
Nonlinear Laser Dynamics

Nonlinear Laser Dynamics

From Quantum Dots to Cryptography
Reviews of Nonlinear Dynamics and Complexity 1. Aufl.

von: Kathy Lüdge, Heinz Georg Schuster

129,99 €

Verlag: Wiley-VCH (D)
Format: PDF
Veröffentl.: 27.09.2012
ISBN/EAN: 9783527639847
Sprache: englisch
Anzahl Seiten: 408

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A distinctive discussion of the nonlinear dynamical phenomena of semiconductor lasers. <br> <br> The book combines recent results of quantum dot laser modeling with mathematical details and an analytic understanding of nonlinear phenomena in semiconductor lasers and points out possible applications of lasers in cryptography and chaos control. This interdisciplinary approach makes it a unique and powerful source of knowledge for anyone intending to contribute to this field of research.<br> <br> By presenting both experimental and theoretical results, the distinguished authors consider solitary lasers with nano-structured material, as well as integrated devices with complex feedback sections. In so doing, they address such topics as the bifurcation theory of systems with time delay, analysis of chaotic dynamics, and the modeling of quantum transport. They also address chaos-based cryptography as an example of the technical application of highly nonlinear laser systems.<br> <br>
Part I Nanostructured Devices <br> Modeling Quantum-Dot-Based Devices <br> Kathy Ludge<br> Exploiting Noise and Polarization Bistability in Vertical-Cavity<br> Surface-Emitting Lasers for Fast Pulse Generation and Logic Operations <br> J. Zamora-Munt and Cristina Masoller<br> Mode Competition Driving Laser Nonlinear Dynamics <br> Marc Sciamanna<br> Quantum Cascade Laser: An Emerging Technology <br> Andreas Wacker<br> Controlling Charge Domain Dynamics in Superlattices <br> M. T. Greenaway, Alexander G. Balanov, E. Scholl, and T.M. Fromhold<br> Bifurcation Study of a Semiconductor Laser with Saturable Absorberand Delayed Optical Feedback <br> Bernd Krauskopf and Jamie J. Walker<br> Modeling of Passively Mode-Locked Semiconductor Lasers <br> Andrei G. Vladimirov, Dmitrii Rachinskii, and Matthias Wolfrum<br> Dynamical and Synchronization Properties of Delay-Coupled<br> Lasers <br> C.M. Gonzalez, M.C. Soriano, M.C. Torrent, J. Garcia-Ojalvo, and Ingo Fischer<br> Complex Networks Based on Coupled Two-Mode Lasers <br> Andreas Amann<br> Part III Synchronization and Cryptography <br> Noise Synchronization and Stochastic Bifurcations in Lasers <br> Sebastian M. Wieczorek<br> Emergence of One- and Two-Cluster States in Populations of Globally Pulse-Coupled Oscillators <br> Leonhard Lucken and Serhiy Yanchuk<br> Broadband Chaos <br> Kristine E. Callan, Lucas Illing, and Daniel J. Gauthier<br> Synchronization of Chaotic Networks and Secure Communication <br> Ido Kanter and Wolfgang Kinzel<br> Desultory Dynamics in Diode-Lasers: Drift, Diffusion, and Delay <br> K. Alan Shore<br>
Kathy Luedge holds a position as senior scientist at the Institute of Theoretical Physics at the Technical University, Berlin. Her research interests are modeling of semiconductor quantum dot lasers, nonlinear laser dynamics, and control with optical feedback. For many years, she has been collaborating with both experimental and theoretical scientists from renowned international institutes.
<b>A</b> topical volume on laser dynamics which covers important aspects of today’s knowledge, starting from nonlinear dynamical phenomena of nanostructured semiconductor lasers and leading to the use of optical chaotic sources for synchronizing large laser networks and for chaos cryptography. This book brings a distinctive overview of these topics and addresses both experiment and theory. <p>The book combines recent results on the modelling of nanostructured devices, e.g. Quantum Dot Lasers, Quantum Cascade Lasers and Vertical Cavity Surface Emitting Laser, with mathematical details and an analytic understanding of the underlying nonlinear phenomena. Furthermore possible applications of lasers in cryptography and chaos control will be discussed. This interdisciplinary approach makes it a unique and powerful source of knowledge for anyone intending to contribute to this field of research.</p> <p>By combining both experimental and theoretical results, the distinguished authors consider solitary lasers with nano-structured material, as well as integrated devices with complex feedback sections. In so doing, they address such topics as the bifurcation theory of systems with time delay, analysis of chaotic dynamics, and the modeling of quantum transport. Another topic is chaos-based cryptography as an example of the technical application of highly nonlinear laser systems.</p> <p>Part I Nanostructured Devices</p> <ul> <li>  Modeling quantum dot based laser devices</li> <li>Exploiting noise and polarization bistability in VCSEL</li> <li>Mode competition driving laser nonlinear dynamics</li> <li>Quantum cascade laser</li> <li>Controlling charge domain dynamics in superlattices</li> </ul> <p>Part II Coupled Laser Device</p> <ul> <li>QD laser tolerance to optical feedback</li> <li>Bifurcation study of a SLSA with delayed optical feedback</li> <li>Modeling of passively mode- locked semiconductor lasers</li> <li>Dynamical and synchronization properties of delay- coupled lasers</li> <li>Complex networks based on coupled two- mode lasers</li> </ul> <p>Part III Synchronization and cryptography</p> <ul> <li>Noise synchronisation and stochastic bifurcations in lasers</li> <li>Emergence of one- and two- cluster states in populations of globally pulse-coupled oscillators</li> <li>Broadband chaos</li> <li>Synchronization of chaotic networks and secure communication</li> <li>Desultory dynamics in diode- lasers: drift, diffusion and delay</li> </ul>

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