book, you'll become more than a passive consumer of other people's work. Hopefully, you'll develop an appreciation of well‐crafted communications. Also, you may develop a healthy skepticism for data presented in ways designed to promote a conclusion rather than to highlight an insight.

You have to expend a lot of mental energy in order to gain your own insights and even more energy to communicate them to an audience. I have found that working on topics and areas that interest me personally provides the motivation to expend the effort required.

My advice is to find an area of your own interest, in your personal, business, or public life, and explore that area with the tools now available.

How This Book Is Organized

Each chapter in the book has its own set of online resources. You'll find links to the live Data Studio examples, online references, and services. In addition, sample data files are provided for Part I so that you can follow along using the example data. You can access all of the online resources at www.wiley.com/go/handsondatastudio.

Part I: Data Studio Basics

This group of chapters covers the basics of working with Data Studio.

  • Chapter 1: Data Studio and the Data Citizen  This chapter is designed to introduce users to the tools and skills that you'll be building by following the examples in this book. It explores the concepts involved in the data life cycle, the increased demand for data skills, and the roles that Data Studio can fill.
  • Chapter 2: Cooking with Google Data Studio  This chapter will help users new to Data Studio to get up and running with the tool. Starting from scratch, we go from account setup, to personal financial data retrieval, to basic data preparation. After data preparation, we build the example report.

    Along the way, you'll be introduced to basic Data Studio concepts and how to use the fundamental features of the tool. We'll cover in detail how to set up a Google Sheet with a new data connection and add that to your report. We'll also explore several of the fundamental chart visualizations and focus on configuration options that are most commonly used. Finally, you'll learn how to share the report.

  • Chapter 3: Enhancing Basic Graphs  This chapter builds on the example created in Chapter 2. Here we cover the setup and configuration options that are important to most users, from chart visualization options to time range comparisons. I also provide an introduction to grouping concepts in order to build the updated report.

    This chapter also covers how to copy Data Studio reports and reuse elements in order to save time. You'll learn more about static report design and how to use Data Studio to create password‐protected PDFs for safe report sharing.

  • Chapter 4: Data Exploration with Interactive Elements  This chapter sticks to using personal accounting data, but instead of creating static reports, we build a workbench designed for analysis. The chapter then explores the major interactive features available to Data Studio users, and it provides guidance on using various interaction options.

    This chapter also introduces you to modifying and augmenting data using Data Studio functions when it is inconvenient, or impossible, to modify the source data. The last part of the chapter explores how to use the report as an analysis tool to answer specific questions.

Part II: Business and Marketing Applications

This part caters to the natural strengths of Data Studio. The focus here is on reporting for web application data, but the concepts are transferrable to other systems as well. In this set of chapters, we explore three main applications that, because of the widespread use of the web, are quite likely to be of interest to the largest set of users.

Another aspect that links these applications together is the use of data that is “live.” This connection to live data sources, ones that are constantly updating and changing, lends itself well to the concept of dashboards, another major report type often developed in Data Studio.

  • Chapter 5: Web Data Visualization with Google Analytics  This chapter explores the major Google web measurement services, their roles, and their applications, and it dives deeper into using Data Studio with Google Analytics. Even if you don't have a web property with which to work, you'll be able to follow along by using Google's demo connectors that simulate a live website as we create the example report.

    Google Analytics is one of the most widely used data collection tools globally, so naturally it is of interest to a lot of people. Although Google Analytics has its own charting capabilities, it can be difficult to create polished reports and share them with stakeholders. This chapter looks at how Data Studio can help those who report on web properties save time communicating insights as well as providing a powerful interactive platform for exploring data.

    Along with making use of Google Analytics as a data source, this chapter explores working with premade templates to speed up development, applying dynamic data controls to extend the use of reports, and creating multiple‐page reports.

    In addition to working with an extensive data source like Google Analytics, you'll be introduced to several new chart types and some advanced interaction features such as drill‐down capability.

  • Chapter 6: Using Google Search Console for Audience Insights  This chapter covers another widely used and important service for website owners. We take a closer look at the service and the data that it can provide about what people are searching for and how to use that information to connect to the audience for the website.

    A substantial amount of this chapter is devoted to live cases of using Data Studio reports. The example reports are used to investigate a website's historical mysteries and find valuable, actionable insights for a real business.

    Along the way, you'll learn how to increase the value of your data by adding your own categories and how to use hyperlinks to extend the user experience beyond your report pages.

  • Chapter 7: Viewing Local Organization Data from Google My Business  This chapter wraps up this section with an extensive look at Google My Business (GMB). We look at the role that GMB plays in the marketing of local businesses and organizations and its growing importance. Digging into the application, we discover why using Data Studio makes sense for users of this service.

    This chapter introduces the reader to using third‐party data connectors and explores the fundamentals of dashboards and mobile application design. The resulting example from this chapter is a report that works like an application on mobile phones and is designed for frequent use by busy managers.

Part III: Beyond the Office

The series of chapters explores the possibilities for using Data Studio in areas outside of standard business applications. We look at a wide variety of data sources and data visualizations. This chapter goes beyond the standard uses of Data Studio to see how it can be used by data citizens for their own personal and community interests.

  • Chapter 8: Getting Personal  This is a wide‐ranging chapter that is devoted to creating Data Studio reports and applications for your personal use. The chapter covers self‐generated, curated, and generated sources of personal data and provides examples of using each of them.

    Examples in this chapter cover using direct connections as well as third‐party services that can help you access your own data. This chapter details the use of several types of charts and a larger multipage Data Studio application that pulls all the personal sources together.

  • Chapter 9: Going Public  This chapter goes beyond business and personal applications and explores the larger arena that deals with community‐oriented reporting. Although this has largely been the domain of other visualization tools, some large data organizations are providing their own Data Studio connectors to simplify the data connections process.

    In this chapter, we explore how to find accessible sources of data. The examples in this chapter use major free data services and corporate sources that offer data with public access. Examples in this chapter also make use of some private data connections and teach you how to use a special Google connector with slow data sources to make your reports more responsive. You'll also find help in this chapter for working with some common data structure issues.

    This chapter also explores some of the resources available to the data visualization community and how you can participate so that you can get feedback on your work and grow as a developer. Along with the standard report‐building instruction, you'll find guidance for the design of embedded reports and detailed instructions showing you how to embed your reports in the pages of popular web systems.

  • Chapter 10: Where Do You Go from Here?  This chapter explores some directions you can take after you have mastered the basics. On the communication side, you'll find examples for annotating your reports with contextual information and instructions for your audience. This chapter provides instruction for adding videos to your reports and extending your options through the use of community visualization resources.

    On the data side, this chapter covers some of the tools that Google provides for working with large volumes of data and extending your reach through data connector development.

Hardware and Software Requirements

You don't need much to create the examples in this book. To use Data Studio, you have to set up a Google Gmail account if you don't have one already, and you'll need an Internet‐connected computer to work with Data Studio services.

The examples in Chapter 6 use real website data from live Google Search Console accounts. If you do not have access to that service for a real website, you can use the sample search console connectors provided by Google for most of the tasks.

The examples in Chapter 7 connect to live Google My Business accounts. At this time, there are no sample data connections available for these Google services used in that chapter.

Regardless of your ability to directly re‐create the examples, you should still find value in these chapters.

How to Use This Book

If you are just starting off, I recommend that you begin by going in order through the examples in Part I. This will help you understand the fundamentals of the Data Studio tool and how to connect to sources of data.

After completing the first section, new users may want to explore the other chapters as it suits their interests. If you are interested in helping people out with their websites and other Internet properties, you'll want to go right on to Part II and work with Google Analytics and Search Console.

If you are a local business owner, or if you are involved in a local organization, you should pay particular attention to Chapter 7. Understanding and optimizing GMB listings is one of the fastest ways to increase the visibility of a business or organization. Each of these chapters offers more than just instructions for creating reports; each provides practical fundamental advice for using your reports to improve the performance of the organizations with which you are involved.

Suggestions for the More Experienced User

If you come to this book with previous Data Studio experience on the digital marketing side, I invite you to skim through Part I and Part II and go on to explore Part III in more detail. Working with personal and community‐oriented applications will give you greater exposure to possibilities outside of the usual digital marketing reports. My guess is that working in some of these other areas will also spark your creativity when it comes time to get back to work.

If you are seeking career enhancement, going beyond the skills of the data citizen and pursuing growth as a citizen data scientist, focusing on any of the book sections should be helpful to you. However, I suggest that you pay extra attention to Chapter 9 and start participating in online communities in order to share your work and get support and feedback.

Whether you are a beginner or an experienced user, my hope is that you'll use the book as a guide to help you grow your communication and analytics abilities.

How to Contact the Publisher or Author

I appreciate any feedback that you have on this book. Stories of success, often from unexpected places, are one of the greatest rewards for anyone who seeks to help others. I hope you'll contact me if this book helps you and share your achievements, large or small.

You can contact me through the Helpfullee website at https://helpfullee.com/contact. I am also quite active on Twitter, where you can find me @Helpfullee.

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To submit any errata, please email our Customer Service Team at wileysupport@wiley.com with the subject line “Possible Book Errata Submission.”

Part I
Data Studio Basics

In This Part

  • Chapter 1: Data Studio and the Data Citizen
  • Chapter 2: Cooking with Google Data Studio
  • Chapter 3: Enhancing Basic Graphs
  • Chapter 4: Data Exploration with Interactive Elements