Cover Page

Global Media and Communication

Athique, Indian Media

Athique, Transnational Audiences

Chalaby, The Format Age

Flew, Global Creative Industries

Georgiou, Media and the City

Hegde, Mediating Migration

Mellor, Rinnawi, Dajani & Ayish, Arab Media

Orgad, Media Representation and the Global Imagination

Papathanassopoulos & Negrine, European Media

Transnational Audiences

Media Reception on a Global Scale




This book was written across time and space, and there are many friends and colleagues to whom I owe thanks. Kate Bowles and John Robinson were always in my thoughts as I wrote. My gratitude is due to colleagues working with me on the empirical programmes running alongside this discussion. Their patience, generosity and practical insights have all been invaluable. Without space to list them all here, I would like to thank Vibodh Parthasarathi, S.V. Srinivas, Jozon Lorenzana, Devi Leena Bose, Jinna Tay, Chetna Monga and Douglas Hill for their forbearance to date and into the future. For kind invitations to join larger discussions around the disciplines of media and cultural studies, I would also like to thank Karina Ayeyard, Joost De Bruin, Stephen Epstein, Craig Hight, Peter Lunt, Albert Moran, Anna Pertierra, Hari Ramaswami, Susan Turnbull and Graeme Turner. Thanks are also due to Tom O’Regan, Brian Yecies, Pete Randles and Nicola Evans who have engaged with me on these topics over many years. Andrea Drugan and Elen Griffiths saw this project home, as I worked into the gaps between managing various departments, missed deadlines and double-handled my fieldwork commitments. They kept me in line with exceeding grace. My daughter, Kaya, kept me in one piece.