Cover page

Title page

Copyright page


The idea for this book came to us, at the beginning of 2015, during a casual conversation over a lunch with colleagues in Berlin, in the observation of a relevant but unexpected dynamic of emergence of parties from within a social movement and, at the same time, a strange lack of, first, conceptualization of them and, second, comparative research on them. These gaps suggested not only theoretical thinking but also empirical investigations. In theory, our aim has been to build an ideal-typical definition of movement parties, locating it within social movement studies and party studies. In reality, we have triangulated various sources on party actors, who, while writing this book, became more and more visible and successful, achieving power at local and even national level. While their evolutionary paths are still developing, we thought that the time was certainly right for first analysis.

Ideas mature in context under favourable circumstances. First and foremost, our work was made possible by an Advanced Scholars Research Grant from the European Research Council for Donatella della Porta's project of ‘Mobilizing for Democracy’. Some parts of this volume have been presented at a conference on Movement and Parties at the Centre for Social Movement Studies of the Scuola Normale Superiore in Florence. We are grateful to Daniela Chironi, Jonas Draege, Sven Hutter, Frank O'Connor, Martin Portos, Ken Roberts, Anna Subirats and Sidney Tarrow for their comments. We also wish to thank Sarah Tarrow for her careful editing.

The authors are listed in alphabetical order; they contributed equally to this book.