Cover Page

Zika Virus and Diseases

From Molecular Biology to Epidemiology



Suzane Ramos da Silva
Fan Cheng
Shou‐Jiang Gao



Department of Molecular Microbiology and Immunology, Keck School of Medicine, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California, USA









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Zika virus (ZIKV), a mosquito‐borne flavivirus, is an emerging infectious agent associated with numerous neurological diseases. Discovered in 1947, the virus was silent for almost 60 years until the recent outbreaks in 2003 and 2013 in the Pacific Islands, and in 2015 in South and Central America. While the virus detected in Africa at the time of discovery was only associated with mild fever, rash, and pain, recent ZIKV outbreaks were associated with neurological disorders such as Guillain‐Barré Syndrome in adults and microcephaly in newborns. The dynamic changes in ZIKV‐associated pathology over the years has prompted extensive studies aimed at understanding the differences among the virus lineages (African vs. Asian/American) isolated from different regions with the goal of developing specific therapeutic drugs.

This book will describe the ZIKV story since its discovery in 1947 up to the most updated studies in 2017. We will cover more than 70 years of ZIKV history with details in the discovery, outbreaks, transmission, associated diseases, animal models that have been developed, ZIKV and cell/host interactions, the differences among ZIKV strains, and drugs that have been tested against ZIKV. This book should provide valuable information for both the general public and scientists.

List of Abbreviations

Abbreviations Full name
2′‐CMA 2′‐C‐methyladenosine
2′‐CMC 2′‐C‐methylcytidine
2′‐CMG 2′‐C‐methylguanosine
2′‐CMU 2′‐C‐methyluridine
2′‐O‐Me 2′‐O ribose methylation
3‐MA 3‐methyladenine
7‐deaza‐2′‐CMA 7‐deaza‐2′‐C‐methyladenosine
7DMA 7‐deaza‐2′‐C‐methyladenosine
aa amino acid
AEN apoptosis enhancing nuclease
AIM absent in melanoma
ALKBH Alkylation repair homologs
AMPK 5' adenosine monophosphate‐activated protein kinase
Atg autophagy‐related protein
ATP adenosine triphosphate
BPTI bovine pancreatic trypsin inhibitor
BUNV Bunyamvera virus
C capsid protein
CCL Chemokine (C‐C motif) ligand
CCN cyclin
CD cluster of differentiation
CDK cyclin‐dependent kinase
CDKi CDK inhibitor
CDKN cyclin dependent kinase inhibitor
CFS cerebrospinal fluid
CHIKV chikungunya virus
CM conditioned medium
Cmax maximum plasma concentrations
CPAP centrosomal P4.1‐associated protein
CPE cytopathic effect
CRISPR Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats
CXCL Chemokine (C‐X‐C motif) ligand
CXCR C‐X‐C motif chemokine receptor
D.P.C. days post‐coitus
D.P.I. days post‐infection
DC dendritic cell
DC‐SIGN Dendritic cell‐specific intercellular adhesion molecule‐3‐grabbing non‐integrin
DENV dengue virus
DISC death‐inducing signaling complex
DNA deoxyribonucleic acid
dsRNA double‐stranded RNA
E envelope protein
EBV Epstein‐Barr virus
ELISA enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay
ELISA enzyme‐linked immunosorbent assay
ER endoplasmic reticulum
FDA Food and Drug Administration
FFU focus forming units
FLE fusion loop epitope
FLUAV influenza A virus
FLUBV influenza B virus
fNPC fetal neural progenitor cell
fNSC fetal NSC
FTO fat mass and obesity‐associated protein
GEF guanine nucleotide exchange factor
GM genetically modified
GO gene ontology
GTP guanosine‐5'‐triphosphate
H2AX H2A histone family, member X
HAEC human amnion epithelial cell
HC Hofbauer cell
HCV hepatitis C virus
hESC human embryonic stem cell
HI hemagglutination‐inhibition
hiPSC human inducible pluripotent stem cell
HIV human immunodeficiency virus
hNPC human neural progenitor cell
hnRNP heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein
hpi hour(s) post infection
HSV herpes simplex virus
I.C. intracerebrally
I.P. intraperitoneally
IFIT IFN‐induced proteins with tetratricopeptide repeats
IFITM IFN‐inducible transmembrane protein
IFN interferon
IKK IκB kinase
IL interleukin
IP‐10 Interferon gamma‐induced protein 10
IPS interferon‐promoter stimulator
iPSC induced pluripotent stem cells
IRF IFN regulatory factor
ISG IFN‐stimulated gene
ISRE IFN‐stimulated responsive element
IUGR intrauterine growth restriction
JEV Japanese encephalitis virus
KUNV Kunjin virus
LC3 microtubule‐associated protein 1A/1B‐light chain 3
LDH lactate dehydrogenace
LGP2 laboratory of genetics and physiology 2
LGTV Langat virus
M membrane protein
m6A N6 methylation of adenosine
MAVS Mitochondrial antiviral‐signaling protein
MAYV Mayaro virus
MBFV mosquito‐borne flaviviruses virus
MCM Mauritian cynomolgus macaque
MCP1 monocyte chemoattractant protein‐1
MDA 5 melanoma‐differentiation‐associated gene 5
MDE mean day of euthanasia
MEF mouse embryonic fibroblast
METTL methyltransferase‐like
MHC major histocompatibility complex
MLD mucin‐like domain
moDC monocyte‐derived DC
MOI multiplicity of infection
MORF MOZ‐related factor
MOZ monocytic leukemic zinc‐finger protein
MPA mycophenolic acid
MR monkey rhesus
MRI magnetic resonance imaging
mRNA messanger RNA
MTase methyltransferase
mTORC mammalian target of rapamycin complex
MyD88 myeloid differentiation primary response gene 88
NCX‐NES cells neocortical NES cells
NES cells neuroepithelial stem cells
NF‐κB nuclear factor‐κB
NKV no known vector
NMR nuclear magnetic resonance
NPC neural progenitor cell
NPC neural progenitor cells
NS nonstructural protein
NSC neural stem cell
NTPase nucleoside triphosphatase
OAS 2'‐5'‐oligoadenylate synthetase
ORF open reading frame
p.i. post‐infection
PAMP pathogen‐associated molecular pattern
PARP poly‐ADP ribose polymerase
PAS pre‐autophagosomal structure
PCD programmed cell death
PCNT Pericentrin
PE phosphatidylethanolamine
PFU plaque‐forming units
PG phosphatidylglycerol
PHT primary human trophoblast
PI3K phosphatidylinositol‐3‐kinase
PKR protein kinase R
PKA protein kinase A
PKI PKA inhibitor
pNGB p‐nitrophenyl‐p‐guanidino benzoate
PQS potential quadruplex sequence
prM the precursor of membrane protein
PRNT plaque reduction neutralization tests
PRNT50 50% plaque reduction neutralizing titer
PRR pattern recognition receptor
PTEN phosphatase and tensin homolog
PTK protein tyrosine kinase
qPCR quantitative polymerase chain reaction
RANTES regulated on activation, normal T cell expressed and secreted
RdRp RNA‐dependent RNA polymerase
RF replicative form
RGC radial glia cell
RGP radial glial progenitor
RI replicative intermediate
RIG‐I retinoid‐inducible gene I
RLR RIG‐I‐like receptors
RNA ribonucleic acid
ROS reactive oxygen species
RPE cells retinal pigment epithelial cells
RSAD radical S‐adenosyl methionine domain containing
RSP recombinant subviral particle
RTPase RNA triphosphatase
RT‐PCR reverse‐transcriptase polymerase chain reaction
RT‐qPCR quantitative reverse transcription PCR
S.C. subcutaneously
SAM S‐adenosyl‐methionine
SARS severe acute respiratory syndrome
SD standard deviation
sfRNA subgenomic flaviviral RNA
SINV Sindbis virus
SPOV Spondweni virus
ssRNA single stranded RNA
STAT signal transducer and activator of transcription
STING stimulator of interferon gene
TAM Tyro3‐Axl‐Mer
TANK TRAF family member‐associated NF‐κB activator
TBFV tick‐borne flavivirus
TBK TANK‐binding kinase
TEM transmission electron microscopy
TIM T‐cell immunoglobin and mucin domain
TIR Toll/interleukin‐1 receptor
TLR Toll‐like receptor
tmax duration to achieve Cmax
TMD transmembrane domain
TMEV Theiler's mouse encephalomyelitis virus
TNF tumor necrosis factor
TRAF tumor necrosis factor receptor‐associated factor
TRAIL TNF‐related apoptosis inducing ligand
TRIF TIR‐domain‐containing adapter‐inducing interferon‐β
TSC tuberous sclerosis
ULK1 Unc‐51‐like kinase
UTR untranslated region
VEEV Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus
VP vesicle packet
WDR WD40 repeat
WNV West Nile virus
WS Webster Swiss
xrRNA Xrn1‐resistent RNA
YF yellow fever
YFV yellow fever virus
YTH YT521‐B homology
YTHDF YTH N6‐methyladenosine RNA binding protein
ZFYVE zinc finger FYVE‐type
ZIKV Zika virus
ZIKVBR ZIKV strain isolated in Brazil
γH2AX phosphorylated histone H2AX