
Biochemistry of Signal Transduction and Regulation

Biochemistry of Signal Transduction and Regulation

5. Aufl.

von: Gerhard Krauss

106,99 €

Verlag: Wiley-VCH (D)
Format: PDF
Veröffentl.: 30.01.2014
ISBN/EAN: 9783527667505
Sprache: englisch
Anzahl Seiten: 844

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Originally based on a graduate course taught by the author, this true classic has once again been extensively updated to incorporate key new findings in biological signaling. With over half of the content re-written, plus 70 brand new and 50 revised figures, this is the most up-to-date textbook on signaling available anywhere. <p>Thanks to its clear structure, hundreds of illustrative drawings, as well as chapter introductions and newly added study questions, this text excels as a companion for a course on biological signaling, and equally as an introductory reference to the field for students and researchers. Generations of students and junior researchers have relied on "the Krauss" to find their way through the bewildering complexity of biological signaling pathways.</p>
BASICS OF CELL SIGNALING<br> Cell Signaling: Why, When and Where?<br> Intercellular Signaling<br> Hormones in Intercellular Signaling<br> Intracellular Signaling: Basics<br> Molecular Tools for Intracellular Signaling<br> <br> PROPERTIES OF SIGNALING PROTEINS AND ORGANIZATION OF SIGNALING<br> Modular Structure of Signaling Proteins<br> Modular Signaling Complexes<br> Regulation of Signaling Enzymes by Effector Binding<br> Posttranslational Modifications in Cellular Signaling<br> Regulation by Phosphorylation<br> Protein Lysine Acetylation<br> Protein Methylation<br> Ubiquitin Modification of Proteins<br> Lipidation of Signaling Proteins<br> Scaffold Proteins<br> Organization of Signaling<br> <br> <br> THE REGULATION OF GENE EXPRESSION<br> The Basic Steps of Gene Expression<br> The Components of the Eukaryotic Transcription Machinery<br> The Principles of Transcription Regulation<br> The Control of Transcription Factors<br> Chromatin Structure and Transcription Regulation<br> <br> RNA PROCESSING, TRANSLATIONAL REGULATION AND RNA INTERFERENCE<br> Pre-mRNA Processing<br> Regulation at the Level of Translation<br> Regulation by RNA Silencing<br> <br> SIGNALING BY NUCLEAR RECEPTORS<br> Ligands of Nuclear Receptors<br> Principles of Signaling by Nuclear Receptors<br> Structure of Nuclear Receptors<br> Transcriptional Regulation by Nuclear Receptors<br> Regulation of Signaling by Nuclear Receptors<br> Subcellular Localization of Nuclear Receptors<br> Non-Genomic Functions of Nuclear Receptors and their Ligands<br> <br> <br> G PROTEIN-COUPLED SIGNAL TRANSMISSION PATHWAYS<br> Transmembrane Receptors: General Structure and Classification<br> Structural Principles of Transmembrane Receptors<br> G Protein-Coupled Receptors<br> Regulatory GTPases<br> The Heterotrimeric G-Proteins<br> Receptor-Independent Functions of Heterotrimeric G-Proteins<br> Effector Molecules of G-Proteins<br> GPCR Signaling via Arrestin<br> <br> INTRACELLULAR MESSENGER SUBSTANCES: "SECOND MESSENGERS"<br> General Properties of Intracellular Messenger Substances<br> cAMP<br> cGMP and Guanylyl Cyclases<br> Metabolism of Inositol Phospholipids and Inositol Phosphates<br> Storage and Release of Ca2+<br> Functions of Phosphoinositides<br> Ca2+ as a Signal Molecule<br> Diacylglycerol as a Signal Molecule<br> Other Lipid Messengers<br> The NO Signaling Molecule<br> <br> SER/THR-SPECIFIC PROTEIN KINASES AND PROTEIN PHOSPHATASES<br> Classification, Structure and Characteristics of Protein Kinases<br> Structure and Regulation of Protein Kinases<br> Protein Kinase A<br> The PI3 Kinase/Akt Pathway<br> Protein Kinase C<br> Ca2+/Calmodulin-Dependent Protein Kinases<br> Ser/Thr-specific Protein Phosphatases<br> <br> SIGNAL TRANSMISSION VIA TRANSMEMBRANE RECEPTORS WITH TYRSINE-SPECIFIC PROTEIN KINASE ACTIVITY<br> Structure and Function of RTKs<br> Downstream Effector Proteins of RTKs<br> Nonreceptor Tyrosine-Specific Protein Kinases, Non-RTKs<br> Protein Tyrosine Phosphatases<br> Adaptor Molecules of Receptor Tyrosine Kinases<br> <br> SIGNAL TRANSMISSIO VIA RAS PROTEINS<br> The Ras Superfamily of Monomeric GTPases<br> GTPase-Activating Proteins, GAPs, of the Monomeric GTPases<br> Guanine Nucleotide Exchange Factors, GEFs, of the Monomeric GTPases<br> Inhibitors of Guanine-Nucleotide Dissociation, GDIs<br> The Ras Family of Monomeric GTPases<br> Raf Kinase as an Effector of Signal Transduction by Ras Proteins<br> Further Ras Family Members: R-Ras, Ral and Rap<br> Reception and Transmission of Multiple Signals by Ras Protein<br> The Further Branches of the Ras Superfamily<br> <br> INTRACELLULAR SIGNAL TRANSDUCTION: THE PROTEIN CASCADES OF THE MAP KINASE PATHWAYS<br> Organization and Components of MAPK Pathways<br> Regulation of MAPK Pathways by Protein Phosphatases and Inhibitory Proteins<br> Specificity in MAPK Activation and Organization in Multiprotein Complexes<br> The Major MAPK Pathways of Mammals<br> <br> MEMBRANE RECEPTORS WITH ASSOCIATED TYROSINE KINASE ACTIVITY<br> Cytokines and Cytokine Receptors<br> The Jak-Stat Pathway<br> T and B Cell Receptors (TCRs and BCRs)<br> Signal Transduction via Integrins<br> <br> OTHER TRANSMEMBRANE RECEPTOR CLASSES: SIGNALING BY TGF?-RECEPTORS, TNF-RECEPTORS, TOLL-RECEPTORS AND NOTH<br> TGF? Receptor and Smad Protein Singaling<br> Receptor Regulation by Intramembrane Proteolysis: The Notch Receptor<br> Tumor Necrosis Factor Receptor (TNFR) Superfamily<br> Toll-Like Receptor Signaling<br> <br> CELL CYCLE CONTROL BY EXTERNAL SIGNALING PATHWAYS<br> Principles of Cell Cycle Control<br> Key Elements of the Cell Cycle Apparatus<br> Regulation of the Cell Cycle by Proteolysis<br> G1 Progression and S Phase Entry<br> Transit Through S-Phase and M-Phase<br> The DNA Damage and DNA Replication Checkpoints<br> <br> MALFUNCTION OF SIGNALING PATHWAYS AND TUMORIGENESIS: ONCOGENES AND TUMOR SUPPRESSOR GENES<br> Basic Characteristics of Tumor Cells<br> Mutation in Cancer Cells<br> Common Physiologic Changes in Tumor Cells: The Hallmarks of Cancer<br> Signaling Proteins Mutated in Cancer: Oncogenes<br> Tumor Suppressor Genes: General Functions<br> The Tumor Suppressors Rb and ARF<br> <br> APOPTOSIS<br> Overview of Apoptotic Pathways<br> Caspases: Death by Proteolysis<br> The Family of Bcl-2 Proteins: Gatekeepers of Apoptosis<br> The Mitochondrial Pathway of Apoptosis<br> Death Receptor-Triggered Apoptosis<br> Links of Apoptosis to Cellular Signaling Pathways<br>
<b>Gerhard Krauss</b> is Professor of Biochemistry at the University of Bayreuth (Germany). His resarch is centered on the mechanism of interaction of DNA binding proteins and their target DNA. He is also a gifted teacher and textbook author, and for many years has been the head of the university education committee of the German Society of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology (GBM).
<b>Thoroughly revised 5th edition with 50 % new content.</b> <p>Originally based on a graduate course taught by the author, this true classic has once again been extensively updated to incorporate the latest key findings in biological signaling.</p> <p>As such, it is the perfect companion for a course on the subject, thanks to its clear structure, hundreds of illustrative drawings, as well as chapter introductions and 150 newly-added study questions. With over half of the content re-written, plus 70 brand new and 50 revised figures, this is the most up-to-date textbook on the topic available.</p> <p>Generations of students and junior researchers have relied on "the Krauss" to find their way through the bewildering complexity of biological signaling pathways, and this update ensures it will remain equally invaluable to students in biochemistry and molecular biology, as well as biochemists, molecular and cell biologists, and cancer researchers.</p>

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