Cover Page

The Wiley Handbook of Entrepreneurship


Edited by
Gorkan Ahmetoglu
University College London
London, UK


Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic
University College London
London, UK


Bailey Klinger
EFL Global & Harvard University
Cambridge, USA


Tessa Karcisky
University of Cologne
Cologne, Germany




Title Page



  1. ability
    1. entrepreneurial ecosystems
    2. entrepreneurial teams
    3. KSTE and place
    4. national culture
    5. new business and regional development
  2. absorptive capacity
  3. abstraction
  4. academic entrepreneurship
  5. Academy of Management
  6. achievement motivation theory
  7. achievement need
    1. social entrepreneurship
  8. adaptive entrepreneurship
  9. adolescent entrepreneurial competence
  10. adoption studies
  11. adversity
  12. affect
  13. Africa
  14. age
    1. faultline theory
    2. psychology
  15. agent-based modeling (ABM)
  16. agents of change
  17. agglomeration
  18. agreeableness
  19. alertness
  20. Algeria
  21. alliance creation
  22. Amazon
  23. ambidexterity theory
  24. ambitious entrepreneurship
  25. ambitious innovators
  26. ambitious replicators
  27. angel finance
  28. Angola
  29. Apple
  30. Arc of Prosperity
  31. Argentina
  32. artistic personality
  33. Asia
  34. attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  35. attraction, selection, attrition (ASA) theory
  36. attribution process
  37. automobile industry
  38. autonomy
    1. corporate entrepreneurship
    2. personality
    3. self-employment
    4. social entrepreneurship
    5. types of entrepreneurship
  39. Australia
  40. Austria


  1. Bangladesh
  2. Barbados
  3. Baron, Robert A.
    1. entrepreneurial phases
  4. Baumol, William
  5. Bavaria
  6. behavioral combination
  7. behavioral integration and shared cognition
  8. behavioral repertoire
  9. behavioral selection
  10. behavioral sequence
  11. behavioral stage
  12. behavioral variation
  13. behavior execution
  14. behavior-specific outcomes
  15. Belgium
  16. benchmarking
  17. bias
    1. belief in inborn characteristics
    2. cognitive traps
    3. confirmation
    4. entrepreneurial teams
    5. entrepreneurial tendencies
    6. female entrepreneurship and IQ
    7. hormone tests
    8. optimistic
    9. self-serving
    10. skills
    11. social entrepreneurship
  18. Big Five personality traits (OCEAN)
    1. entrepreneurial tendencies
    2. genetics
    3. social entrepreneurship
  19. Big Six personality traits (HEXACO)
  20. biology
  21. blame
  22. Bolivia
  23. bonding social capital
  24. born globals
  25. Bosnia
  26. Botswana
  27. bottlenecks
  28. boundary conditions
  29. Brazil
  30. bricolage
  31. broad sets of personality dimensions
  32. business freedom
  33. business plans
    1. cognitive traps
    2. entrepreneurial behavior
  34. business-to-business (B2B)
  35. business-to-consumer (B2C)


  1. California Psychological Inventory (CPI)
  2. Canada
  3. candidate-genes
  4. career reasons
  5. Carlson, Chester
  6. characteristics needed
  7. Chile
  8. China
    1. KSTE and place
    2. national culture
  9. Choice Dilemmas, Questionnaire
  10. Churchill, Winston
  11. clusters and clustering
    1. entrepreneurial ecosystems
    2. international entrepreneurship
    3. management of place
    4. personality traits
  12. Cobb-Douglas function
  13. cognition
    1. national culture
    2. stages
    3. tools needed
    4. traps and errors
  14. collectivism
    1. entrepreneurial ecosystems
  15. collinearity
  16. Colombia
  17. commercialization efficiency hypothesis
  18. community governance
  19. competition and competitiveness
    1. corporate entrepreneurship
    2. creativity
    3. entrepreneurial behavior
    4. entrepreneurial ecosystems
    5. entrepreneurial personality
    6. KSTE and place
    7. new business and regional development
    8. NVT processes
    9. roles, effects and contributions
    10. social entrepreneurship
    11. tools needed
  20. complex socioecological ecosystems
  21. conceptual clarity
  22. confirmation bias
  23. conscientiousness
    1. entrepreneurial tendencies
    2. social entrepreneurship
  24. context recognition
  25. conventional personality
  26. convergent thinking
  27. corporate entrepreneurship
    1. dimensions
    2. domain
    3. innovation
    4. international
    5. managerial levels
  28. Corporate Entrepreneurship Assessment Instrument (CEAI)
  29. corporate venturing
  30. correlation matrix
  31. cortisol
  32. Costa Rica
  33. countries and country differences
    1. belief in inborn characteristics
    2. entrepreneurial ecosystems
    3. female entrepreneurship and IQ
    4. international entrepreneurship and networks
    5. KSTE and place
    6. new business and regional development
    7. psychology
  34. craftsman entrepreneurship
  35. creation theory
  36. Creative Achievement Questionnaire
  37. creativity
    1. belief in inborn characteristics
    2. characteristics and skills
    3. corporate entrepreneurship
    4. cumulative process model
    5. effect on entrepreneurship
    6. entrepreneurial personality
    7. entrepreneurial tendencies
    8. genetics
    9. international entrepreneurship
    10. KSTE and place
    11. NVT processes
    12. opportunity recognition
    13. social entrepreneurship
  38. Croatia
  39. cross-sectional designs
  40. crowdfunding
  41. culture
    1. belief in inborn characteristics
    2. conceptualization
    3. corporate entrepreneurship
    4. entrepreneurial behavior
    5. entrepreneurial ecosystems
    6. entrepreneurial tendencies
    7. female entrepreneurship and IQ
    8. national
    9. regional
    10. social entrepreneurship
  42. cumulative process model
  43. Czech Republic


  1. Daimler
  2. data and data sources
    1. female entrepreneurship
  3. decision feedback loop
  4. delineation of entrepreneurial research
  5. Denmark
  6. dependent variable (DV)
  7. destructive entrepreneurship
  8. detachment
  9. disability
  10. Disney, Walt
  11. disruptive innovation
  12. divergent thinking
  13. diversity
    1. faultline theory
    2. information
  14. dominance
  15. dominant survey method
  16. dopamine
  17. dynamic exploitation
    1. ambitious innovators
    2. ambitious replicators
  18. dyslexia


  1. Eastern Europe
  2. economic cycle
  3. Economic Freedom of the World Index (EFWI)
    1. data sources
  4. economic growth
    1. ambitious innovators
    2. ambitious replicators
    3. entrepreneurial tendencies
    4. female entrepreneurship and IQ
    5. final contribution
    6. intermediary effects
    7. KSTE and place
    8. managerial employers
    9. new business and regional development
    10. solo self-employed
  5. Ecuador
  6. Edison, Thomas
  7. educational attainment
    1. data sources
    2. entrepreneurial behavior
    3. entrepreneurial ecosystems
    4. female entrepreneurship and IQ
    5. genetics
    6. human capital
    7. new business and regional development
    8. self-employment
    9. social entrepreneurship
  8. effectuation
  9. egalitarianism
  10. Egypt
  11. Einstein, Albert
  12. electroencephalography
  13. Eli Lilly
  14. El Salvador
  15. empathy
  16. empirical fact-finding
  17. employees
    1. corporate entrepreneurship
    2. creativity
    3. entrepreneurial tendencies
    4. productive entrepreneurship
    5. social entrepreneurship
  18. employer entrepreneurship
  19. emotionality
  20. emotional stability
  21. enablers and enabling
    1. intermediary effects
    2. role of entrepreneurs
  22. engagement levels
  23. England
  24. entrepreneurial alertness
  25. entrepreneurial behavior
    1. belief in inborn characteristics
    2. corporate
    3. definition
    4. differences and tendencies
    5. engagement level
    6. integration
    7. international
    8. model
    9. national culture
    10. NVT processes
    11. personality
    12. physiology
    13. psychology
    14. tools needed
    15. toward a theory
  26. entrepreneurial ecosystems
    1. definition
    2. Scottish innovation-based
  27. entrepreneurial exchange
  28. entrepreneurial exiting
  29. entrepreneurial grid
  30. entrepreneurial intensity
  31. Entrepreneurial Intensity Measure
  32. entrepreneurial intentions
    1. biology
    2. engagement levels
    3. national culture
    4. personality
  33. entrepreneurial judgment
  34. entrepreneurial ladder
  35. entrepreneurial orientation (EO)
    1. ADHD
  36. Entrepreneurial Orientation Scale
  37. Entrepreneurial Scotland
  38. entrepreneurial self-efficacy (ESE)
  39. entrepreneurial subjectivism
  40. entrepreneurial success
    1. personality
  41. entrepreneurial survival see survival
  42. entrepreneurial team collective cognition (ETCC)
  43. entrepreneurial teams see teams
  44. entrepreneurial tendencies
    1. genetics
    2. hormones
    3. physiology
    4. redefining
  45. entrepreneurial theorizing
  46. entrepreneurship dichotomies
  47. environmental concerns
    1. belief in inborn characteristics
    2. genetics
    3. social entrepreneurship
  48. essentialism
  49. established business ownership
  50. Estonia
  51. Ethiopia
  52. ethnicity see race and ethnicity
  53. Euro crisis
  54. Europe
    1. creativity
    2. self-employment
  55. exaptation
  56. expectancy theory
  57. experimentation
  58. exploitation of opportunities
    1. ambitious innovators
    2. ambitious replicators
    3. belief in inborn characteristics
    4. corporate entrepreneurship
    5. creativity
    6. dynamic
    7. entrepreneurial behavior
    8. entrepreneurial tendencies
    9. final contribution
    10. intermediary effects
    11. international entrepreneurship and networking
    12. KSTE and place
    13. NVT processes
    14. social entrepreneurship
    15. static
    16. see also opportunity recognition
  59. exploration and creation
    1. ambitious innovations
    2. ambitious replicators
    3. final contribution
    4. intermediary effects
  60. external corporate ventures (ECVs)
  61. extraversion
    1. entrepreneurial tendencies
    2. genetics
    3. social entrepreneurship


  1. Facebook
  2. factors of production
  3. failure
    1. cognitive traps
    2. corporate entrepreneurship
    3. entrepreneurial behavior
    4. entrepreneurial ecosystems
    5. entrepreneurial personality
    6. entrepreneurial tendencies
    7. financial cost
    8. national culture
    9. new business and regional development
    10. psychology
    11. social costs
    12. social entrepreneurship
  4. Faith, Paloma
  5. families
    1. belief in inborn characteristics
    2. entrepreneurial behavior
    3. entrepreneurial personality
    4. female entrepreneurship and IQ
    5. national culture
    6. new business and regional development
    7. NVT processes
    8. social entrepreneurship
    9. social networks
  6. fast-thinking effect
  7. faultline theory
    1. NVT processes
  8. feedback
    1. creativity
    2. entrepreneurial behavior
  9. female entrepreneurship and IQ
  10. Female Entrepreneurship Index (FEI)
    1. data sources
    2. country scores
  11. femininity
  12. final contributions
    1. ambitious innovators
    2. ambitious replicators
  13. Financing for Growth
  14. Finland
  15. firm and venture growth
    1. ambitious innovators
    2. ambitious replicators
    3. creativity
    4. final contribution
    5. intermediate effects
  16. Flash Eurobarometer
  17. flexibility
  18. Ford, Henry
  19. foreign direct investment (FDI)
  20. founders and founding
    1. entrepreneurial roles
    2. entrepreneurial tendencies
    3. psychology
    4. regional development
    5. social entrepreneurship
    6. tools needed
  21. founding teams see teams
  22. France
  23. franchise entrepreneurship
  24. freelancers
  25. functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI)


  1. Gates, Bill
  2. gazelles
  3. gender
    1. belief in inborn characteristics
    2. country scores
    3. data sources
    4. entrepreneurial behavior
    5. entrepreneurship ecosystems
    6. faultline theory
    7. female entrepreneurship and IQ
    8. hormones
    9. national culture
    10. psychology
    11. self-employment
    12. sex ratios
    13. social entrepreneurship
  4. genetics
    1. belief in inborn characteristics
    2. essentialism
  5. genome-wide association studies (GWAS)
  6. Germany
    1. KSTE and place
    2. new business and regional development
  7. Ghana
  8. Global Competitiveness Index
  9. Global Entrepreneurship Development Index (GEDI)
    1. entrepreneurial ecosystem
  10. Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM)
    1. belief in inborn characteristics
    2. female entrepreneurship and IQ
    3. national culture
    4. new business and regional development
  11. globalization
    1. international entrepreneurship
  12. GLOBE 414
  13. goals
    1. entrepreneurial behavior
    2. psychology
    3. self-employment
    4. tools needed
  14. Google
  15. Great Britain
  16. Greece
  17. green economy
  18. green entrepreneurship
  19. Griliches’ model
  20. gross domestic product (GDP)
    1. entrepreneurial ecosystems
    2. female entrepreneurship and IQ
    3. see also real GDP per capita (RGDPCAP)
  21. group differences approach
  22. Growth Advantage Programme (GAP)
  23. growth orientation
  24. Guatemala


  1. Haier
  2. happiness
  3. harmony
  4. heredity
  5. heuristics
  6. HEXACO personality traits (Big Six)
  7. hierarchy
  8. Hofstede’s model
  9. Holland, John
  10. honesty
  11. hope
  12. hormones
  13. hubris
  14. hubristic pride
  15. human capital (HC)
    1. female entrepreneurship and IQ
    2. KSTE and place
    3. social entrepreneurship
  16. Human Development Index (HDI)
    1. data source
  17. human dimension
  18. humility
  19. Hungary


  1. Iceland
  2. identity
  3. ill-health
  4. illusion of control
  5. imitative entrepreneurship
  6. immigration status
  7. improvisation
  8. incentives
  9. inclusive economy
  10. income inequality (GINI)
  11. incremental innovation
  12. incumbent entrepreneurship
  13. incumbent firms
    1. entrepreneurial tendencies
    2. new business
  14. independent entrepreneurship
  15. India
    1. national culture
  16. individual differences
    1. pillars
  17. individualism
  18. Indonesia
  19. industry/business networks
  20. innovation and innovative entrepreneurship
    1. challenges with implementation
    2. corporate entrepreneurship
    3. creativity
    4. disruptive
    5. entrepreneurial behavior
    6. entrepreneurial ecosystems
    7. entrepreneurial personality
    8. entrepreneurial tendencies
    9. exploitative
    10. exploratory
    11. incremental
    12. intermediary effects
    13. international entrepreneurship
    14. KSTE and place
    15. national culture
    16. new business and regional development
    17. NVT processes
    18. social entrepreneurship
    19. types and roles
    20. see also radical innovation
  21. input-process-output (IPO) framework
  22. instrumentality
  23. insulin
  24. Integrated Assessment (IA)
  25. Intel
  26. intellectual property rights
    1. patents
  27. intelligence quotient (IQ)
    1. correlations
    2. country scores
    3. data sources
    4. regression results
    5. summary statistics
  28. intermediary effects
    1. ambitious innovators
    2. ambitious replicators
    3. managerial employers
    4. solo self-employed
  29. internal corporate ventures (ICVs)
  30. international entrepreneurship (IE)
    1. networks
  31. international new ventures (INVs)
  32. International Personality Item Pool (IPIP)
  33. internships
  34. intrapreneurs
  35. intuition
  36. investigative personality
  37. Iran
  38. Ireland
  39. Israel
  40. Italy


  1. Jackson Personality Inventory (JPI)
  2. Jamaica
  3. Japan
  4. job creation
    1. ambitious innovators
    2. ambitious replicators
    3. entrepreneurial tendencies
    4. final contributions
    5. managerial employers
    6. new business and regional development
    7. solo self-employed
    8. types of entrepreneurship
  5. Jobs, Steve
  6. job satisfaction
    1. genetics
    2. social entrepreneurship
    3. solo self-employed
  7. Johnson & Johnson
  8. Jordan, Michael


  1. Kirzner, I.
  2. knowledge-based view
    1. regional
  3. knowledge filter
  4. Knowledge Production Function (KPF)
  5. knowledge spillover theory of entrepreneurship (KSTE)
    1. definition
    2. inequality of places
    3. management of places
    4. new business and regional development
  6. Korea
  7. Kullback-Leibler Divergence (KLD)


  1. last is best effect
  2. latent behaviors
  3. latent dimensions
  4. latent entrepreneurship
  5. Latin America
  6. Latvia
  7. launch phase
    1. creativity
    2. entrepreneurial personality
    3. entrepreneurial tendencies
  8. lay theories
  9. leadership
    1. creativity
    2. entrepreneurial behavior
    3. neuroscience
    4. NVT processes
    5. shared
    6. social entrepreneurship
  10. learning feedback loop
  11. Lenovo
  12. level of mastery
    1. entrepreneurial behavior
  13. life course
  14. life expectancy
  15. Lithuania
  16. Local Economic and Employment Development (LEED)
  17. locus of control
    1. national culture
    2. psychology
    3. social entrepreneurship
  18. long-term/short-term orientation
  19. long-term unemployment
  20. Lynn-Vanhanen (LV), IQ data


  1. Macedonia
  2. Machiavellianism
  3. macroeconomic growth
  4. macroeconomic productivity
  5. magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
  6. Malawi
  7. Malaysia
  8. managerial employers
  9. marital status
  10. marketing
  11. Marshall, Alfred
  12. masculinity
  13. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
  14. mastery
  15. mercantilism
  16. metacognition
  17. Mexico
  18. Microsoft
  19. Miller, Danny
  20. mindset
    1. corporate entrepreneurship
  21. minimum efficient size
  22. Minnesota Multiphase Personality Inventory (MMPI)
  23. mixed methods approach
  24. modest majority
  25. molecular genetics
  26. Montenegro
  27. moral obligation
  28. motivation
    1. achievement
    2. belief in inborn characteristics
    3. corporate entrepreneurship
    4. entrepreneurial behavior
    5. entrepreneurial ecosystems
    6. entrepreneurial tendencies
    7. international entrepreneurship
    8. national culture
    9. new business and regional development
    10. NVT processes
    11. social entrepreneurship
    12. tools needed
  29. multinational enterprises (MNEs)
  30. multiple dimensions
  31. multipolar coordination
  32. Musk, Elon


  1. narcissism
  2. nascent entrepreneurship
    1. engagement level
    2. psychology
  3. necessity entrepreneurship
  4. neoclassical theory
  5. Netherlands
  6. networks and networking
    1. corporate entrepreneurship
    2. entrepreneurial behavior
    3. entrepreneurial ecosystems
    4. entrepreneurial teams
    5. entrepreneurial tendencies
    6. gender
    7. international entrepreneurship
    8. intersection of research
    9. perspective
    10. race and ethnicity
    11. ties
    12. see also social networks
  7. neuroscience
  8. neuroticism
  9. new business formation see start-ups
  10. new markets
    1. entrepreneurial behavior
  11. new technology-based firms
    1. entrepreneurial teams
    2. KSTE and place
  12. new venture team (NVT) processes
    1. external factors
    2. internal factors
  13. New Zealand
  14. Nigeria
  15. nonambitious entrepreneurship
  16. norms and practices
    1. national culture
  17. Northern Ireland
  18. Norway
  19. null hypothesis


  1. occupational entrepreneurship
  2. OCEAN see Big Five personality traits (OCEAN)
  3. online shopping
  4. openness to change
  5. openness to experience
    1. entrepreneurial personality
    2. genetics
  6. operationalization
  7. opportunity entrepreneurship
    1. processes
  8. opportunity identification
    1. creativity
  9. opportunity recognition
    1. corporate entrepreneurship
    2. entrepreneurial tendencies
    3. genetics
    4. KSTE and place
    5. NVT processes
    6. see also exploitation of opportunities
  10. optimism
    1. entrepreneurial personality
  11. optimistic bias
  12. Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD)
  13. organizational cognitive neuroscience (OCN)
  14. organizational learning
  15. organization and team justice
    1. NVT processes
  16. outsiders
    1. self-employed
  17. oxytocin


  1. Pakistan
  2. Panama
  3. Panel Study of Entrepreneurial Dynamics (PSED)
    1. psychology
    2. social entrepreneurship
  4. parental status
  5. passion
  6. path dependency
  7. pattern matching
  8. pattern recognition
  9. PercentMan
    1. data sources
  10. persistence
    1. new business and regional development
  11. personal computer market
  12. personality
    1. belief in inborn characteristics
    2. creativity
    3. dark side
    4. entrepreneurial intentions
    5. entrepreneurial success
    6. entrepreneurial tendencies
    7. future research
    8. genetics
    9. NVT processes
    10. reviewed studies
    11. review findings
    12. social entrepreneurship
    13. tools needed
    14. see also traits
  13. Peru
  14. phenotypes
  15. physical appearance
  16. physiology
    1. genetic influences
  17. Picasso, Pablo
  18. pitching
    1. gender
  19. places see strategic management of places
  20. Poland
  21. Portugal
  22. positive affect
  23. PostComm
  24. postfounding phase
    1. NVT processes
  25. postlaunch phase
    1. creativity
  26. power distance
  27. practical relevance
  28. predictions
    1. entrepreneurial tendencies
    2. psychology
  29. prefounding phase
    1. NVT processes
  30. prelaunch phase
    1. creativity
  31. proactivity
    1. social entrepreneurship
  32. productive entrepreneurship
  33. productivity and competitiveness
    1. ambitious innovators
    2. ambitious replicators
    3. managerial employers
    4. solo self-employed
  34. profit-oriented entrepreneurship
  35. progesterone
  36. Program for International Student Assessment (PISA)
  37. prosocial values
  38. psychological capital
  39. psychology
    1. cost of failure
    2. critical evaluation
    3. entrepreneurial tendencies
    4. personality approach
    5. social cognition approach
    6. teams
  40. psychometric testing
  41. psychopathy


  1. quality of entry
  2. quantitative electroencephalogram (qEEG)
  3. quantitative genetics


  1. race and ethnicity
    1. belief in inborn characteristics
    2. self-employment
  2. radical innovation
    1. types of entrepreneurship
  3. real GDP per capita (RGDPCAP)
    1. data sources
  4. realistic personality
  5. regional development
    1. differences in contributions of new businesses
    2. direct and indirect effects
    3. basic relationships
    4. policy implications
    5. relationship to business
  6. Regional Entrepreneurship Acceleration Program (REAP)
  7. regionalization
  8. regions
    1. belief in inborn characteristics
    2. creativity
    3. entrepreneurship process
    4. entrepreneurship tendencies
    5. female entrepreneurs and IQ
    6. KSTE and place
    7. social entrepreneurship
    8. see also regional development
  9. regression models
  10. Relationship Closeness Inventory
  11. religion
  12. replication
  13. replicative entrepreneurship
    1. adaptive
  14. research and development (R&D)
    1. entrepreneurial ecosystems
    2. KSTE and place
    3. types
  15. resilience
  16. resource-based view
  17. restaurants
  18. risk-taking
    1. corporate entrepreneurship
    2. creativity
    3. entrepreneurial personality
    4. entrepreneurial roles
    5. entrepreneurial tendencies
    6. hormones
    7. international entrepreneurship
    8. KSTE and place
    9. national culture
    10. psychology
    11. regional entrepreneurship
    12. self-employment
    13. social entrepreneurship
    14. tools needed
  19. Rockefeller, John D.
  20. Rokeach value theory
  21. Romania
  22. Russia
  23. ruthlessness


  1. Saltire Foundation
  2. samples and sampling
    1. corporate entrepreneurship
    2. entrepreneurial behavior
    3. entrepreneurial personality
    4. entrepreneurial teams
    5. entrepreneurial tendencies
    6. female entrepreneurship and IQ
    7. genetics
    8. national culture
    9. size
    10. social entrepreneurship
    11. twin studies
  3. Sanders, Colonel Harlan
  4. Saudi Arabia
  5. SCALE
  6. Scandinavia
  7. Schumpeter, Joseph A.
    1. new business and regional development
  8. Schwartz’s Value Survey (SVS)
  9. Scotland
    1. field trial
    2. REAP
  10. self-assurance
  11. self-control
  12. self-determination theory
  13. self-efficacy
    1. belief in inborn characteristics
    2. entrepreneurial personality
    3. psychology
    4. social entrepreneurship
    5. tools needed
  14. self-employment
    1. entrepreneurial tendencies
    2. female entrepreneurship and IQ
    3. new business and regional development
    4. outsiders
    5. process stages
    6. see also solo self-employment
  15. self-esteem
  16. self-regulation
  17. self-serving bias
  18. self-transcendence values
  19. sensation-seeking
  20. sensitivity analysis
  21. separation
  22. serial entrepreneurship
  23. serotonin
  24. Shakespeare, William
  25. Shkreli, Martin
  26. Siemens
  27. Silicon Glen
  28. Silicon Valley
  29. simulation exercises
  30. Singapore
  31. single firm entrepreneurship
  32. single traits
  33. skills
    1. belief in inborn characteristics
    2. corporate entrepreneurship
    3. entrepreneurial behavior
    4. entrepreneurial ecosystems
    5. entrepreneurial process
    6. genetics
    7. KSTE and place
    8. leadership and management
    9. new business and regional development
    10. NVT processes
    11. social entrepreneurship
    12. tools needed
    13. types of entrepreneurship
  34. Slovakia
  35. Slovenia
  36. small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
  37. small businesses
  38. social capital
    1. international entrepreneurship
  39. social class
  40. social cognition
  41. social costs of failure
  42. social entrepreneurship
    1. future research
    2. personality
    3. review findings
  43. social esteem
  44. social exclusion
  45. social networks
    1. creativity
    2. NVT processes
    3. teams
    4. tools needed
  46. social personality
  47. societal problems
  48. sociocognitive grid
  49. socioecological systems
  50. solo self-employed
    1. dimensions
    2. domain
    3. types of entrepreneurship
  51. Solow, Robert
  52. South Africa
  53. Spain
  54. spatial and organizational dimension
  55. stakeholders
    1. consultation
    2. participation
    3. Scotland
  56. start-ups
    1. belief in inborn characteristics
    2. enabling
    3. entrepreneurial behavior
    4. entrepreneurial ecosystems
    5. entrepreneurial roles
    6. entrepreneurial tendencies
    7. evolution of employment and survival
    8. exploration and creation
    9. female entrepreneurship and IQ
    10. final contributions
    11. international entrepreneurship
    12. KSTE and place
    13. national culture
    14. physiology
    15. process
    16. psychology
    17. regional development
    18. social entrepreneurship
    19. teams
    20. types of entrepreneurship
  57. static exploitation
  58. statistical significance
  59. stereotypes
  60. strategic entrepreneurship
  61. strategic management of places
    1. KSTE and place
    2. challenge of inequality
    3. emergence of approach
  62. stress
  63. substance misuse
  64. sunk costs
  65. survey instruments improvement
  66. survival of ventures
    1. creativity
    2. final contributions
    3. intermediary effects
    4. managerial employers
    5. regional development
    6. solo self-employment
    7. tools needed
  67. Sweden
  68. Switzerland
  69. systematic process analysis


  1. Taiwan
  2. teams
    1. belief in inborn characteristics
    2. corporate entrepreneurship
    3. divergent and convergent thinking
    4. entrepreneurial behavior
    5. entrepreneurial personality
    6. new venture processes
    7. psychology
    8. tools needed
  3. testosterone
  4. Thailand
  5. Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)
  6. theoretical precision
  7. theory of planned behavior (TPB)
  8. Third International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS)
  9. tightness
  10. tools needed
    1. cognitive
    2. successful kit
  11. training
    1. corporate entrepreneurship
    2. creativity
    3. entrepreneurial behavior
  12. traits
    1. activation theory
    2. entrepreneurial tendencies
    3. inventories
    4. latent dimensions
    5. national culture
    6. NVT processes
    7. psychology
    8. single
    9. social entrepreneurship
    10. see also personality
  13. transaction cost economics (TCE)
  14. transactive memory systems (TMS)
    1. NVT processes
  15. transition ratio
  16. Trinidad
  17. Truman, President Harry S.
  18. Tunisia
  19. Turkey
  20. twin studies


  1. Uganda
  2. uncertainty avoidance
  3. unemployment
  4. unicorns
  5. United Arab Emirates (UAE)
  6. United Kingdom (UK)
    1. entrepreneurial ecosystems
    2. KSTE and place
  7. United States of America (USA)
    1. corporate entrepreneurship
    2. creativity
    3. entrepreneurial ecosystems
    4. entrepreneurial processes
    5. entrepreneurial teams
    6. female entrepreneurship and IQ
    7. KSTE and place
    8. national culture
    9. new business and regional development
    10. NVT processes
    11. psychology
    12. social entrepreneurship
  8. universities
    1. new business and regional development
    2. Scotland
  9. unproductive entrepreneurship
  10. urbanization
  11. Uruguay
  12. user entrepreneurs


  1. valence
  2. values
    1. national culture
  3. Vanderbilt, Cornelius
  4. Venezuela
  5. venture capital
    1. creativity
    2. entrepreneurial ecosystems
    3. NVT processes
    4. tools needed
  6. venture growth see firm and venture growth
  7. venture outcomes
  8. Vietnam


  1. Wales
  2. Walton, Sam
  3. wealth redistribution
  4. West, Mae
  5. World Bank Ease of Doing Business ranking
  6. world-changing tools
  7. World Economic Forum


  1. Yerkes-Dodson Law
  2. young business ownership


  1. Zambia