
Coaching with NLP For Dummies®

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Table of Contents

About This Book
Conventions Used in This Book
What You’re Not to Read
Foolish Assumptions
How This Book Is Organised
Part I: Introducing NLP Coaching
Part II: Building Core Coaching Skills
Part III: Deepening Your Awareness
Part IV: Working Through Dramas, Decisions and Dilemmas
Part V: Advancing Your NLP Coaching Repertoire
Part VI: The Part of Tens
Icons Used in This Book
Where to Go from Here
Part I : Introducing NLP Coaching
Chapter 1: Combining Coaching and NLP for Great Results
Establishing the Differences between Coaching and NLP
Pursuing a Coaching Career
Defining coaching
Surveying opportunities
Identifying potential
Recognising boundaries with therapy and consultancy
Starting with NLP
Appreciating structure
Relying on a robust framework that really works
Turning to tools and models for change
Getting into the Dreaming Habit
Chapter 2: Gathering the Essential NLP Skills
Increasing Rapport
Pacing and leading
Tuning into non-verbal communication
Flexing your communication style
Connecting with the whole person
Working with Some Key NLP Assumptions
The map is not the territory
People are more than their behaviour
Individuals are resourceful
Getting Beneath the Surface
Uncovering language’s meaning: Two key models
Playing with the time dimension
Separating process from content
Capturing the secondary gain
Modelling Excellence
Finding and following exemplars
Shifting to unconscious competence
Moving from confusion to congruence
Chapter 3: Developing Your Coaching Alliances
Defining the Client-Coach Alliance
Building Trusting Relationships
Keeping things confidential
Operating with ethics and integrity
Honouring human reactions and limitations
Contracting Competently with Clients
Setting the groundwork
Picking the right person
Arriving with core coaching competencies
Monitoring motivation
Sharing expectations for success
Thriving on Curiosity and Spaciousness
Feeling the power of silence
Accessing intuition
Being okay with not knowing the answers
Sponsoring clients’ natural expertise
Part II: Building Core Coaching Skills
Chapter 4 : Shaping the Agenda for Change
Opening and Ending Sessions with Elegance
Being prepared
Setting intents
Taking the learning forward step by step
Ending things well
Fine-Tuning the Intake Process
Laying the groundwork
Capturing the current reality
Formulating the Desired Agenda
Refining agendas
Keeping on track
Staying in the moment as real life happens
Chapter 5: Going for Quick-Win Sessions
Checking the SCORE
Conversing with SCORE
Keeping the SCORE
Leveraging with Logical Levels
Capabilities and skills
Beliefs and values
Forwarding Awareness into Action
Chapter 6: Getting Greater Clarity
Tackling Blind Spots with Awareness
Creating and Using Mental Maps
Preferring one sense over another
Filtering information
Allowing the unconscious to get involved
Asking Powerful Questions
Finding the question that lands just right
Posing an inquiry to take away
Listening Intently
Listening at four levels
Listening beyond words
Chapter 7 : Making Goals Come Alive
Checking that Goals Are Well-Formed
Is the goal stated in the positive?
Is the goal self-initiated, self-maintained and within my control?
Does the goal describe the evidence procedure?
Is the context of the goal clearly defined?
Does the goal identify the necessary resources?
Have I evaluated whether the goal is ecological?
Does the goal identify the first step I need to take?
Balancing Dreams with Reality: The Disney Strategy
Getting to know the various roles
Coaching through the roles
Generating New Behaviours
Hearing the soundtrack
Seeing the movie
Feeling, touching and smelling the result
Part III : Deepening Your Awareness
Chapter 8: Tuning into Values
Knowing What’s Important
Separating must-haves from shoulds
Separating means values and end values
Focusing on core values
Setting Priorities
Allowing time to refine values
Assessing values-based decisions
Responding to violated values
Keeping Values Alive Every Day
Assessing whether you’re walking the talk
Dreaming bigger and better
Chapter 9 : Tapping into Passion and Purpose
Waking Up
Getting in Tune with Flow States
Finding your flow state
Accessing the flow state
Maintaining flow in challenging times
Finding the Meaning in Your Work
Seeking value while questing constantly
Making sense of the tough times
Recognising Your Life Purpose
Noticing what energises you when the going gets tough
Finding and using your passion: the DASE model
Defining purpose in your own words
Building a Shared Vision
Merging different agendas
Knowing when to bend and when to stay tough
Chapter 10: Shedding Light on Patterns
Seeing the Metaprograms
Toward/away from
Breaking unhelpful patterns
Cutting through Collusion
Voicing what you notice
Having the courage to hold the space
Establishing New Habits
Chapter 11: Developing Better Strategies
Discovering the Difference that Makes the Difference: Strategies
Setting off strategies
Toting around your strategies
Tackling unhelpful strategies
Sequencing strategies
Paying attention to the eyes
Redesigning strategies
Honouring the intent
Finding Examples in Others: Models and Mentors
Choosing exemplars
Finding new strategies from models of excellence
Imagining mentors
Creating New Structures to Be More Effective
Saying a resounding yes or a definitive no
Counting the days
Colour-coding schedules and diaries
Checking in
Part IV : Working Through Drama, Decisions and Dilemmas
Chapter 12: Strengthening Relationships in Tough Times
Identifying the Stakeholders Who Matter
Mapping out the network
Informing – or influencing?
Setting priorities for communication
Understanding What Makes Others Tick
Taking perceptual positions
Gazing into the NLP meta-mirror
Listening for metaprograms
Adapting your approach
Coaching Teams to Bond
Forming: Adopting the mindset for success
Storming: Developing a shared future
Norming and performing: Championing great ways of operating
Disbanding: Moving on positively
Chapter 13 : Moving through Life’s Disappointments
Feeling Okay When Things Are Clearly Not Okay
Staying with feelings
Increasing self-care
Breathing out problems
Finding the good and letting the rest go
Avoiding the Drama Triangle
Playing the victim
Saving the day
Bullying others
Gaining Something from Tough Times
Following the grief and loss process
Looking for loss
Holding the positive by-products
Chapter 14: Coaching through Conflict
Recognising Behaviours under Pressure
Checking for patterns
Holding on to the best outcome
Working through Differences
Knowing the enemy well
Negotiating in the best-sized chunks
Voicing What Needs to Be Said
Developing the non-violent vocabulary
Finessing feedback
Building the most confident voice
Developing appreciative habits
Chapter 15: Smoothing Career Peaks and Troughs
Playing to Strengths
Creating a career recipe
Preparing to lose a job
Owning an Engaging Reputation
Gaining insight from others’ feedback
Developing personal stories
Communicating confidently
Recognising the Power of Networks to Support Growth
Connecting online
Getting known
Part V : Advancing Your NLP Coaching Repertoire
Chapter 16: Turning Time to Your Advantage
Creating a Personal Time Line
Visualising time
Working with in-time clients
Working with through-time clients
Becoming a Time Traveller
Taking off at will
Letting go of the negative
Creating the Desired Future
Touring various aspects, at various points in time
Increasing the sparkle dust
Chapter 17: Shifting Experiences with Submodalities
Understanding the Submodalities
Seeing the distinctions
Hearing auditory signals
Feeling the kinaesthetic differences
Mapping across from other resources
Shifting Positions
Associating with the moment
Dissociating from the moment
Changing Beliefs through the Senses
Distinguishing between limiting and empowering beliefs
Getting beneath the surface and empowering the client’s potential
Chapter 18: Managing Emotional States
Saying Hello to Emotional States
Changing Emotional States
Checking the baseline state
Anchoring positive states
Allowing negative states to slide away
Tackling Interference from Gremlins
Shaking up the peacekeeper gremlin
Messing with the perfectionist gremlin
Firing up the procrastinator gremlin
Drawing your gremlins
Overcoming Fear
Championing natural confidence
Releasing phobias fast
Chapter 19: Connecting All Parts of a Person
Splitting into Parts
Keeping Everyone Supported during Change
Building on past experiences
Checking for ecology
Establishing the bale-out position
Developing a Unified Identity
Integrating conflicting parts
Bringing the whole self into play
Keeping a journal
Reframing the Situation
Adopting various frames
Reframing in six steps
Part VI : The Part of Tens
Chapter 20: Ten Powerful Coaching Questions
What Do You Want?
What’s Important to You about This?
How Will You Know When You’ve Got What You Want?
What Is Getting in the Way for You?
What Resources Have You Got that Can Support You?
When You Accomplish Your Goal and Look Back on Your Success, What Will You Experience?
What’s the Question You Don’t Want to Ask Yourself Right Now?
What’s the Way to Make This Really Easy?
What’s the First Step?
And What Else?
Chapter 21: Ten Traps to Avoid in Coaching
Racing into Detail without Seeing the Bigger Picture
Getting Caught with Long-Winded Tales
Rescuing the Other Person
Dramatising What You Hear
Being the Know-all
Slipping into Parent or Child Role
Losing Track of Time
Falling into Love and Friendship
Engaging in Over-Enthusiastic Action-Planning
Being Scared to Say Goodbye
Chapter 22: Ten Ways to Enhance Your Coaching Skills
Enrol in Diverse Courses and Workshops
Share Your Knowledge with Others
Practise on Willing Guinea Pigs
Model Other Coaches in Action
Experiment with New Ideas
Record Yourself and Play It Back
Set a Quality Target
Work with a Supervisor or Mentor
Join a Coaching Network
Volunteer with a Professional Body
Cheat Sheet

Coaching with NLP For Dummies®

by Kate Burton


About the Author

Kate Burton is an international NLP master coach, author and workshop leader whose aim is to give all her clients the space to become consciously aware of how they truly want to live and work, and make the change they desire. She thrives on supporting people in boosting their motivation, self-awareness and confidence.

Kate’s business career began in corporate advertising and marketing with Hewlett-Packard. Since then she has worked with varied businesses across industries and cultures on how they can be great communicators. What she loves most is delivering custom-built programmes. Her key corporate workshops and coaching centre on the themes of Leader as Coach, Boosting Confidence through Change, and Energy, Performance and Potential. She also runs private retreats in beautiful locations with amazing views.

Coaching with NLP For Dummies is her fifth book. In addition to co-authoring NLP For Dummies and NLP Workbook For Dummies with Romilla Ready, she co-authored Building Self-Confidence For Dummies with Brinley Platts. Her book Live Life, Love Work is published by Capstone, an imprint of Wiley. Contact Kate via her website at

Author’s Acknowledgements

When the Dummies team approached me to create Coaching with NLP For Dummies I knew I was in good hands once again. My editorial team, led by Rachael and Brian, worked with incredible attention to detail and enthusiasm to refine my chapters: they naturally adopt a coaching style with their powerful questioning and respectful support.

The content of this book is based on more than a decade of learning about and practising the art of coaching and NLP that builds on many more years in business. All my teachers in the personal development arena have my special thanks for their wisdom, including so many coaches I’ve connected with over the years. To my amazing clients I always appreciate the endless opportunities to do the work I love and learn from every interaction with you. To Bob and the family, your love and support for me in the background makes all the difference. And finally my thanks to the many thousands of readers who have shown their appreciation by buying the books. In the wish that some of the words in this book make their mark, I leave you with a quote from a fellow coach that: ‘We never touch people so lightly that we do not leave a trace.’

Publisher’s Acknowledgements

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Coaching and Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP) are both exceptionally powerful. Bring them together and you have a winning combination. So welcome to Coaching with NLP For Dummies, which I trust fires up your enthusiasm to do amazing work.

We live in uncertain times. No one can accurately predict what today’s developments in technology, globalisation, demographics and climate change mean for tomorrow, let alone a few years from now. Unsurprisingly, more people than ever are turning to coaches to guide them through life and career transitions as they seek to own their destiny. People need wise, independent sounding boards. They want inspiration and motivation for working lives that are predicted to last longer than ever before. Leaders in organisations are calling on their managers to coach their people, equipping them for a future with more fluid working patterns in which commanding and controlling employees is no longer appropriate.

Whatever your interest in coaching, armed with this practical and fun book, you have a wealth of ideas to get out there and coach at your best.

About This Book

Coaching is a creative partnership between two people that inspires new thinking and leads to change.

Typically in the coaching world, professional coaches refer to the coach and coachee as the two key people in the relationship and the client as a customer who holds the purse strings in an organisation. In this book, I’ve deliberately chosen the alternative word client for the person being coached to give you a stronger distinction between the two key players involved.

I wrote this book for readers interested in the role of the coach. Yet in every example, the client can be you, so play with the exercises to coach yourself as well as others. Whatever made you pick up this book, you’re going to discover more about yourself and others. Get ready to open new doors and explore the fascinating world of being human through the coaching relationship.

My aim in every chapter of this book is to cut through any jargon. Top-quality coaching needs to be accessible to all and to that end, I offer practical and relevant tools for you to make your own.

Conventions Used in This Book

To help you navigate throughout this book, I set up a few conventions:

check.png Italic text is used for emphasis and to highlight new words or terms that are then defined.

check.png Boldfaced text is used to indicate the action part of numbered steps.

check.png Monofont is used for website addresses.

check.png Sometimes I talk about the client and coach as him and other times as her. I’ve aimed to vary the gender to give you a fair representation when you read the entire book.

What You’re Not to Read

For Dummies books are hugely popular with busy people keen to get to the heart of a subject quickly because you can capture the wisdom between these yellow and black covers fast. To that end, you can easily identify the material you can skip through. This information is the stuff that, although interesting and related to the topic at hand, isn’t essential for you to know and includes:

check.png Text in sidebars. The sidebars are the shaded boxes that appear here and there. They often share personal stories and observations or bits of history and background information.

check.png The stuff on the copyright page. No kidding. You find nothing here of interest unless you’re inexplicably enamoured with legal language and reprint information!

Foolish Assumptions

I assume, and correct me if I’m wrong, that you:

check.png Have a good reason to be reading Coaching with NLP For Dummies without the desire to wade through all the possible books and courses on the topic.

check.png Are interested in discovering and applying new coaching and NLP ideas for yourself as well as clients.

check.png Want to enhance your NLP-related skills.

check.png Need to get stuck in with your coaching to tackle real issues immediately.

check.png Want to develop a practical set of coaching tools.

check.png Know that you can benefit from coaching yourself as well as coaching others.

check.png Are committed to being proficient and professional in your coaching activities.

How This Book Is Organised

I divide this book into six parts, with each part broken into chapters. The Table of Contents gives you more detail on each chapter, and I even throw in a cartoon at the start of each part for your amusement.

Part I: Introducing NLP Coaching

In this part, I paint the overall picture for you, demonstrating where coaching and NLP come together to create choice and change for your clients. You get a feel for what is possible as you build greater rapport and get beneath the surface of the initial coaching conversation. You see how to get a coaching partnership off to the finest start by the way you contract competently and sponsor your clients’ innate expertise in their own lives.

Part II: Building Core Coaching Skills

Get ready to allow the magic to begin, opening your coaching elegantly with a clear intake process and shifting step by step forward while knowing how to close a session with equal elegance. In this part, you develop your fundamental skills in questioning, listening and goal setting while holding on to a clear agenda for your clients.

Part III: Deepening Your Awareness

This part gets even more interesting as you explore coaching at the higher logical levels of values and purpose. You see how to encourage the flow states in your clients in which they can be at their very best with greatest ease. You recognise more about the patterns that drive habitual behaviour and how to break unhelpful ones. In this section I also share the benefits of bringing NLP modelling into coaching to make your clients more effective in any area where they want to develop.

Part IV: Working Through Dramas, Decisions and Dilemmas

Part IV focuses on the more challenging questions that arise in coaching conversations around living and working with others when the going gets tough. How can you build strong relationships, especially with difficult and demanding people? How do you get teams to work well together? You find out how to support your clients through conflicts and disappointments, including grieving for loss. On the career front, I show you how to ensure your clients can navigate the ups and downs of their working lives with confidence and strong communication skills.

Part V: Advancing Your NLP Coaching Repertoire

In this part, I encourage you to build more NLP techniques into your sessions, from time lines and submodality work to anchoring and parts integration. All these approaches become crystal clear as you work through the exercises laid out step by step in each chapter. You don’t need to be an NLP expert to capture the benefit of these tools to make your client’s exceptionally resilient.

Part VI: The Part of Tens

If you’re impatient to get going quickly, start here. This part takes you straight to some powerful coaching questions and ways you can develop as a coach. In addition, I offer warnings of pitfalls you want to avoid. This part of the book is for anyone who, like me, simply can’t resist checking out the end of a book before deciding which are the most interesting pages to devour in the middle.

Icons Used in This Book

A series of icons guide you to the heart of the book.

anecdote.eps This icon indicates real-life experiences of NLP coaching in action. Although based on real clients, the people often have their names changed unless they gave me permission to feature them in the book. Some anecdotes are based on composite characters to portray familiar themes that people raise in coaching.

nlpjargonalert.eps This icon highlights NLP terminology that may sound like a foreign language at first yet has a precise meaning to an NLP-qualified coach.

remember.eps This icon is a friendly reminder of important points to watch out for.

tip.eps Keep your eyes on this target for insightful practical advice.

trythis.eps This icon suggests ideas and activities to give you tools for coaching and food for thought.

Where to Go from Here

Jump straight into any chapter that calls to you – the choice is yours. You don’t have to work through the book from cover to cover, although you may want to check the table of contents first to see what grabs your interest. For example, if you’re keen to get some quick wins, check out the models in Chapter 5. Or if you’re working with clients who struggle with relationships, you may want to fast-forward to Chapter 12. Dipping and diving is the name of the game as you build your coaching repertoire based on what you already know and what truly interests you.

Part I

Introducing NLP Coaching


In this part . . .

You find out what makes NLP coaching different and why so many people are raving about this approach. From seeing the impact that professional coaching makes, to diving straight into the NLP fundamentals, you’ll get ideas about how you can build trusting coaching relationships that get the best from everyone you coach. Very soon, you’ll be set up and raring to get beneath the surface issues that clients first talk about.