
Anger Management For Dummies®

Table of Contents


About This Book

Conventions Used in This Book

Foolish Assumptions

How This Book Is Organised

Part I: The Basics of Anger

Part II: Dealing with Past and Present Anger

Part III: Preventing Future Anger

Part IV: Lifestyle Changes That Improve Your Anger and Health

Part V: Managing Anger in Relationships

Part VI: The Part of Tens

Icons Used in This Book

Part I: The Basics of Anger

Chapter 1: Anger: A Natural Human Emotion

Dispelling Common Anger Myths

Understanding the Role of Emotions in Your Life

Getting the Help You Need

Knowing You’re Getting There

Chapter 2: When Is Anger a Problem? Assessing and Understanding Your Anger

Assessing How Angry You Are

Defining anger

How often do you get angry?

How intense is your anger?

What triggers your anger?

Working Out Whether Your Anger Is Harmful

Episodic irritation

Episodic anger

Episodic rage

Chronic irritation

Chronic anger

Chronic rage

Calculating the Risks of Harmful Anger

Are you male?

Are you under 40 years of age?

What’s your temperament and personality style?

Do you have too many triggers to anger?

Are you looking at life the wrong way?

Do you have an aggressive personality?

Are you taking medicines or drugs?

Do you stay irritable?

Are you suffering from depression?

Do you communicate poorly?

Do you lack problem-solving skills?

Are you too stressed?

Are you too judgemental?

Are you too much into blame?

Are you constantly exhausted?

Who’s around to help and support you?

Is your life seriously out of balance?

Chapter 3: Is Anger Damaging Your Life?

Draining Your Energy

Making You Ill

How anger indirectly affects your health

How anger directly affects your health

Reviewing the anger–health checklist

Sabotaging Your Career

Getting off-track early

Heading in the wrong direction

Asking the wrong question

Engaging in unhelpful work behaviour

Ruining Your Marriage

Affecting Those You Care About

Part II: Dealing with Past and Present Anger

Chapter 4: Taking Immediate Action

Drawing the Line – the Sooner the Better

Settling for Just Being Irritated

Understanding Why Your Fuse Is So Short

Lengthening Your Fuse

Walking away – but coming back

Giving the other person the last word

Knowing That Sometimes It Pays to Feel Guilty

Seeing How Distraction Works

Changing your situation – getting some distance

Stopping the rumination

Using imagery to transcend anger

Chapter 5: Avoiding Speaking Out in Anger

Stopping Ranting

Expressing Your Anger Effectively

Talking versus hitting

Writing versus speaking

Leaving out the four-letter words

Staying focused

Keeping it short – and breathing

It’s Not What You Say, It’s How You Say It

Chapter 6: Keeping Your Cool

Choosing to Respond Rather Than React

Breaking your lifelong habits of reacting to anger

Avoiding the company of other angerholics

Assessing Your Anger

Being Patient

Controlling Your Body

Using the relaxation response

Harnessing the power of quiet

Lightening up

Talking to yourself

Asking Yourself Four Crucial Questions

Who am I really angry at?

Is this where I want to be angry?

Why am I angry?

Is the intensity of my anger at this moment consistent with why I’m angry?

Weighing Up Your Options

Always giving yourself three ways to go

Considering the consequences of each response

Choosing not to always exercise your right to be angry

Taking action: responding

Rewarding Yourself

Chapter 7: Letting Go of Past Anger

Digging Yourself Out of Anger

Knowing that resistance equals persistence

Identifying the fears that hold you back

Being nice doesn’t mean being powerless

Hiding your anger but making others suffer

Seeing who hangs on and who lets go

Trying the ten-minute rant

Living without Resolution

Time’s Up: Knowing When to Let Go

Chapter 8: Moving Forward: The Power of Forgiveness

Knowing that Forgiveness Is Never Easy

You need time

You need support

You need to sacrifice

Choosing to Forgive

You have to be safe

You have to acknowledge the frailty of human nature

Doing a Cost–Benefit Analysis

Who are you letting off the hook?

Do you deserve to be happy?

Accepting the Finality of Being Wronged

You don’t have to forget the past

Choosing pain over anger

Part III: Preventing Future Anger

Chapter 9: Adopting a New Outlook

Seeing that Anger Is In the Interpretation

Understanding why it’s called ‘blind’ rage

Choosing the lesser of two evils

Accepting Life for What It Is, Not What It Should Be

Becoming More Tolerant

Re-thinking your approach

Seeking diversity in all things

Considering the media’s effect on you

Figuring Out Where Hostility and Resentment Come From

Being Assertive

Chapter 10: Saying What You Mean

Seeing Why Hiding Your Emotions Isn’t Healthy

Realising there’s no such thing as hidden anger

Noting that dissatisfaction can be lethal

Being Civil Doesn’t Always Mean Being Nice

Stop saying ‘I’m fine’ when you’re not

Stop saying ‘I never get angry’

Stop apologising for what others do

Expressing your anger without worrying that you’re being stroppy

Having Feelings Rather Than Issues

Walking Away and Still Having Your Say

Chapter 11: Owning Up to Your Anger

Owning Up: It’s Good for You

Seeing Who Can Benefit from Owning Up

Men in general

Women who cry a lot

People who are prone to guilt

People who are too empathic

People who are hostile


People who’ve suffered a lot of trauma

People who are chronically ill

Young people

Understanding the Difference Between a Diary and a Journal

Telling Your Story Your Way

Making yourself the audience

Using the first person

Relaxing about grammar

Focusing on the negative

Finding the cause of your feelings

Writing until time is up

Preventing emotions from getting in the way of writing

Suspending judgement

Sticking to pen and pencil

Finding a quiet place

Chapter 12: Balancing the Effects of Your Temperament

Recognising Your Style: Temperament and Anger

Aggressive styles

Passive styles

Moving Beyond Your Temperament

Becoming assertive

Not excusing yourself (‘It’s just the way I am’)

Focusing on who you are, rather than what you do

Looking at your own competitive streak

Taking off your watch

Acquiring Wisdom

Seeking diversity in relationships

Developing better social skills

Letting yourself be curious

Chapter 13: Using Anger Constructively

Making Anger Your Friend

Anger is a built-in capacity

Anger is invigorating

Anger serves as a starting point for new behaviour

Anger communicates

Anger protects you from harm

Anger is an antidote to impotence

Exploring the Motives Behind Your Anger

Bringing about a positive change

Seeking revenge

Letting off steam

Using Anger to Understand Yourself

Moving Towards Constructive Anger

Step 1: Decide how you want to feel after you get angry

Step 2: Acknowledge your anger

Step 3: Focus your anger on the problem, not the person

Step 4: Identify the source of the problem

Step 5: Accept that you can solve the problem

Step 6: Try to see things from the other person’s perspective

Step 7: Get the other person involved

Step 8: Keep a civil tone throughout

Step 9: Avoid disrespectful behaviour

Step 10: Don’t be afraid to take time out and resume the discussion later

Step 11: Make it a two-way conversation

Step 12: Acknowledge that you’ve made progress

What Goes Around Comes Around

Part IV: Lifestyle Changes That Improve Your Anger and Health

Chapter 14: Managing Daily Stresses

Distinguishing Stress from Strain

Staying Away from Stress Carriers

Identifying the Sources of Your Stress

Knowing Which Types of Stress Are Toxic

Cumulative stress

Chronic stress

Catastrophic stress

Control stress

Avoiding Burnout

Discovering How to Be Hardy

Being the master of your own destiny

Being a player, not a spectator

Transforming catastrophes into challenges

Coping with Stress: What Works and What Doesn’t

Chapter 15: Managing Your Body Chemistry

Just Because It’s Legal Doesn’t Make It Healthy

Keeping Track of Your Substance Use

Counting Your Caffeine

Eliminating Your Favourite Cigarette

Adopting a New Drinking Style

Letting the Impulse Pass

Chapter 16: Getting a Good Night’s Sleep

Understanding What Sleep Does for You

Knowing How Much Is Enough

Rating the Quality of Your Sleep

Improving the Quality of Your Sleep

Listening to your body

Getting physical

Avoiding stimulants

Setting up a pre-sleep routine

Creating a positive sleep environment

Eliminating competing cues

Distancing yourself from work

Uncluttering your mind

Getting into a good rhythm

Considering sleeping pills

Coping with sleepless children

Chapter 17: Looking After Your Spiritual Health

Reaching Up Rather than Out

Seeing How Anger Can Choke Faith

Using Faith to Help You Fight On

Praying Prayers of Gratitude

Practising Compassion

Being Humble – It Helps

Having a Blessed Day

Chapter 18: Staying in a Good Mood

Eliminating the Negative: Maintaining a Positive Mood

Laughter really is the best medicine

Hanging around with optimists

Finding the good in the bad

Calculating your positivity ratio

Realising When Your Mood Becomes a Problem

Exploring the Anger–Depression Link

Seeing how depression can make you angry

Separating depression and grief

Fixing the Problem

Taking antidepressants

Talking as a cure: Psychotherapy

Healing through exercise

Finding hope

Part V: Managing Anger in Relationships

Chapter 19: At Work

Recognising Unhelpful Work Behaviour

Avoidance versus aggression

Person versus organisation

Knowing Who’s Likely to Have Problems with Anger at Work

The fed-up employee

The self-centred employee

Improving Your Negotiating Skills

Creating a Positive Work Climate

Making Politeness the Norm

Speaking Up, Not Out

Chapter 20: At Home and In Intimate Relationships

It Takes Two: Avoiding Angry Dialogues

Managing Anger From the Top Down

Choosing the Unfamiliar: Changing Your Family’s Patterns

Looking at Your Parenting Style

The Power of One Small Step

One meal a day

One evening a week

One day a month

One week a year

Making it work

Part VI: The Part of Tens

Chapter 21: Ten Ways to Raise a Child to Have Healthy Anger Control

Being an Emotional Coach

Starting Early and Talking Back

Creating Educating Moments

Being a Positive Role Model

Putting the ‘I’ in Emotion

Labelling Feelings Appropriately

Identifying Causes

Teaching Problem Solving

Choosing the Third Alternative

Understanding the Difference Between Wanting and Getting

Chapter 22: Ten Anger-Freeing Thoughts

No One – Absolutely No One – Can Make You Angry Without Your Consent

Anger Comes Back to You – And So Does Love

It’s Only Money

Other People Are Not the Enemy

Life Isn’t Fair – Not Even at the Top

Energy Is a Terrible Thing to Waste

We’re Only Human

This Isn’t the Time for War

There’s Nothing You Can Achieve With Anger That You Can’t Achieve Without It

When You’re Dealing With People, You’re Not Entitled to Anything!

Chapter 23: Ten Anger-Freeing Actions

Counting to Ten

Coming Down from Anger, Fast

Letting Anger Evaporate

Treating Others As You Want to Be Treated

Controlling Your Voice

Minding Your Body Language

Getting the Right Kind of Attention

Putting the Brakes on Boozing

Accepting Apologies – And Making Them

Keeping Control for As Long As It Takes

Anger Management For Dummies®

by Gillian Bloxham and W. Doyle Gentry, PhD


About the Authors

Gillian Bloxham is a Chartered Clinical Psychologist and Associate Fellow of the British Psychological Society. In her career, Gill has worked with adults and adolescents in GP practices, NHS clinics and hospital units, and also within the criminal justice system and secure mental health services. Her interests in anger management, self-harm and risk management arise from working with adults with complex psychological difficulties, including those with interpersonal difficulties and those surviving childhood trauma. Gill has also been involved in developing and delivering training and workshops for many years, delivering psychological topics intended to be accessible to everyone.

W. Doyle Gentry, PhD, is a clinical psychologist and Director of the Institute for Anger-Free Living in Lynchburg, Virginia. He is a Fellow in the American Psychological Association and was the Founding Editor of the Journal of Behavioral Medicine. In Dr Gentry’s four-decade career as a scientist-practitioner, he has authored over 100 publications, including eight books, and is a pioneer in the fields of health psychology, behavioural medicine and anger management. He has previously served on the faculty of Duke University Medical Center and the University of Texas Medical Branch, Galveston. Gentry has conducted training seminars for lay and professional audiences throughout the United States, Canada and Europe. He has also served as a consultant to major industry, where he specialises in conflict management, team building and health promotion.


From Gill: This book is for Nige Coles, warrior and true friend. Anger is an energy.

Authors’ Acknowledgments

From Gill: My warm thanks to Jill Patel, currently Director at Hillingdon Mind.

My thanks are also due to the many people who have shared their struggles with anger with me, and to Elaine, Mark and Neil for their steadfast support.

From W. Doyle Gentry: I would like to thank a number of ‘teammates’ who made writing this book both possible and enjoyable. First, I am indebted – once again – to my agent, Denise Marcil, and her delightful associate, Maura Kye, for all their efforts on my behalf. I was well represented!

The folks at Wiley were fantastic. I deeply appreciate their professionalism, expertise, encouragement, and, most of all, patience during both the acquisition and editorial phases of the project. The energy and passion associated with the For Dummies series is, indeed, infectious.

And, as always, I want to thank my loving family – Catherine, Rebecca and Chris – for yet another show of support for my life’s work. They never disappoint.

Basically, we are all dummies when it comes to anger management – a field that remains a work in progress. I learn more every day about ways to harness this complicated and, at times, troublesome emotion, and being able to share this education with my readers is a pleasure. If this book changes the life of a single person for the better, then I am satisfied that the hard work that went into it was worthwhile.

Publisher’s Acknowledgments

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Project Editor: Rachael Chilvers

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Anger is a natural part of life – one of the rainbow of emotions all humans feel and recognise. Anger is also a reaction that’s built into your nervous system – a survival mechanism intended to keep you safe. No one chooses to be angry. In fact, anger is one of the first emotions mothers recognise in their newborn infants. So, it’s never too early to start anger management.

On the other hand, the way you manage anger is down to you – your responsibility and your choice. You don’t have to be a victim of your own anger – you can choose how you respond when the world doesn’t treat you the way you want it to. You have just as much choice about how you express your anger as you do about what colour shirt you wear, what you eat for breakfast, or who you choose to be friends with. You also have a choice about how much of yesterday’s anger you carry into the future and how you react to anger you may feel tomorrow. If we didn’t believe that, we wouldn’t have spent so many years of our professional lives working with people making those choices!

No one is exempt from problematic anger. Anger is a very democratic emotion – it causes problems for men and women, kids and the elderly, rich and poor, educated and uneducated, people of all cultures and ethnic backgrounds, believers and nonbelievers. Tens of millions of human beings needlessly suffer from what we call unhealthy anger – anger that literally destroys happiness in life – each and every day of their lives.

Anger isn’t something that can – or should be – cured. But you have to manage it well – at home, at work, and in your most intimate relationships – if you want to benefit from it. Anger Management For Dummies tells you how to manage your anger by focusing on the positive – how to get a good night’s sleep, how to change your perspective on life, why owning up is better for you than ranting, how to turn conflicts into challenges, and much more. Anger management has moved far beyond the simplistic (if well-intentioned) advice of years ago to ‘count to ten’ or take a couple of deep breaths every time you get angry – and that’s good news!

About This Book

How do you know when you have too much anger? Do you determine that for yourself, or do you let other people make that call? If you’re not physically aggressive – physically hurting other people or punching holes in walls – does that mean you’re not angry? Does it really help to rant, to get things off your chest, or are you better off keeping your mouth shut in order to keep the peace? Can angry people really change, or do they have to go through life suffering because that’s just the way they are? And what should you do if you’re on the wrong end of someone else’s anger? These are all important questions that Anger Management For Dummies answers for you.

When we wrote Anger Management For Dummies, we had four basic goals in mind:

We wanted to show you that anger is more than a four-letter word – it’s an extremely complex emotion that has meaning well beyond the crude and hurtful words people use to express it. Understanding all about anger is the foundation of anger management.

We wanted to illustrate all the various ways that anger can – and does – negatively affect your life when it occurs too frequently, is too intense and lasts too long.

We wanted to explain that anger management occurs in three distinct time frames – yesterday, today and tomorrow. The strategies we propose to manage anger will, of course, differ depending on whether you’re trying to let go of some old anger, deal with the anger you face today, or prevent anger that you’re otherwise likely to experience tomorrow.

We wanted to show you that managing anger is something that is entirely within your power – and not something you have to seek professional help for – if you’re willing to make the necessary lifestyle changes outlined in this book. It doesn’t matter how old you are or how long anger has been a part of your life – it’s never too late to manage your anger better.

Anger Management For Dummies isn’t one of those 12-step books where you have to read (and follow the advice) of Step 1 before you can proceed to Step 2, and so on. It’s a resource book containing all the information we have at our disposal after our combined experience of six decades of combined clinical practice with clients and scientific research on anger management. You don’t have to start with Chapter 1 and read straight through to the end of the book. You can look at the Table of Contents, find something that interests you, and start there. You may want to focus on the area in which you’re having the most trouble controlling your temper – with family, for example. Or you may want to head straight for a chapter on managing stress (one of the most common causes of anger). We’re not even suggesting that you read the whole book – that’s up to you.

Conventions Used in This Book

We didn’t want Anger Management For Dummies to be yet another book written by psychologists for psychologists. This book is for everyone who wants to lead their life without anger interfering, so we’ve eliminated all the professional jargon, and used terms and ideas that we know work with the many different people we’ve met.

We’ve also tried to make reading Anger Management For Dummies an enjoyable experience. Just because anger is a serious topic doesn’t mean that you need to approach it with a deadly serious attitude. If you can enjoy learning something new, you’re more likely to remember it, and to follow it through!

Most important, Anger Management For Dummies is full of stories about people just like you, who have successfully overcome their difficulties with anger – even a lifetime of anger. The people you’ll read about are combinations of many relatives, friends and clients we’ve known over the years, who’ve taught us what truly works for healthy anger management. The quotations and dialogues included in these stories are based on our memories of conversations we have had.

You don’t have to know psychology to understand this book. But we do use a couple of conventions:

When we introduce a new term, we put the word in italics and define it shortly thereafter (usually in parentheses).

When we list an email or web address, we use a special font called monofont so you know exactly what to type.

And that’s it!

Foolish Assumptions

We made a few assumptions about you when writing this book:

You may or may not have a problem with anger – but if you don’t have a problem with anger yourself, you know or love someone who does. If you didn’t buy this book for yourself, you bought it for your husband, wife, brother, sister, son, daughter, father, mother, friend or work colleague. Or one of those people bought it for you.

You don’t want to know everything there is to know about anger – you just want to know what you need to know to manage anger effectively. Scientists have studied anger for years, but you won’t find a list of scientific jargon in these pages. We focus on proven strategies to help you manage your anger, and that’s it.

You’re probably looking for useful information and hints about how to change. We’ve laid this book out to make it simple to find what you’re interested in, using the understanding we’ve developed through working with people facing exactly the same challenges. All of the information and examples you see have already worked for others – we hope you’ll find in the following chapters those that work for you.

How This Book Is Organised

We’ve organised Anger Management For Dummies into six parts and 23 chapters. You can also find an online Cheat Sheet for quick prompts to deal with focused problems (see inside the front cover for the web address). Here’s what you can find in each part.

Part I: The Basics of Anger

In the first three chapters, we acquaint you with some basic facts about anger as a natural human emotion, the role that emotions like anger play in your life, and help you decide whether anger is poisoning your health, work or relationships. Chapter 2 shows you how to measure your anger and distinguish between healthy and unhealthy or destructive anger. We want you to be free to decide how to respond to anger (and situations that trigger it) instead of just reacting in a knee-jerk way that almost always takes you somewhere you really don’t want to go.

Part II: Dealing with Past and Present Anger

In this part, we help you tackle the challenge of managing anger in the moment. Most people get into trouble simply because they don’t know what to else to do – apart from what they already know – when they begin to feel anger build up. In effect, it’s what you don’t know (for example, that all emotions are temporary) and don’t do (for example, let the other person have the last word) that leads to anger mismanagement. Chapter 6 offers you a structured, multistep, effective method you can use to keep your cool.

If you’re like either of us, you have found yourself getting much angrier than the situation you’re in requires. You’re left with the question: ‘What on earth got into me?’ Chances are you were influenced by some old anger you were unaware of at that moment that was just waiting for an opportunity to express itself. In Chapter 7 we offer some tips on how not to let today’s anger become tomorrow’s anger – strategies such as ‘time’s up!’ and the ten-minute rant. In Chapter 8 we get into the details of achieving forgiveness as applied to anger management. We’re not looking at forgiveness in a spiritual sense here, but rather as a tool for letting go of anger from the past that is no longer helpful and is long past its sell by date.

Part III: Preventing Future Anger

Chapters 9 to 12 show you ways to deal with anger before it happens. Stepping in early is a new approach – most anger-management strategies are designed to work after the situation has started to get out of hand. We believe it’s more difficult (and sometimes feels impossible) to use the techniques and ideas for healthy anger management when you’re in the middle of a rage! Preventing anger can be the most exciting aspect of anger management. In this part, we also talk about mental outlook (attitudes you learn and carry with you in your life), which influence what you expect and will tolerate from the world around you, why it’s essential to stop disguising your anger and just say what you feel (but politely!), how to own up to yourself about your anger, how to become the type of person who doesn’t trigger so much anger, and – perhaps most important – how you can use your anger positively. If you can make anger a positive influence, you no longer have to attempt to avoid it.

Part IV: Lifestyle Changes That Improve Your Anger and Health

We both believe that living a healthy lifestyle enormously improves your chances of not getting angry. Why? Because many hundreds of people that we’ve met and worked with, and tens of thousands of others, know through experience that treating your body well helps to steady body-based emotions like anger. In this part, we show you how unhealthy anger is a by-product of an unhealthy lifestyle. If you’re on the verge of stress burnout, if your daily diet consists mainly of caffeine and alcohol (with some nicotine thrown in for good measure!), if your life is all out of balance (too much work, too little play), if you never get a good night’s sleep, if you carry the whole world on your shoulders (unsupported by others or by spiritual faith), and if you’re utterly depressed or feel hopeless, why on earth wouldn’t you be angry? Change those things and you’ll see some major changes in how angry you are.

Part V: Managing Anger in Relationships

Most of us sort our day-to-day lives into areas where we spend the most time – work, home and in intimate relationships. These two chapters are designed to address anger-management issues that are situation specific – what works at work doesn’t necessarily work at home. The benefit of having an honest and personal discussion with family in an effort to reduce conflict may not be useful in a meeting with your bosses. Both chapters in this section offer a set of strategies aimed at turning hostility into harmony.

Part VI: The Part of Tens

If you’re looking for quick ideas about how to raise a child with healthy anger balance, or you want some easy-to-remember anger-freeing thoughts or actions, you can find them here.

Icons Used in This Book

Icons are those little pictures in the margins throughout this book, and they’re there to draw your attention to certain kinds of information:

casestudy_fundraising.eps We highlight case studies with this icon, as personal stories are often really useful for illustrating a point. (We don’t use real names (apart from our own) to protect our patients’ identities.)

remember.eps This icon alerts you to important ideas and concepts that you might want to remember and that you can use even when you don’t have Anger Management For Dummies to hand.

technicalstuff.eps Every once in a while, we talk about scientific research, as a lot of very useful knowledge about anger and human behaviour comes from psychological and biological research scientists. When we do, we mark the paragraph with this icon. You can read these paragraphs if you want, but the information they contain isn’t essential to your understanding of the topic.

tip.eps The Tip icon suggests practical how-to strategies for managing anger. You can even transfer the ones you find useful to a card to keep with you.

warning_bomb.eps This icon appears when we have words of caution for you, or when we suggest you may need to seek professional help.


Each part and chapter in this book is meant to stand alone in its discussion of anger management. Just choose a topic that interests you, and dive in.

If you do read Anger Management For Dummies thoroughly and you still find that you’re struggling with anger, we suggest you seriously consider getting the help of a professional. There’s no shame in this – seeking help for habits that cause difficulties is the most common reason to talk to someone independent. Anger management is a specialist field and you need to find someone who has qualifications and expertise in this area. If you’re interested in a medical remedy for abnormal anger – one that focuses on prescribed medication – you need to find a psychiatrist (a qualified doctor who specialises in mental health) who specialises in this area. If you’re more open to psychotherapeutic strategies (where change results from an interpersonal relationship between you and a therapist), look for a chartered clinical psychologist, cognitive therapist or mental health professional. Either way, be sure to get the help you need. A book like this wouldn’t exist if you were the only person who feels this way!

Part I

The Basics of Anger


In this part . . .

We talk about why anger is a universal emotion and help you distinguish between an emotional reaction and an emotional response. We show you how to quantify just how angry you are by answering two simple questions: ‘How often are you angry?’ and ‘How intense is your anger?’ With the information we provide in this part, you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to figure out if you suffer from harmful anger.

Finally, in this part, you can discover the many ways in which anger can poison your life – robbing you of energy, affecting your health and career and harming those you love. You may be surprised about what anger says about your life now and in the future.