Cover Page

Reliability of Multiphysical Systems Set

coordinated by
Abdelkhalak El Hami

Volume 4

From Prognostics and Health Systems Management to Predictive Maintenance 1

Monitoring and Prognostics

Rafael Gouriveau

Kamal Medjaher

Noureddine Zerhouni



I.1. From the reinforcement of techno-socio-economic issues…

The “RAMS” services (reliability, availability, maintainability, and safety) today are widely applied to perform limited studies or in-depth analysis. Indeed, industrial maintenance appears to be the source and the target of scientific developments, which is reflected into specific actions of partnership “industry research”, or projects of greater scope, such as the one of the IMS center1. In a more focused way, at a business level, the traditional concepts of predictive and corrective maintenance are being gradually completed by taking into account the failure mechanisms in a more proactive way [HES 08, MUL 08b]; industrialists tend to strengthen their ability to anticipate failures in order to resort to the most correct possible preventive actions with a goal of reducing costs and risks. Therefore, the implementation of solutions of Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) plays a growing role, and the prognostics process is considered today as one of the main levers in the research of global performance.

I.2. To the apparition of a topic: PHM…

Beyond the reaction that it can encounter among the industrial world, this topic of prognostics or PHM becomes naturally a research framework in its own right, and tends to be more and more visible within the scientific community. Several laboratories are interested in it today (NASA PCoE, Atlanta University, IMS Center and Army Research Lab in the USA, Toronto University in Canada, CityU-PHM Center Hong-Kong University, etc.), and every year, four conferences dedicated to the PHM topic are held2, two of which are supported by the IEEE Reliability Society. This is an indicator of the growing awareness of this topic and, moreover, that the research studies in this domain are seeing rapid growth (Figure I.1).


Figure I.1. Publications with PHM as a topic (Web of Sciences, February 2016)

I.3. To the purpose of this book…

In addition to the evident rise of this topic, PHM solutions are the result of the evolution of methods and technologies of dependability, monitoring and maintenance engineering. This book fits into this context. Our goal is to present the appearance of this PHM topic, to show how it completes the traditional maintenance activities, to highlight the underlying problems, to describe the advantages that can be expected from implementing PHM solutions in industry and, finally, to consider the major problems and challenges which are still relevant today. For this purpose, the book is structured as follows:

In the conclusion, we deliver a critical view on the maturity of PHM activity, and we open a discussion, on one hand on the problems which remain open to the international context, on the other hand on the decision-making process that stems from these problems. The latter aspect is the subject of the book From PHM Concept to Predictive Maintenance 2 [CHE 16] in which we address the aspects regarding the strategic processes of maintenance decisions, and, more broadly, the life cycle management of product/equipment: the gathered data is traced and transformed into knowledge in order to support the decision-making concerning maintenance, re-design or recycling of equipment.