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Autonomic Intelligence Evolved Cooperative Networking

Wiley Series on Cooperative Communications


Michał Wódczak






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About the Author

Michał Wódczak holds a PhD in Telecommunications from Poznań University of Technology, obtained under the umbrella of the European Union Sixth Framework Programme, as well as an Executive MBA from Aalto University School of Business, distinguished by the Triple Crown of AACSB, AMBA, and EQUIS accreditations. Currently, he is with Samsung Electronics, while prior to that he was also with Telcordia Technologies, formerly known as Bellcore or Bell Communications Research, and with Ericsson, following the Telcordia merger. He served as an Editorial Board Member of IEEE ComSoc Technology News, as well as ran standardisation activities as Vice Chairman and Rapporteur of ETSI ISG AFI, the Industry Specification Group on Autonomic network engineering for the self-managing Future Internet, established under the auspices of European Telecommunications Standards Institute. He is also a Senior Member of the IEEE Communications Society and, apart from this book, he has published two single-authored scientific books with Springer, co-authored and co-edited two industrial standardisation specifications with ETSI, and, overall, authored or co-authored more than 60 peer-reviewed journal, magazine, and conference papers, as well as book chapters. He has also contributed to over 40 scientific reports within European Union FP6 and FP7 projects IST-2003-507581 WINNER I, IST-4-027756 WINNER II, IST-2004-507325 NEWCOM, INFSO-ICT-215549 EFIPSANS, and SEC-242411 E-SPONDER. In addition, he holds Postgraduate Diplomas in Managerial Studies and Psychology of Management, both from Poznań School of Banking, as well as a BA in English Philology and a Postgraduate Diploma in Translation and Interpreting, both from Adam Mickiewicz University. In this capacity, he also acted as an Executive Board Member of the Association of Polish Translators and Interpreters.


In this book the concept of Autonomic Intelligence Evolved Cooperative Networking is proposed, building on top of both the previous books by the author, where the technological developments in the form of autonomic cooperative networking and autonomic computing enabled cooperative networked design were outlined. In fact, while the former emphasised the aspects of the Open Systems Interconnection Reference Model and the latter elevated the perspective of the Generic Autonomic Network Architecture, not only does the idea of Autonomic Intelligence Evolved Cooperative Networking provide a substantially expanded, but also the most comprehensive and consolidated account in this respect. In other words, a fully-fledged Autonomic Cooperative Networking Architectural Model is presented encompassing the relevant workings both of the layers of the Open Systems Interconnection Reference Model and the levels of the Generic Autonomic Network Architecture. Given the lack of direct correspondence between these two dimensions, as such classified to form the Vertical Technological Pillars and Horizontal Architectural Extensions, the mechanisms of the Autonomic Cooperative Node, Autonomic Cooperative Behaviour, and Autonomic Cooperative Networking Protocol are deployed along with all the pertinent architectural extensions thereto. What is more, during the entire endeavour, the notion of autonomic computing becomes naturally elevated and transposed into autonomic intelligence, as explained later in the book, on the one hand, to better reflect the value it brings to cooperative networking in general, and, on the other hand, to prepare the ground for possible further conceptual advancements.


The ultimate design outlined in this book was inspired by the prior involvement of the author in the European Union Sixth Framework Programme IST-2003-507581 Integrated Project: Wireless World Initiative New Radio I (WINNER I), the European Union Sixth Framework Programme IST-4-027756 Integrated Project: Wireless World Initiative New Radio II (WINNER II), the European Union Sixth Framework Programme IST-2004-507325 Network of Excellence in Wireless COMmunications (NEWCOM), the European Union Seventh Framework Programme INFSO-ICT-215549 Integrated Project: Exposing the Features in IP version Six protocols that can be exploited/extended for the purposes of designing/building Autonomic Networks and Services (EFIPSANS), and the European Union Seventh Framework Programme SEC-242411 Integrated Project: A Holistic Approach Towards the Development of the First Responder of the Future (E-SPONDER), as well as the Industry Specification Group (ISG) on Autonomic network engineering for the self-managing Future Internet (AFI) established under the auspices of the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI). In the light of the above, for the sake of transparency, the utmost attention was paid to clearly highlight the author's unique contribution to the state-of-the-art advancement in the major theme of this book, as well as to ensure its proper separation from any externally referenced background and context-setting information. At the same time, it is crucial to note that all the evaluation results presented by the author were obtained with the use of a dedicated simulation environment designed exclusively for the needs of the preparation of this book, while all the views presented in this book are of the author's.


3GPP 3rd Generation Partnership Project
AAC Address Auto-Configuration
AAC-OLSR Address Auto-Configuration OLSR
AB Autonomic Behaviour
AC Autonomic Computing
ACB Autonomic Cooperative Behaviour
ACL Autonomic Control Loop
ACN Autonomic Cooperative Node
ACNAM Autonomic Cooperative Networking Architectural Model
ACNP Autonomic Cooperative Networking Protocol
ACRR Autonomic Cooperative Re-Routing
ACS Autonomic Cooperative Set
ACSAM Autonomic Cooperative System Architectural Model
ACT Autonomic Cooperative Transmission
ADME Autonomic Decision-Making Element
AE Autonomic Element
AF Amplify-and-Forward
AFI Autonomic network engineering for the self-managing Future Internet
AI Artificial Intelligence
AIECN Autonomic Intelligence Evolved Cooperative Networking
ALD Angular Diversity
AM Autonomic Manager
AN Autonomic Networking
ANO Autonomic Node
ANCS Autonomic Networked Computing System
ANS Autonomic Nervous System
AO Autonomic Overlay
AP Access Point
AR Autonomic Routine
ARP Address Resolution Protocol
AS Autonomic System
ASS Autonomous System
ATS Agent System
AUF Autonomic Function
AWGN Additive White Gaussian Noise
B2B Business-to-Business
B2C Business-to-Customer
BBF Broadband Forum
BER Bit Error Rate
BS Base Station
CA Coding Advantage
CAdDF Complex Adaptive Decode-and-Forward
CAS Computer-Assisted Simulation
CB Coherence Bandwidth
CBR Constant Bit Rate
CCG Channel Capacity Gain
CCI Co-Channel Interference
CD Coherence Distance
CDF Cumulative Distribution Function
CDR Code Rate
CFR Chief First Responder
CG Coding Gain
CHB Channel Bandwidth
CHG Channel Gain
CI Characteristic Information
CLI Command Line Interface
CM Channel Matrix
CMDE Cooperation Management Decision Element
CNR Conventional Relaying
COD Complex Orthogonal Design
CODE Cooperation Orchestration Decision Element
COR Cooperative Relaying
COT Cooperative Transmission
CPR Computing Process
CPU Central Processing Unit
CPX Cyclic Prefix
CRDE Cooperative Re-Routing Decision Element
CRO Cooperative Routing
CRR Cooperative Re-Routing
CSI Channel State Information
CT Coherence Time
CTP Control Plane
CTDE Cooperative Transmission Decision Element
D2D Device-to-Device
DAA Duplicate Address Avoidance
DAD Duplicate Address Detection
DCP Decision Plane
DMP Dissemination Plane
DSP Discovery Plane
DE Decision Element
DF Decode-and-Forward
DG Diversity Gain
DHCP Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
DME Decision-Making Element
DMN Decision-Making Entity
DN Destination Node
DO Diversity Order
DTP Data Plane
DR Decode-and-Reencode
DSTBC Distributed Space-Time Block Coding
DTD Delayed Transmission Diversity
DVB-T Digital Terrestrial Video Broadcasting
ECMP Equal Cost Multipath Protocol
ECN Emergency Communications Network
EDSTBE Equivalent Distributed Space-Time Block Encoder
EFIPSANS Exposing the Features in IP version Six protocols that can be exploited/extended for the purposes of designing/building Autonomic Networks and Services
EGC Equal Gain Combining
ELC Extended Link Code
ELM Extended Link Mask
EMS Evolved Messaging Structure
EOC Emergency Operations Centre
EREACT Extended Routing information Enhanced Algorithm for Cooperative Transmission
E-SPONDER A Holistic Approach Towards the Development of the First Responder of the Future
ES Economic Science
ETSI European Telecommunications Standards Institute
EU European Union
EVMIMO Equivalent Virtual Multiple-Input Multiple-Output
EVMISO Equivalent Virtual Multiple-Input Single-Output
FB Functional Block
FI Future Internet
FLD Frequential Diversity
FNL Function Level
FMDE Fault Management Decision Element
FMPR Flooding Multi-Point Relay
FP Framework Programme
FP6 Sixth Framework Programme
FP7 Seventh Framework Programme
FR First Responder
FRN Fixed Relay Node
FRR Fast Re-Routing
GANA Generic Autonomic Network Architecture
GCOD Generalised Complex Orthogonal Design
GR Generic Receiver
GS Group Specification
GT Generic Transmitter
GVAA Generalised Virtual Antenna Array
HACL Hierarchical Autonomic Control Loop
HAE Horizontal Architectural Extension
HANS Human Autonomic Nervous System
HRP Horizontal Reference Point
IANA Internet Assigned Number Authority
ICI Inter-Channel Interference
IETF Internet Engineering Task Force
IoT Internet of Things
IP Internet Protocol
IPv6 Internet Protocol version 6
ISG Industry Specification Group
ITS Intelligent Transport System
ITU-T International Telecommunication Union – Telecommunications
KNP Knowledge Plane
L3DF Layer-3 Decode-and-Forward
LNK Link Layer
LoA Level of Abstraction
LOS Line-of-Sight
LSB Least Significant Bit
LSRP Link-State Routing Protocol
LSTC Layered Space-Time Coding
LTE Long Term Evolution
LV Link Verification
M2M Machine-to-Machine
MAC Medium Access Control
MAD Multiple Address Declaration
MANET Mobile Ad hoc Network
MAS Multi-Agent System
MCS Modulation and Coding Scheme
ME Managed Element
MEA Multi-Element Array
MEN Managed Entity
MEOC Mobile Emergency Operations Centre
MIMO Multiple-Input Multiple-Output
MISO Multiple-Input Single-Output
MLD Maximum Likelihood Detection
MLSE Maximum Likelihood Sequence Estimator
MMIMO Massive Multiple-Input Multiple-Output
MMSE Minimum Mean Square Error
MN Mobile Node
MNP Management Plane
MPR Multi-Point Relay
MRC Maximal Ratio Combining
MRN Mobile Relay Node
MRRC Maximal Ratio Receive Combining
MSB Most Significant Bit
NC Network Coding
ND Neighbour Discovery
NDL Node Level
NE Network Element
NET Network Layer
NEWCOM Network of Excellence in Wireless COMmunications
NFV Network Function Virtualisation
NGMN Next Generation Mobile Networks
NGN Next Generation Network
NLOS Non-Line-of-Sight
NOA-OLSR No Overhead Auto-Configuration OLSR
NTL Network Level
OBU On-Board Unit
OFDM Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiplexing
OFDMA Orthogonal Frequency-Division Multiple Access
OLSR Optimised Link State Routing
OSI Open Systems Interconnection
OSPF Open Shortest Path First
PDAD-OLSR Passive Duplicate Address Detection OLSR
PDF Probability Density Function
PHY Physical Layer
PI Process Interaction
PLD Polar Diversity
PSK Phase-Shift Keying
PSN Public Safety Network
PTL Protocol Level
QO Quasi-Orthogonal
QoS Quality of Service
QPSK Quadrature Phase-Shift Keying
RA Reference Architecture
RAP Radio Access Point
RBCD Repetition-Based Cooperative Diversity
REACT Routing information Enhanced Algorithm for Cooperative Transmission
REC Relay-Enhanced Cell
RF Radio Frequency
RFP Reference Point
RM Reference Model
RME Routing Mechanism
RMPR Routing Multi-Point Relay
RN Relay Node
RND Reception Diversity
RPA Reference Point Architecture
RSDE Resilience and Survivability Decision Element
RTB Routing Table
SA Software Agent
SAdDF Simple Adaptive Decode-and-Forward
SAS Single-Agent System
SBA Service Based Architecture
SC Selection Combining
SCD Scanning Diversity
SDE Sub-Decision Element
SDN Software-Defined Networking
SDO Standards Development Organisation
SDR Software-Defined Radio
SFAAC Stateful Address Auto-Configuration
SIMO Single-Input Multiple-Output
SINR Signal-to-Interference-plus-Noise Ratio
SISO Single-Input Single-Output
SLAAC Stateless Address Auto-Configuration
SLD Spatial Diversity
SN Source Node
SNR Signal-to-Noise Ratio
SOA Service-Oriented Architecture
SON Self-Organising Network
SPR Single-Path Relaying
STBC Space-Time Block Coding
STBD Space-Time Block Decoder
STBE Space-Time Block Encoder
STC Space-Time Coding
STCCD Space-Time-Coded Cooperative Diversity
STP Spatio-Temporal Processing
STTC Space-Time Trellis Coding
SVD Singular-Value Decomposition
SWC Switched Combining
TC Topology Control
TCM Trellis-Coded Modulation
TCO Total Cost of Ownership
TCP Transmission Control Protocol
TCP/IP Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol
TDD Time Division Duplex
TLD Temporal Diversity
TMF Telemanagement Forum
TND Transmission Diversity
TTL Time To Live
TS Technical Specification
UDP User Datagram Protocol
UF Utility Function
UT User Terminal
VAA Virtual Antenna Array
VANET Vehicular Ad hoc NETwork
VCS Virtual Cooperative Set
VMIMO Virtual Multiple-Input Multiple-Output
VRP Vertical Reference Point
VTP Vertical Technological Pillar
WI Work Item
WINNER I Wireless World Initiative New Radio I
WINNER II Wireless World Initiative New Radio II
WRR Weighted Round-Robin


c01-math-001 Set of Autonomic Cooperative Nodes providing the capability of cooperative transmission between the source node c01-math-002 and the destination node c01-math-003.
c01-math-004 Set of channel coefficients between the members of c01-math-005 and c01-math-006 itself.
c01-math-007 Equivalent distributed space-time block encoder, where c01-math-008 denotes a specific space-time block coding scheme, e.g. c01-math-009, c01-math-010, c01-math-011, c01-math-012, or c01-math-013.
c01-math-014 Generic transmitter c01-math-015, where c01-math-016.
c01-math-017 Generic receiver c01-math-018, where c01-math-019.
c01-math-020 Channel coefficient between the c01-math-021th transmitting antenna and c01-math-022th receiving antenna, where c01-math-023 and c01-math-024.
c01-math-025 Channel gain.
c01-math-026 Channel matrix for c01-math-027 transmitting antennae and c01-math-028 receiving antennae.
c01-math-029 c01-math-030 identity matrix.
c01-math-031 Path loss defining a given radio propagation model.
c01-math-032 Buffer load in the previous cycle c01-math-033, where c01-math-034 denotes a slot, while c01-math-035 corresponds either to the base station, indicated by the c01-math-036, or a fixed relay node, assigned a value of 1 through 4.
c01-math-037 Set of multi-point relays of a given source node c01-math-038.
c01-math-039 Redundant, i.e. secondary, ternary, and so on, set of multi-point relays of a given source node c01-math-040, where c01-math-041; c01-math-042 is equivalent to c01-math-043.
c01-math-044 Number of transmitting antennae deployed at a relay node.
c01-math-045 Number of transmitting antennae deployed at a destination node.
c01-math-046 Number of transmitting antennae deployed at a source node.
c01-math-047 Set of one-hop neighbour nodes of a given source node c01-math-048.
c01-math-049 One-hop neighbour node belonging to the set c01-math-050.
c01-math-051 Set of two-hop neighbour nodes of a given source node c01-math-052.
c01-math-053 Two-hop neighbour belonging to the set c01-math-054.
c01-math-055 Transmitted signal power.
c01-math-056 Power level of the signal transmitted by a given network node c01-math-057 as observed by its neighbour node c01-math-058.
c01-math-059 Noise power.
c01-math-060 Hermitian transpose of a matrix c01-math-061.

Chapter 1

The opening, context-setting, chapter introduces the background behind the concept of autonomic computing, and accounts for its convergence with modern networked systems. A conceptual analysis is then carried out in order to draft a fully-fledged framework depicting the scientific advancement in this respect. In essence, the general vision and the state of the art in the field of autonomic computing are approached from the viewpoint of the related mechanisms inherent in the functioning of the human autonomic nervous system. Given its importance, this consists in the analysis of the key dimensions of self-configuration, self-optimisation, self-healing, and self-protection, altogether known to constitute the notion of self-management, and is extended to cover the pertinent architectural assumptions and variations complemented with insight into the overlapping nature of autonomic computing and agent systems. Then, the ultimate question of convergence between autonomic computing and autonomic networking is addressed, and, thus, the ground for the discussion of the role of self-awareness is settled, with the eventual goal of introducing the target Autonomic Cooperative Networking Architectural Model. In order to make this possible, first the investigation of the most recent incarnation of the Generic Autonomic Network Architecture is characterised with special attention paid to the explanation of the role of decision elements and hierarchical autonomic control loops, along with their respective levels of abstraction, presented in an incremental order, starting from the lowest protocol level, through the function level and node level, up to the top network level.

Once the related ground has been settled, the scope of the Autonomic Cooperative Networking Architectural Model is examined in more detail through the introduction of the Vertical Technological Pillars and the Horizontal Architectural Extensions. In fact, the layers of the Open Systems Interconnection Reference Model are made perpendicular to the levels of the Generic Autonomic Network Architecture in order to identify the key architectural challenges to be addressed by the ultimate Autonomic Cooperative Networking Architectural Model. For this reason, an incremental conceptual outline is presented involving the key architectural components in the form of the Autonomic Cooperative Node, Autonomic Cooperative Behaviour, and Autonomic Cooperative Networking Protocol, as well as the major decision elements of relevance. In particular, first, the protocol level cooperative transmission decision element is presented with its responsibility for virtual multiple input multiple output channel based and distributed space-time block coding enabled cooperative relaying. Next, the function level cooperative re-routing decision element is deployed, with its role of being a trigger for transmission resiliency driven cooperative re-routing. Moving forward, the node level cooperation management decision element is introduced in order to facilitate the integration between cooperative relaying and routing mechanisms. Last, but not least, the network level cooperation orchestration decision element is presented as being accountable for comprehensive oversight of the overall system. All in all, a high-level blueprint of the Autonomic Cooperative Networking Architectural Model is drafted to be further advanced in the chapters to follow.

The third chapter follows on with specific architectural considerations. In particular, the presentation is started with the foundations of the protocol level spatio-temporal processing, where the initial emphasis is laid on developments related to the multiple-input multiple-output channel to provide a good understanding of its workings. Then, the pertinent diversity-rooted origins of spatio-temporal processing are discussed, so that it becomes possible to clearly justify its role and the necessity for its later deployment. Moreover, the question of radio channel virtualisation is visited, where the singular-value decomposition theorem is explained in order to introduce the notion of an equivalent virtual multiple-input multiple-output radio channel to be deployable among Autonomic Cooperative Nodes. The related radio channel capacity is incorporated into the bigger picture of the opening analysis to account for its linear scaling with the number of so-called generic transmitters or generic receivers. Finally, a specific model for radio channel coefficient calculation, to be referenced throughout this book, is described, and the difference between coding gain and diversity gain is addressed for the sake of clarity. Given such a context, the focus moves towards space-time coding techniques, to account for their superiority over the above-mentioned diversity techniques and to pave the way for their later use in networked configurations, where the concept of distributed space-time block coding is expected to prevail.

In particular, the most baseline approach to space-time coding is presented with special attention paid to space-time block coding, where the question of its being perceived more as a modulation rather than a coding technique is visited. Then, the derivation process of the decoding metrics for a selected set of space-time block coding matrices is outlined with the aim, among others, of clarifying certain inconsistencies the author came across in the referenced source materials. Based on this, an extension towards space-time trellis coding is also presented, where additional coding gain becomes clearly visible. Eventually, after all the aforementioned technological aspects have been analysed, their relation to the protocol level control logic is discussed in the light of the prospective architectural integration aspects. To this end, the notion of an Autonomic Cooperative Node is introduced as one of the major building blocks of the proposed concept. Not only is the relation between autonomics and cooperation discussed further, but the internal structure of the Autonomic Cooperative Node is scrutinised. Next, the cooperative transmission decision element is brought into the global picture as belonging to the protocol level, while being mostly responsible for the interaction with the routines of the physical layer. Given such a context, not only is the role and notion of the concept of a protocol addressed, but a pertinent adaptive logic is presented, where the relevant code matrices are switched on the basis of the radio channel parameters. Finally, all the architectural integration aspects of relevance are outlined and the way is prepared for further extensions.

In the fourth chapter, the topics of both conventional and cooperative relaying are addressed from the classificatory perspective; the two approaches are characterised, and the forwarding strategy and protocol nature of the latter are further investigated. Following this, the focus is redirected towards the question of supportive and collaborative protocols, introduced as subcategories of a generic cooperative protocol. Such an approach means that the former shall be considered as a preparatory phase for the latter, making the interaction between the two highly correlated. Going further, the concept of virtual antenna arrays is outlined on the basis of its most versatile multi-tier incarnation, where, assuming a generalised cooperative transmission scheme, its special operation mode of distributed space-time block coding is discussed as being clearly intended to play a crucial role for all the further developments to be discussed in this book. Given such a context, attention is directed towards a fixed deployment concept, where both the conventional and cooperative relaying techniques could become equally applicable, yet the plot is advanced on the assumption that the subject of subsequent analyses will be the mobile deployment concept. In particular, the grid-based Manhattan scenario is initially outlined to underline that as much as the pattern formed by the buildings could become critically important for the suppression of interference among the fixed relay nodes, it would make it literally impossible to exercise any cooperative relaying based on virtual antenna arrays.

In essence, the evaluation effort is carried out to highlight that, despite limitations related to cooperative relaying, certain link layer and network layer performance optimisations would still be possible. To this end a specific adaptation strategy is proposed with regard to the framing structure and the buffer memory, so that, using the process interaction simulation method, it becomes possible to observe improved packet throughput at the network layer. Similarly, a cooperation-enabled relay-enhanced cell indoor scenario is analysed, where the major emphasis is put on the link layer aspects, keeping in mind its applicability to any later mobile deployment concept considerations. Eventually, the focus is shifted towards the function level overlay logic, where, first of all, the roots of Autonomic Cooperative Behaviour are outlined to account for its role and complexity, including its enablers – the equivalent distributed space-time block encoder in particular. Then, the rationale behind the cooperative re-routing decision element is presented, including its transition from the node level to the function level and the logic behind cooperative re-routing involving the role of the fault management decision element and the place of the resilience and survivability decision element. Last, but not least, the architectural integration aspects are discussed to account for the general dependencies between the routines of all three layers of interest, as well as to provide a more detailed insight into the architectural relations driven by the pairing of the link layer and the function level, complemented by the introduction of a specifically extended version of the Autonomic Cooperative Node.

In the fifth chapter, first of all the workings of the experimentation-related version of the Optimised Link State Routing protocol are discussed, with special emphasis on its functional and structural characteristics related to the field of applicability and the assumed messaging structure. Apart from the proactivity-driven relevance to mobile ad hoc network scenarios, special attention is paid to the multi-point relay station selection heuristics with the incorporation of certain small alignments. Additionally, the information storage repositories are analysed in order to provide the required context for further developments, and specifically to introduce new elements in the form of both the VAA selector set and its related VAA selector tuples, intended to become the enablers of the target concept of enhancing cooperative transmission with routing information. What follows directly are the developments originating from the routing information enhanced algorithm for cooperative transmission, conceived by the author as a method for applying the additional information collected by the Optimised Link State Routing protocol inherent in the network layer, and its modified version in particular, for the sake of both enabling and orchestrating cooperative transmission at the link layer. To this end, the justification for the introduction of the routing information enhanced algorithm for cooperative transmission is provided with particular emphasis on the relevant algorithmic description, where, additionally, certain elements and nomenclature of the Optimised Link State Routing protocol are assumed, predominantly because of a fairly direct usage of the outcome of the multi-point relay station selection heuristics.

Given such a context, the elevated concept of the extended routing information enhanced algorithm for cooperative transmission is outlined along with the evolved messaging structure in order to lay the groundwork for the target Autonomic Cooperative Networking Protocol. In this respect, both the very vital topics of address auto-configuration and duplicate address detection are considered, before the focus shifts more towards the umbrella formed by the function level overlay logic. In this way the workings of the Autonomic Cooperative Networking Protocol are outlined, covering the role of the extended routing information enhanced algorithm for cooperative transmission in its conception, as well as justifying the place of the evolved messaging structure in the process of Autonomic Cooperative Node preselection, along with the layout and the reasoning for the related design of the routing table. The extended algorithmic description defining the logic of the cooperation management decision element is then examined in reference to what was previously outlined for the original routing information enhanced algorithm for cooperative transmission. Based on this it becomes possible not only to evaluate the advantages thereof by means of simulation analysis, but also address the overhead aspects of the evolved messaging structure. Finally, the entire analysis is elevated even further to conclude with aspects of the architectural integration, covering the roots of the Autonomic Cooperative Networking Protocol, the conceptual transitions, and the related dependencies among its architectural entities.

In the final chapter the standardisation-orientated design is introduced, assuming a research and investment driven perspective, in order to explain the origins of the Autonomic Cooperative Networking Architectural Model by touching on issues related to the standardisation of the Open Systems Interconnection Reference Model, as well as emphasising the role of prestandardisation related to the Generic Autonomic Network Architecture. What naturally follows is a description of the staged instantiation of the Generic Autonomic Network Architecture Reference Model, depicting the progression of various levels of abstraction in an incremental manner. This introductory part is concluded with certain cross-specification-related considerations intended to incorporate select concepts from software-defined networking, machine-to-machine communications, and intelligent transport systems into the bigger context of the Autonomic Cooperative Networking Architectural Model. Then another, highly practical, deployment scenario in the form of an emergency communications network is considered, which becomes especially interesting because of its being driven by a combination of specifically tailored requirements, where safety appears to take priority over the latest technological advancements. In particular, it is emphasised that the system operation becomes bound to exercise the hierarchy between chief first responders and their respective first responders, as implied by human established relations. In this respect, the relevant network topologies are discussed along with the related configurations of chief first responders.

The way is thus prepared for further incorporation of autonomic routines, since, after the cooperative mode of operation has been introduced and the proactive and reactive resiliency process has been outlined, the integration of the emergency communications network into the ultimate Autonomic Cooperative Networking Architectural Model may be discussed. Following the complementary justification for the cooperative enhancement in question, supported with performance evaluation analysis, the related network level overlay logic is introduced to the overall picture to encompass any still outstanding or not comprehensively addressed workings of the Autonomic Cooperative Networking Architectural Model. In this way the mutual relation between the Autonomic Cooperative Networking Protocol and the Autonomic Cooperative Behaviour is presented from the perspective of the priority between the two, on the grounds of their being inherent in the respective dimensions of the Open Systems Interconnection Reference Model and the Generic Autonomic Network Architecture. Based on this, the notion of the cooperation orchestration decision element is introduced in a way emphasising more tangibly when the Autonomic Cooperative Behaviour may be prioritised over the Autonomic Cooperative Networking Protocol. In particular, the relay-enhanced cell scenario is revisited under certain additional assumptions allowing for a more accurate evaluation of the second hop. Finally, the architectural integration aspects are raised to address the mutual operation of all the discussed decision elements to introduce additional synergy to the fairly exhaustive depiction of the Autonomic Cooperative Networking Architectural Model.