Cover Page

Dictionary of Stem Cells, Regenerative Medicine, and Translational Medicine



Frank J. Dye



Department of Biological & Environmental Sciences,
Western Connecticut State University,
Danbury, Connecticut, USA





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Names: Dye, Frank J. (Frank John), 1942- author.

Title: Dictionary of stem cells, regenerative medicine, and translational medicine / Frank J. Dye.

Description: Hoboken, New Jersey : John Wiley & Sons, 2017. | Includes bibliographical references and index.

Identifiers: LCCN 2016053361 (print) | LCCN 2017001684 (ebook) | ISBN 9781118867822 (cloth) | ISBN 9781118867754 (pdf) | ISBN 9781118867792 (epub)

Subjects: LCSH: Regenerative medicine–Dictionaries. | Developmental biology–Dictionaries. | Embryology–Dictionaries.

Classification: LCC QH491 .D95 2017 (print) | LCC QH491 (ebook) | DDC 571.803–dc23LC record available at

Cover Design: Wiley

Cover Image:

Inset Image: Courtesy of the author




I dedicate this book to Western Connecticut State University, which has provided this developmental cell biologist with, for nearly half a century, a congenial implantation site for the gestation of my career. It is an institution dedicated to changing students’ lives in the context of amiable student–faculty interactions.


This book has evolved from the second edition of Dictionary of Developmental Biology and Embryology, published in 2012. The title of this book, Dictionary of Stem Cells, Regenerative Medicine, and Translational Medicine, which retains much of the content of its predecessor, reflects the application of advancements in cell and developmental biology, especially in the realm of stem cells, to the practical application of such to regenerative medicine and translational medicine. Undergraduate students, graduate students, professors, and researchers will find this book to be most convenient. Undoubtedly, most terms found in this book are accessible on the Internet; however, it is often not convenient to boot up the computer and initiate a search for the term in question; also the book contains extensive cross-referencing, which will enable the reader to place the term in question into an ever broader context. In addition to terminology, this book also presents historical vignettes of some major contributors, classical and modern (many of them Nobel laureates), to cell and developmental biology, as well as relevant concepts (as opposed to terminology per se).

This book will, perhaps, have omissions of some terms that you feel should be included. The author would greatly appreciate it if you would send suggested terms, for possible inclusion in subsequent editions of this book, to

I wish to acknowledge the contribution to the creation of this book of a sabbatical leave granted to me by Western Connecticut State University, during the fall of 2013—it provided the momentum to get the ball rolling. Also, I wish to thank Dr. James Schmotter, president of W.C.S.U., for his support in obtaining the sabbatical leave. Additionally, I acknowledge the contributions of Mindy Okura-Marszycki, Acquisitions Editor, and Divya Narayanan, Project Editor at John Wiley, to the creation of this book.